NEW Weekly Email Online Submission Form now LIVE!
Passover Seder Tickets now on sale!
We warmly invite you to join us for our Annual Community Seder, freshly minted
“Spiritual Audacity & Social Resistance”.
Dues Payment Reminder
Many of you, at the beginning of the fiscal year (July '17), elected to make recurring payments to pay for dues and/or school tuition by card/check. There are 4.5 months remaining in Kehilla's fiscal year, so I ask that you check to make sure that you're payments are on track.
To make online payments or contact me, please follow this link.
With thanks, Molly
Kehilla is getting a Little Free Library - ARTIST NEEDED~!
We have the library and now just need someone to make it beautiful before we put it up! It can be as basic as painting 'Kehilla's Little Free Library' or as intricate as you want - are you up for it? Contact!
Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday, March 2nd at 7:30pm
Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat to light Shabbat candles and for a song-filled and soulful evening of both spirited and contemplative prayer. Kiddush follows the service. Bring veggie finger-food to share.
Saturday Morning Tot Shabbat
Saturday, March 3rd at 10:30 am
Join us for Tot Shabbat, For children up to 5 years old (or older if they enjoy it) and their grown-ups. Led by Jen Miriam Kantor, Alon Altman and Jen’s puppet friends. Please bring a vegetarian potluck dish. In the Social Hall.
Shabbat Morning Service
Saturday, March 3rd at 10:30 am
Join us for Shabbat Morning Service. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share for the Kiddush after services.
In the Fireside Room
Joyfully Jewish
Sunday, March 4, 12pm
For kindergartners and their parents who are looking for welcoming, creative, and (of course!) joyful Jewish experiences. 10-11:30am in the back classroom.
Morning Meditation Sit
Wednesday, March 7th at 7:50 am
With Rabbi Dev. In the Fireside Room (Enter through the patio entrance on Fairview Ave). Doors open at 7:50 a.m., short teaching at 7:55 a.m., silent sit from 8:00 - 8:30, mourner's kaddish and announcements at 8:30.
"Restore the Vote: Overturning Voter Suppression" with SURJ
Wednesday, March 7th at 6:30pm
This workshop will provide the context for the Voting Restoration & Democracy Act of 2018. Learn concrete actions you can take over the next several months to help restore voting rights to 162,000 incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals in California.
Ever wanted to read Hebrew?
First Class is Thursday, March 8 at 12:30 pm
In April and May, Kehilla and Chochmat HaLev are teaming up to offer ‘700 Benches’, a SVARA-style talmud beit midrash text study class.
The prerequisite is to be able to read and decode Hebrew, so we are offering two Aleph Bet Intensives in March.
Friday Night Peace Walk with OCO
Friday, March 9th at 6:30pm
Join Rabbi David in this walk for peace in our own community led by Oakland Community Organizations’ Ceasefire campaign. Second Fridays are when Kehilla folks are particularly encouraged to come.
Learn more >>
NEW!! Traditional-Style Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday, March 9th at 7pm
Join us for Family Shabbat for an engaging, musical service for people of all ages. Families especially encouraged to join in the fun! Please bring a veggie dish to share for kiddush lunch after services.
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Family Shabbat
Saturday, March 10th at 10:30am
Join us for Family Shabbat for an engaging, musical service for people of all ages. Families especially encouraged to join in the fun! Please bring a veggie dish to share for kiddush lunch after services.
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Sunday, March 11th at 11:00am
Join Kehilla Immigration Committee and Our Family Coalition, FOR JUST ONE HOUR (11 am-Noon). This is a multi-faith, accessible-for-all-ages action to call for an end to the detention/deportation and mass incarceration of our communities and neighbors.
Learn more >>
Jewish Education Round Table
Sunday March 11, at 1pm
in collaboration with Scattered Among the Nations
Learn about isolated Jewish communities around the world with local author Bryan Schwartz.
At the Alameda Free Library - Main Branch
Common Spaces/UncommonViews Art Reception
Sunday, March 11, from 3-5 pm
Lili Shidlovski, a long-time Kehilla member is showing 3 series of photographs -- Abstract Expressions of Common Places, Of Love and Longing (a visual poem) and Weathering Time.
Lili’s photographs are visually striking as well as thought-provoking. They will be on exhibit in the Fireside Room from March 7-June 1.
Learn more >>
The 2018 Taubman Lectures | Annette Yoshiko Reed: "Forgetting the Jewish Past between Rupture and Renewal"
Lecture 1: What Was Lost with the Dead Sea Scrolls, Monday March 12, 7:00 p.m. | Lecture 2: How the Jewishness of Christianity was Forgotten, Wednesday, March 14, 7:00 p.m. | Lecture 3 + Reception: Forgetting and Remembering Second Temple Judaism, Thursday, March 15, 5:30 p.m.
Save the date: Public Committee against Torture in Israel
Saturday, March 17, 7pm
Rachel Stroumsa, Executive Director of the Public Committee against Torture in Israel, in a talk sponsored by the Middle East Peace Committee. Their work in detention centers & prisons has decreased state violence & police brutality.
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Save the date: Creative Ketubah-Like Writing Workshop
Wednesday, March 21st at 7:30pm
Sheella Mierson and Rachel Eryn Kalish are offering an evening workshop, A Creative Ketubah-Like Writing Workshop for Any Relationship, at Urban Adamah in Berkeley. The
Blueprint of We Collaboration Process
is a framework to custom design personal, business or community relationships with more trust, ease, honesty & creativity.
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Save the Date | "When I Dare to be Powerful" Workshop
Penny Rosenwasser is offering a daylong workshop in Berkeley on March 17, for intergenerational Jewish women and gender queer folks targeted by misogyny, focusing on empowering leadership by uprooting internalized oppression.
Two Opportunities: Volunteers Needed to Help Feed the Homeless
On the 4th Thursday of each month from 4- 6:30 PM some members of Kehilla and a Berkeley Church feed the folks living in the GRIP, Greater Richmond Interfaith Program shelter at 23 st in Richmond. We need a few more folks, you don't need to make it every month. We need a few who can shop and/ especially cook on site for about 50-60 people. We take turns doing different parts of the meal. We will help you. If you are interested, please call Gabriella Heinsheimer at
or KAM McCallum-Gesher at
Hot Lunch Program
Kehilla’s neighbor, Plymouth United Church of Christ, the Jazz and Justice church (424 Monte Vista Avenue in Oakland), does important social justice work, including a Thursday hot lunch program for homeless people.
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Livingroom Conversations
How can we possibly narrow the the widening divide in our country, and neighborhoods? Over a year ago I learned about LIVING ROOOM CONVERSATIONS. It came out of Move-On about 5 years ago. To learn about the idea of bringing it into Kehilla, please go to
to learn more, or contact Steven Falk at: shfalk@gmai
Donate Blankets, tents and warm clothes for the homeless
Please help Tayla Husbands-Hankin support our homeless population survive the winter by donating blankets, tarps, tents, warm jackets, pants & men's socks to be distributed to homeless folks in the area. A large box is located by the sanctuary door at Kehilla. Please fill it with listed items only. Tayla will pick up the items periodically and deliver them to people who need them. Questions? Contact Jeanne Finberg,
. Thanks!
2 Bedroom, 2 Cat Summer Rental in Berkeley
Kehilla members seek summer renters for their Berkeley 2BR 2CAT house for one month. Because this involves cat sitting (no litter box though!), the rent is well below market. Amenities include yards, washer/dryer, dishwasher, bikes, piano, drums, guitars, possibly a car. Contact Hillary Brooks at
French / Italian and Modern Hebrew Exchange
Hi everyone! I'm looking for a French and/or Italian speaker to practice my intermediate French and/or beginning Italian with once a week! If you speak either of those and want to learn modern Hebrew, contact me at
Free Tax Preparation
Earn It! Keep It! Save It! (EKS) is a coalition of Bay Area organizations that provide free tax preparation to households earning less than $54,000 a year. United Way Bay Area partners with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), nonprofits, and other organizations to scale the free tax preparation effort across the region.
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Summer Internship for Jewish College Students | JVS
For 30+ years, the Kohn Summer Intern Program has molded the next generation of Jewish leaders through a paid internship with local Jewish nonprofits.
Learn more here >>
Are you a High School Senior (or do you know one) looking for a hands-on, meaningful experience before you start college?
As a
Tivnu Gap Year
participant, you’ll connect Jewish life and social justice through individualized internships, discover the Pacific Northwest, and create a home together in Portland, Oregon.
Learn more >>
Hear from our Community Leaders
Kehilla Community Synagogue is comprised of people of all colors, genders, sexual orientations, including people with a wide range of religious and spiritual persuasions. We are committed to being a safe and welcoming place for everyone in our community.