This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Vayera, 4 November, 15 Cheshvan
What we learned this week...
With Rabbi Eitan Mayer
"Peshat in the Parshah"
We learned from Avimelech that saying "I didn't know" is a valid excuse only when we've done our best to know what we need to know!
With Rabbi Jason Knapel
"Mizvot of the Moadim"
We learned the concept of Ochel Nefesh. What you are allowed and not allowed to do on Yom tov regarding preparing food.
Dvar Torah:
Parshat Vayera
Rabbi Lerner
Learning in the Beit Medrash
Getting ready to volunteer at Shaarei Zedek
Blood Drive at Midreshet Moriah.
Tiyul to Chevron
Shabbat at R. Lerner's
Siyum Masechet Rosh Hashanah in R. Ron's Class
Dafna Secemski ('14-'15) on her engagement to Avi Lent
Rebecca Gellis ('15-'17) on her engagement to Joe Klein
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