Old North Church is an Open and Affirming congregation of the
 United Church of Christ.


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Rev. Dr. Dennis Calhoun

Rev. Karla Miller

Lisa Nahatis

Donna Bagarella

Maria vanKalken

Sarah Del Dotto
Karen Kilty
Betsey Halbert
 Office Hours:
9:30 - 1:30



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Marblehead's Little Harbor
 from the Old North Church Tower 
 Sunday, January 13, 2019
Farewell Service for Rev. Karla J. Miller 
One Worship Service at 10 am in the Sanctuary 
Scripture Lessons:
Micah 6:6-8  and Ephesians 3:17-19   
The Rev. Karla Miller's Sermon:
"Filled Up"
Our Vision Statement
Old North Church is an inclusive Christian Community called to bring to life God's love and grace by sharing the gospel for this time and place; extending the hospitality Christ showed; embodying God's love and compassion to those in need; and growing together in our understanding and experience of the Holy Spirit at work in our midst.
Farewell and Godspeed to Karla
This Sunday, January 13
Note: ONE Service at 10am
As you know, Karla's final Sunday at Old North Church will be this Sunday, January 13, 2019. At our 10 am service that day, we plan to celebrate her ministry and send her off with our very best wishes. There will be no 8 am service that morning as we want to mark the occasion by worshiping together as one church family. Please plan to join us as we bid our friend Godspeed and Farewell. 
2019 Stewardship Update
Results to date: 196 Pledges $402,354 Thank you!

If you have already made a pledge for 2019, thank you! If not, please do before the budget is presented at the special meeting on Sunday, February 3rd. If you need a pledge card, please call the church office or take one from the pew racks in the sanctuary. Even better, consider pledging and making your scheduled contributions online by visiting www.onchurch.org/donate. Please let us hear from you soon, so we won't need to follow up with a phone call!

Annual Budget Meeting is Sunday, February 3rd
This Week in Children's Church 
This Sunday there will be no Children's Church, we will be gathering together to celebrate Karla's last Sunday with us.
The choirs will be singing and ringing, gifts will be given to her and Wendy VanderHart, our Conference Minister will be sending her off with a blessing for all of us to be a part of.
I hope you will be able to join us for this special worship and celebration.  
Pot Luck Dinner
Wednesday, January 16th, 6-7:30 pm
Please join us in Parish Hall for a Pot Luck Dinner! Bring a favorite dish to share.

Questions, call:
Deb Tyrrell  617-283-1795, deb_tyrrell@yahoo.com
Dara VanRemoortel 781-910-6157, dara@musicwithdara.com
Gathering of Caregivers and their Loved Ones with Alzheimer's or Dementia
The January Gathering of Caregivers and their Loved Ones with Alzheimer's or Dementia will be held on Thursday, 1/17/19, from 7-8:30 pm, in the Great Room of the Old North Church office on Stacey Street.  Caregivers meet in the Great Room with this month's featured speaker for conversation and support, while their loved ones meet across the hall in the Beals Room with Dara VanRemoortel and other ONC volunteers for a singalong and conversation. Our featured speaker this month will be Kathy Perella, LSW, CIRS-A/D, Options Program Manager from North Shore Elder Services. Kathy will talk about "Everything You Wanted to Know About Elder Services but were Afraid to Ask". She will also provide a brief overview of the State Subsidized Home Care Program, Family Caregiver Services, and the Options Program. Questions? Please contact the Old North Church office, 781-631-1244.
ONC House of Blues
Saturday, January 26 8pm
Tickets for the ONC "House of Blues" featuring the Chris Fitz Bigger Soul Band with Old North's soprano soloist Holly Cameron and Ben Knight on keyboards will be available at coffee hour, online at www.onchurch.org and at the door. Space is limited, so get your tickets in advance. This special event, sponsored by the Music Committee and the Men's Group will take place on Saturday, January 26th in the Parish Hall at 8pm. Tickets are $20, including beer, wine, finger food and fabulous entertainment! All proceeds will benefit Old North Church.
ONC Coffee Shop, Reading & Discussion Room - Starting February 6
ONC Coffee Shop, Reading & Discussion Room - The Beals Room in the Stacy Street Office Building will be open for coffee or tea, reading, and discussion from 8:30 to 10 AM on the first Wednesday of each month, starting on February 6th. Everyone is welcome to drop in at your convenience during that time. For starters, we are invited to read and discuss the new book How Democracies Die by Harvard government professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. The book is for people who are dismayed by trends in fledgling democracies around the world, and worried about consequences of "extreme gerrymandering" and other tactics that undermine democracy in our own country. Discussion will be focused on the first three of nine chapters during the first meeting.
Festival Chorus CD's
Professionally recorded, high quality CDS of the 2018 Festival Chorus Christmas Concerts are available. If you'd like to purchase one (or more!), you may do so at coffee hour or contact Jane Kraybill at, phone: 781 631 4832; email: kraybill@email.com. Please help us reach our goal of "break even" on the cost of making these extraordinary recordings!
Greeters are Needed!                   
The Community Life Ministry Board is looking for Greeters to host the Greeter/Welcome Table in the Narthex before the 10:00 am church services. Hosts greet people, offer nametags to those who need them, and help direct new members/visitors who may need assistance. We ask those hosting the Greeter/Welcome Table to please arrive at 9:30 am for set up. Individuals, friends, families, everyone is welcome to host the Greeter Table. It's fun! Get to know your church family while providing a valuable service! If you have questions, please contact Linda Davis at pldavis.pd@gmail.com, 781-639-0405. Thank you so much!
   Coffee Hosts Needed                       
We need coffee hosts for February 3, February 17 (school vacation) and February 24 (end of school vacation).  If there are no volunteers, there may not be coffee.  Please contact Janet Doyle ( jdoyle@doylesails.com or781-530-0065) if you are willing to host. It's easy and it's fun.  
ONC Ski Trip Jan 25-27
For the fourth year in a row, we are organizing our annual winter trip to NH.  Last year, over 60 ONC-ers headed north for skiing, hiking, ice skating, community meals, bonfires, s'mores, board games, and a Sunday service in the woods.  As is the case across all ONC activities, inclusion is a central theme. The trip is open to all ages, all interests from skiing to reading a book by the fire, and does not require any association with the church.   This year, we are making the trek on the weekend of 1/25 to 1/27.  We have rooms blocked at  Whitney 's Inn in Jackson, NH.  If you call to book, mention that you are with Old North Church in Marblehead.  Also, please let Mark Roberge ( markroberge@alum.mit.edu) know if you plan to attend for planning purposes or if you have any questions.

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We hope that you will stay in touch with us, but if you are no longer involved with Old North and would like to be removed from our mailing list completely, click the SafeUnsubscribe link.  
  Old North Church

35 Washington Street

Marblehead, MA 01945


Mailing Address:

8 Stacey St. Marblehead, MA 01945