This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Ha'azinu
18 September, 2021 , 12 Tishrei 5782
Chag Same'ach
Dvar Torah: Parshat Ha'azinu
Dr. Aviva Goldstein
Women in Jewish Law with Bracha
We were learning the sources regarding women's exemption from Talmud Torah but their obligation to learn the mitzvot and halachot that pertain to them. We discussed the revolution in women's learning opportunities and the circumstances that created those changes.
Tehilim with Michal
In preparation for Yom Kippur, we were learning Chapter 51, which describes Dovid HaMelech's prayer for teshuva after he had sinned.
Pirkei Avot with Sepha
Learning about Shimshon and how Hashem values women in history.
Shiur Klali - Hatarat Nedarim
Chavrutot and Chaburot in the Beit Midrash
Learning with Vicky
with Rabbi Berglas
with Bracha
Trip to Kever Rachel
Yom Kippur
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