This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Vayishlach, 2 December, 15 Kislev
What we learned this week...
With Bracha Krohn
"The Wisdom of Mishlei"
This week in our shannah bet Mishlei class we are studying Shlomo HaMelech's wisdom about parenting. We learned about expectations parents have and disappointments they sometimes experience, the skill required in disciplining and the responsibility parents have in raising each child to maximize their potential. We now appreciate our parents' hard work so much more!

With Sepha Kirshblum
"7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens"
We were learning about Habit 5-how to truly listen to people-by validating and trying to understand before responding to someone.
Dvar Torah:
Sepha Kirshblum
Mishmar with Rabbi Dardik
In the Kitchen before Thanksgiving
Elana Lazar (our madricha) on her engagement to Eitan Phillips from London
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