Sunday, November 12

Gratitude: Deep Channels for Calm Waters

Sermon text: Luke 17:11-19

This Week's Prayer:

Give thanks for God’s provision in your life. - Luke 12:22-31

Here & Now

November Elective

Transgenderism, Culture, and Christ's Kingdom

Taught by: Jonathan Kittel

Fellowship Hall | 9:45am

The phrase, "I am a woman trapped in a man's body..." would astound most people just one generation ago. Today, while most of us understand what this statement aims to convey, we are likely still confused on how to interact with and respond to those in the transgender community and their allies.

What has led to the development and progression of the Trans movement? How do we honor Christ in the midst of this cultural shift? What does it mean to share God's love and truth in the world today?

Join us each Sunday this month to better understand transgenderism, our culture, and Christ's kingdom.

To see a list of all our Sunday school classes, visit

Honoring Our Veterans

Veteran's Day is This Saturday, November 11

Ted Hamm, a MRPC member, is a PCA pastor and veteran who works with Upstate Warrior Solutions. If you are a veteran or the family of a veteran, we would love to help connect you with the support and resources of this important ministry organization. Contact Ted at 520-2073 or, or come by the Welcome Desk for us to help connect you with Upstate Warrior Solutions. We remember your sacrifices and are so grateful for the service of our Veterans.

Prayer Stations

New Prayer Requests Loaded on Our App

Many of you have taken the time to walk our prayer stations and pray for the needs of our church, our congregation, and our ministries. We have updated the App with all new requests for November and December, so plan to walk these prayer stations again soon. Download our App for more information on our prayer stations and to access the most recent requests. 

Stephen Ministry at Mitchell Road


You may or not be aware that Stephen Ministry is a well-respected caring ministry being used by our congregation and thousands of others across the US as an outreach to hurting people. Stephen Ministers are congregation members who attend approximately 50 hours of training to provide confidential, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in and outside of the congregation. 


Each Stephen Minister is matched with a hurting person, men with men, women with women, and commits to meeting weekly, as needed, with that person to listen to, care for, pray for, and encourage them on a long-term basis. Stephen Ministers care for those dealing with issues such as grief, divorce, job loss, hospitalization, financial struggles, loneliness, convalescence, terminal illness, and other life difficulties. You don’t have to have experienced any of these issues to be an effective Stephen Minister. To learn more about who Stephen Ministers are or who have been the recipients of Stephen Ministry, visit the links below.


If you're interested in being trained to be more effective in ministry to hurting people, with or without becoming a Stephen Minister, or have questions about Stephen Ministry, please call Curtis DuBose at 864-268-2218 at the church or email him at


The training times and dates have not been determined yet, but are scheduled to begin in January 2024. We will do our best to accommodate as many of you who are interested as we can.

Care Receivers Share Their Stories
What is Stephen Ministry?

Apply Now for the Greenville Fellows Class of 2025

Fall Application Deadline Approaching: November 15

The Greenville Fellows are accepting applications for the Class of 2025! Do you know an upcoming college graduate or recent graduate that should consider a year as a Fellow?

Questions about the process? Reach out to Lori ( or Cari ( — we’d love to answer any questions you might have.

Apply Here

PrimeTime December Events

Men's Breakfast at Strossner's

Wednesday, December 6, at 8:00am

Register by Tuesday, December 5.

Ladies' Lunch at Della Ventura

Thursday, December 7, at 11:30am

Register by Wednesday, December 6.

Christmas Luncheon & Party

Tuesday, December 19, 11:30am-1:30pm

Fellowship Hall

Register by Tuesday, December 12.

Learn More & Register Here

We Are Hiring!

We are hiring for our Engaging the World Project Coordinator position! To view the job description, click the link below. To apply, contact Becky Hecht at

We are hiring for a new position: Nursery & Preschool Coordinator. This newly designed position will cover ages Birth-K5 and work on Sunday mornings and in the office during the week. To view the job description, click the link below. To apply, contact Miranda Marsh at

EtW Project Coordinator
Nursery & Preschool Coordinator

Engaging the World

 Mitchell Road Elementary Christmas Shoeboxes

Gift Tags Available This Sunday, November 12

As an outreach to our immediate community, you can help a local child at Mitchell Road (Public) Elementary School this Christmas by selecting a gift tag (includes age and gender of the child) from the display in the Commons and filling a shoebox with age-appropriate goodies. 

Gift tags will be available for pick up on Sunday, November 12. Please return all shoeboxes with gift tag attached by Sunday, December 3.

If the gift tags run out, the school can always use extra hats, gloves, and packs of underwear for girls or boys, size 5/6 to as large as size 12/14.

Questions? Email Jan Rardin at


The Intercessor

View This Week's Intercessor
Sanctuary Bulletin
Fellowship Hall Bulletin
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