This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Beshalach, 19th January, 13 Shvat
Eliyahu and Elisha with Malka Hubscher:
We discussed the complexities of Eliyahu's personality. He was both extreme in his dedication to Hashem and his rebuke of the Jewish people.
Pirkei Avot with R. Rafi Rosenblum:

Teaching about realizing that everything that we have is from Hashem and being generous with all our talents and monetary possessions.
Dvar Torah:
Parshat Beshalach
Shoshana Grad
Masada Shabbaton
Yom Iyun on Tzniut
We invited teachers and alumnae to participate in a panel discussing personal challenges they faced in keeping tzniut both in their personal lives and in college.
Jodie Herszaft - rakezet
Denny Tammam - alumna
Nomi Levy: Continuing growth: A Perspective on Tzniut
Aviva Kestenbaum - rakezet
Sepha Kirshblum - faculty
Nicole Van Amerongen - alumna
With Jodie - rakezet
Mishmar with Michal
Dear Aumnae,
We are really excited to share with you details about our Chanukat Habayit which will be on Sunday, January 20th. See details below.
We would love to see you here. So if you are going to be in Israel during this time please come and celebrate with us.
Mickey Flaumenhaft, our Director of Development, on the bris of his new baby boy Tenne Ari
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