July 4, 2022
A Word from Art
Sermon Title: 
Resting in God's Faithfulness

I praise God that He is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 tells us, "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." God always keeps His promises. And the incredible thing is that He is faithful even when we are not. This Sunday we will unpack the faithfulness of God and how we can rest in His dependability.
Pray for 10!
This week kids learned that "I can serve my family". Their memory verse for the month is Romans 12:10 CEV. "Love each other as brothers and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself." We had four kids this past Sunday. Continue to pray for ten families and kids!
All youth invited to join us this Thursday for Wiffleball
We are continuing our "Cancelled" series. Keep praying for our youth and their families. Don't forget to bring your running shoes (and friends) to play Wiffleball after our lesson!
Our next event for Kids will be Family Farm where we will have live animals, popcorn, a photo booth and more!

The Outreach team is praying and planning for several events for next year. - at least two family events, two community service events and a prayer/worship event.
July 5 - 7 p.m. - Tuesday Prayer Time w/ the Preacher (at the church building)
July 6 - 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday Night C-Group - Hosted by Art Stansberry (Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 833 2431 2807)
July 7 - 6:30 p.m. - Youth Ministry C-Groups (at the church building)
July 9 - 12 noon - Celebration of Life Service for Maria Wright (at church building)
July 10 - 9 a.m. - Adult Sunday C-Group taught by Donna Dukett and David McGaughey (in person at the church building)
July 10 - 10 a.m. - Sunday In-Person Worship Service (at the church building)
July 10 - 10 a.m. - Online Worship Service (Access live through MC3.Life, Facebook or YouTube)
Attendance and Giving
Sunday's Attendance
Sunday's offerings
2022 YTD Offerings
Or mail your offering to:
MC3 Church
1227 Rockbridge Rd., SW Ste 208-251
Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Or you can
to 770-249-5834
MC3 Church | 770.783.1035 | |
Worship Location - 4415 Stone Mountain Hwy, Lilburn, GA 30047