This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Vayechi January 11 , 14 Tevet
Philosophical Issues in Modern Society with R. Jason Knapel:
We were learning about the five fundamental ideas of Modern Orthodoxy as well as discussing their strengths and weaknesses in today's day and age.
Talmudic Tales with Neima Novetsky:
We were learning the story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza, discussing that true leadership requires thinking out of the box and taking initiative.
Dvar Torah:
Estie Fried
Our Beit Midrash
Chaburah with R. Eli Wagner
With R Jason (left) and R. Berglas (right)
Shana Bet 5779-80
Saying Goodbye to Shana Bet
Goodbye breakfast with R. Jason and Shana Bet at Bagel Cafe
Left to right: R. Eli Wagner, R. YY Wenglin, R. Eitan Mayer, R. Jason Knapel, R. Rafi Rosenblum
posing with some of their favorite Torah
Melave Malka with R. Jason Knapel and Bracha
Shana Bet Melave Malka with Mickey Flaumenhaft
"Life of Moshe" all-night Learning with Shana Bet
Mishmar with R. Jason Knapel
At the home of Rabbi and Vicky Berglas.
Vicky says: These girls were amazing. We had such a great Shabbos together. All of them wanted to sleep in our house so we were wall to wall beds. Rabbi Ari Weiss of NBN and his wife Dina ( a former Midreshet student) came over to speak to the girls on Friday Night . For Seuda Shlishit, Yehudit Dasberg came to speak to us. She lost a daughter and son in law in a terrorist attack and raised their two babies who survived. She has unbelievable Emuna and was very inspiring.
At R. Jason's
Talya Zuller ('16 - '17) on her enagement
רפואה שלימה
The father of an alum was in a very serious car accident.
Please daven for Moshe ben Shaindel
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