This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Va'era, 5th January, 28 Tevet
Hilchot Shabbat. R. Lerner:
Reviewing Hilchot Shabbat
Women in Jewish Law. R. Jason Knapel:
4 different reasons behind the obligation to have a mechitzah.
Dvar Torah: Parshat Va'era
R. Ron
A Final 'Shabbos Meal' for Shana Bet with Bracha
Alumnae Visiting
It has been so wonderful to welcome our alumnae who came to visit during their winter break and see them jump right back into class and catch a seat in the Beit Midrash. We look forward to seeing many more alumnae over the next few weeks.
Becca Masin ('12 - '14) on the birth of a baby boy
Valerie (Goldblatt) Frenkel ('08 - '09) on the birth of twin boys!!
Miriam Polinsky (madricha 2014 and 2015) on her wedding
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