This Week at
Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Bereishit Oct 25, 26 Tishrei
Parshat Bereishit with Rav Rafi Rosenblum
Learning about becoming partners with
Hashem in creation of the world
Devar Torah:
Parshat Bereishit
Michal Porat-Zibman
Mishmar with Dr. Aviva Goldstein:
Vulnerability, Shame and
the Drive for Human Connection
Last Week...
Yom Iyun on Succot
Sepha Kirschblum
Michal Porat-Zibman
Rav Eitan Mayer
Taking a Nash Break
Succot Trips
At the Biblical Zoo in Yerushalayim
Jeeping Tour - Stunning Scenery!
Zman Choref - Back to School
Yom Gibush
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