Looking inward.
Reaching outward.
For the life of the world.
In this email:

  • Holy Week Continues Online
  • Send in your Prayer Vigil Prayer Requests
  • Alleluia Coloring Sheet Download
  • Holy Week Recipes!
  • Virtual Hymn Sing - Your Input Needed
  • Tools and Instructions to Worship Virtually
  • Bible Study News
  • We Pray for...
Our Redeemer's Weekly Events Update
Donations and offerings are especially appreciated in these unstable economic times. Thank you to all who donate to financially support God's work.
Holy Week continues as we center simply and fully on the scriptural story of Jesus’ last days, crucifixion and resurrection. All our worship will continue to be streamed, with simple in-home, hands-on ways to participate. Find bulletins for services HERE.

Maundy Thursday
Meeting ID: 985 206 805 | Password: 116242
Phone:  +1 669 900 9128

6pm | Dinner together online! Join us on Zoom with whatever you’re eating, from your own dining room table, and we’ll all eat together!

7pm | Following dinner, we'll transition to a brief service of Holy Communion, confession and song.  The service ends in darkness and silence, so please be in a space that is conducive to that. 

Good Friday
During the Day | Participate in the listening of the Faure Requiem . LINK

7pm | We will worship together with the service provided by our synod online.
Meeting ID: 856 764 530 | Password: 866725
Phone:  +1 669 900 9128

Easter Sunday Celebration
Meeting ID: 822 691 346

11am | We will worship together with elements of our own worship service, together with some elements of the service provided by our synod via Zoom.
Participants will celebrate Holy Communion together, and we encourage everyone to have a colorful “Alleluia!” displayed in their homes (consider using the Alleluia! coloring sheet download below!).
Let Us Know Your Prayer Requests for Prayer Vigil

During the 24-hour Prayer Vigil we will be praying for you, others and any situation you would like for us to pray for, uplifting one another and our communities. The Prayer Vigil begins this Friday, April 10 th  at noon and goes through Saturday, April 11 th  at noon. You can sign your name or be anonymous. 

Submit your prayer using this online form or by emailing Kari Guddal by noon tomorrow (Thursday)!

There is still time to sign up to pray for an hour during the vigil as well.

“Be joyful always, pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances.
This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Alleluia Coloring Sheet - Show Your Work!

Hey Our Redeemer’s families! Here’s a great alleluia coloring sheet that you can print out for Sunday morning. Enjoy this fun coloring project as a family, and show us your work on Zoom during worship. The more colorful the better! DOWNLOAD
Holy Week Recipes!

On Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus’ last supper. That meal would have happened during Passover, during which yeast was not used. Here is a yeast-free bread recipe for you to try during this Holy Week. Thanks to Stephanie Running for sharing the recipe.

Make these on Easter Eve, right before bedtime for the kiddies. Preheat the oven to 300 -this is VERY important! Read the corresponding Bible passage on the recipe webpage while adding the necessary ingredients.
Virtual Hymn Sing, Sunday, April 14

Karen Lee and Pastor Gretchen will be conducting a "Virtual Hymn Sing" At 11am on Sunday, April 19th. Together we’ll be singing some of your favorite songs and hymns from both of Our Redeemer's informal and traditional services. Do you have a favorite hymn? Please submit your song/hymn requests to Karen Lee at  karen@ourredeemers.net  by Tuesday, April 14. Thanks!
Tools and Instructions to Worship Online

On Sundays and during Holy Week services, we will be gathering online. There are three ways to do this.

  • By phone: call 1 669 900 9128 , and then enter this number when prompted: 822 691 346. This method only lets you listen, but it works well, and is less technologically fraught.

  • By Zoom:
  • Download the Zoom app to your computer, tablet, or cell phone. It’s free!
  • Click this link: https://zoom.us/j/822691346 The link works from 10:45am – 12:15pm every Sunday.
  • Make sure your video is on, and your audio is muted. The controls are in the lower left corner of your screen. Your audio should be muted throughout the service.
  • Use “Speaker View” from the upper corner of your computer screen.
  • You can chat using the chat function throughout the service. This can be to add prayer requests, ask questions, and high five your friends. 
  • Katlin, our Welcome Minister, will be monitoring the chat and make sure that our worship leaders know what questions you have.

The bulletin for Sunday will be available on our website for download at www.ourredeemers.net/virtual-worship/ You can print it at home, or save a tree and look at it on a screen. 

If you have questions about live-streaming, please email myself or Katlin and we will do our best to help. pastor.gretchen@ourredeemers.net or office@ourredeemers.net .
Bible Study News

The Wednesday morning Bible Study group is continuing to communicate with each other and anyone interested through daily emails from group leader Carolyn using timely material from Max Lucado's  Anxious for Nothing (Finding Calm in a Chaotic World) . Free downloads of five lessons are available to you by registering at www.faithgateway.com/obs . Carolyn has the Guide Book at home and is able to send each week's lesson to you. The group has lesson 3, 4, and 5 remaining. All communication is by email so let Carolyn know if you want to participate or have any questions by emailing her at  cdkswan@comcast.net . (She also takes prayer requests and sends them out for you.)
Faith Formation for Families

Pastor Gretchen and our Faith Formation Teachers are working on Zoom classes for our elementary aged kids on Sundays at 9:30am. Classes will include Bible stories, crafts, and hopefully some fun! Stay tuned for more information! To make sure your kids are included, email Pastor Gretchen: pastor.gretchen@ourredeemers.net .
Thank you for your patience, and see you soon!
We Pray for...
Karen Berg, Emerson Boone and family, Anita Dickinson, Ronald Hansen, Colin Johnson, James Prelog, Kris S., Harold & Pauline Sigurdson, Gary Smith, Erica Valadez, Jim Voss, Martha Ward, Bill Weiss, Margaret Wetter; Journey participants; mental health of members and staff; immigrant families remaining separated; Road to Housing guests; pastors, bishops, church workers, and mental health specialists; doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals; loved ones with cancer; and all affected by COVID-19 economically, physically, and emotionally.

Grieving the Loss of...
Catherine Grover, Gary Smith, Frieda Smith, and Declan, Judy and Dana Wright's grandson.

Prayers of Thanksgiving
Paula Hlastala wrapped up 4 weeks of radiation; Buckey Wolfe has been declared not guilty, and has been moved to Washington State Hospital. 

( To include someone in the prayers for 4 weeks, please email the church .)
Church Building Remains Closed Until Further Notice

All Our Redeemer's building facilities remain closed to non-essential activities. Staff members are working remotely as needed; checking emails, sending snail mail, returning phone calls and hosting live-stream services, etc. We encourage groups to independently meet on-line. Contact your group leader directly to find out if your meeting is happening via Zoom.  Keep staying social, Our Redeemer's!
Give or Volunteer | Ballard Food Bank

The Ballard Food Bank continues to serve our hungry neighbors during this crisis. Instead of allowing clients to shop our grocery model, clients are offered prepacked bags of food.

The Food Bank needs more volunteers and monetary donations to keep us nimble enough to buy what is specifically needed. There is also an Amazon wish list on the website to check out, too. Go to  ballardfoodbank.org  to find out more. Thanks for what you do!
Please Support Fundraising Efforts to Save the P-Patch

Our Redeemer’s supports Ballard P-Patch in their efforts to raise money to Save the P-Patch property for their continued use. Can you help? Start by going to to their website and checking out all the different ways you can participate. Let's help out to give the gnome a home, and ensure that Our Redeemer's renovation stays on track!
Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church | 206.783.7900