This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Tazria Metzora 14 April, 29 Nisan
Standing for the Siren of Yom Hashoah in Denia Square
Dvar Torah:
Tazria Metzora
R. Eitan Mayer
Chanie Persoff
- life before the Holocaust and her parents escape through Shanghai
Debbie Spero - veteran tour guide at Yad Vashem
Rebuilding and regrowth after the Holocaust
Alumna Halana Krup from 'A Gift of Life'
- saving lives through bone marrow testing
Leora Bednarsh Alumnae Shiur at the Young Israel of Woodmere
Thank you to the Young Israel of Woodmere for hosting us
Mazel Tov to R. Eitan on the engagement of his son
Pinhas to Shoshana Miller from Efrat
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