This Week at
Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Vayishlach Dec.13, 15 Kislev

The Rav's teachings with Vicky Berglas: Learning about the Jewish family.

Shiur Klali with Rav Jason Knapel and Bracha Krohn: Learning how we handle answering issues in Judaism to others.
Devar Torah:
Parshat Vayishlach

Rav Micky Flaumenhaft
Rakezet meeting with Batsheva Reinitz
Rakezet meeting with Rina Zinkin
Girls Spending Amazing Shabbat
with the Staff
at the Reinitzes'
at the Lerners'
at the Krohns'
at the Porat-Zibmans'
 in Midreshet Moriah!
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