Sunday, October 30

Journey Through Scripture sermon text

Luke 12:13-48 

Here & Now

Day 300!

Tomorrow marks 300 DAYS in our Journey Through Scripture! You've come so far - don't stop now!

Need a copy of the reading plan to catch up or jump in? Stop by the Welcome Desk to grab a copy or visit

Now Accepting Applications for the 2023 - 2024 School Year!

Mitchell Road Christian Academy, a ministry of MRPC, provides strong academics with a biblical integration for K3 – 8th grade. Are you interested in MRCA for your child? Applications are now open for the 2023-2024 school year!

To apply, visit the school website at the link below. Email if you have any questions.

Apply Here

News & Upcoming Events

This Friday - Paint, Praise, & Pizza!

Hello MR Kids families! Join us this Friday, October 28, from 5:30-8:00pm for a family Paint, Praise, & Pizza Night in the Fellowship Hall! This event is for all K4-4th graders, their siblings, and parents! 

We will begin with a pizza dinner at 5:30pm! Then, Anna Margaret Humphries will lead all of us in a painting class. Each person will receive a canvas to paint and take home! We will also have a time of praise and worship for the whole family!

**Note: No childcare, but Crib-K3 are welcome to come and stay with you. If your "younger than K4 child "would like to have their own canvas to paint, count them in your family total. If your "younger than K4 child" will share a canvas with you, then you do NOT have to count them in your family total.**

Registration is open to the first 200 people. Sign up today! Cost is $5 per person (family max: $25). 

If you have any questions, please email Miranda Marsh at

Register Here

Coaching Need

We still need a middle school girls basketball coach! If you are interested, you can sign up to be a coach by emailing Miranda Marsh at or at the link below:

Sign Up Here

Engaging the World

Men, You Are Invited to

The Switch Men's Fight Night!

What: Learn how you can make a difference in the fight! We will be watching Nefarious, a documentary that shows what sex trafficking looks like around the world, followed by a Q&A time.

Location: Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church

Date: November 4, 2022

Time: 6:30 - 9:30pm

Register Here

MR Friends is Back!

Our after-school program, MR Friends, has started back again! Thank you, Mitchell Road, for your generous support towards our snack inventory.

Continue to pray for the 40 children from Mitchell Road Elementary School who will hear the Gospel from our amazing team of volunteers on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons!

Want to volunteer? Email Jan at

The Intercessor

View This Week's Intercessor
Sanctuary Bulletin
Fellowship Hall Bulletin
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