This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Ki Tisa 3 March, 16 Adar
Shiur Klali at Katzefet
R. Eitan, Bracha and R. Jason
Dvar Torah:
Ki Tisa
R. Eli Wagner
Purim - more pics to follow next week
Purim Bar Hop
Salad Bar at Leora's House in Alon Shvut
Potato Bar at Bracha's House in Efrat
Ice-cream Bar at R. Eitan's in Neve Daniel
R. Wenglin's House
Color War
Shabbat with Faculty
At R. Wexler's House
At Bracha's House
At Malka's House
Alex Klein ('16-'17) on her engagement to Sammy Davidman
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