This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Emor, May 18th 13 Iyar
Motivation for the Mitzvot with Bracha:
We learned about creating a relationship with Hashem and how, as that relationship develops, observing the mitzvot becomes more meaningful.
Bottom Line Halacha: Summer and College with R. Lerner.
We were
learning about the challenges the girls will be facing after they leave seminary in the summer.
Dvar Torah:
R. Ron
Trip to Machon HaMikdash with Malka's Class
Mazel Tov Naomi Alsberg on Making Aliyah
Allie Mayer Feuerstein ('10 - '11, madricha '14-'15)
on the birth of a baby boy - Naveh Shmuel
Maya Krohn Joyandeh ('06 - '07)
on the birth of a baby boy - Ariel Asher
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