Sunday Worship:
In Person and
at 9:00 and
11:15 am
This Week at Pender
July 28, 2022
By following Jesus
and reaching out to others,
we seek God's transformation
of ourselves and our world. 
July 31, 2022
On Sunday, July 31, 2022, Pender Lead Pastor Will White will preach on "Cords of Kindness" based on Hosea 11:1-11.

In part one of this stage, we were given the model of love of husband and wife. Now our text brings us the image of the love of children given to our care. This seems like familiar ground, even if we’ve not been parents. Maybe we’ve helped out in the nursery, maybe we have babysat, maybe we’ve just observed. There’s no question that caring for children is hard work. It’s often thankless.
"Cords of Kindness" is from the sermon series titled Prophet Margins..

We look forward to seeing you!

All of Pender's services are streamed live and in person. Masks are currently optional.
The Sunday Traditional Service is in person and live-streamed at 9:00 am
Pender Common Ground Contemporary Worship is in person and live-streamed at 11:15 am
Prayer Requests
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ. " 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

Pender is a church committed to the power of prayer. Our "prayer chain" is a group of church members constantly in prayer for the needs of our congregation. To make your prayer needs known, you may email the prayer chain by clicking here to send an email to our group of prayer warriors.
Getting to Know Our Neighbors – On Sunday, August 7, join us for fun and fellowship as we continue with our Ice Cream Social! Though the presentation on racism has been moved to August 21st, we will continue to meet and enjoy time together in the Gathering Place at 4pm for ice cream with all the mix-ins! Bring a friend!!

United Methodists Stand Against Racism – On Sunday, August 21st, at 4pm - The presentation "United Methodists Stand Against Racism" has been moved to Sunday, August 21st.  We'll still plan to meet in the Gathering Place at 4pm. The Rev. Deborah Porras will lead an intense Bible study on the important social issue of racism. After the study, join us for informal discussions over a light boxed supper! We hope to see you there! 

Reaching New People – This is proven, current, methodology for “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” UMC BOD, 2016, ¶ 120, It utilizes local church strengths and people to “project the church’s presence” into the community. 

The Rev. Melissa Dunlap has agreed to be our consultant. She is coming on Sunday, September 18, from 3-5pm, to lead an introductory workshop. Everyone is welcome with the goal that there will be a Reaching New People team, made up of both volunteer and recruited members, that will meet monthly with our consultant over a twelve-month period. 
From the SPPRC:

Have you ever felt left out? How did it feel? 

People may be left out because of their skin color, gender, religion, or where they come from. They may be left out because of their age, who they love, marry, or for having a disability.

Being left out, or discriminated against, hurts. Sometimes, laws and beliefs make it tough or impossible for people to get a job, a place to live, or help when they are sick. Being discriminated against makes it hard for people to feel safe, go to school, or have enough healthy food and water.

Jesus asks Christians to include everyone. Whether it is helping each other in times of need, or encouraging our neighbors to visit with us on our deck, porch, or even at our church.  In August and September there will be several opportunities for you to invite a friend, family member, or even a neighbor to come and socialize for a while, enjoy a scoop or two of ice cream and get to know each other better.  In connecting, engaging, and deeply listening to each other, we have an opportunity to share Christ love, build disciples, and to be a good neighbor.

Adapted from General Commission on Religion and Race website. “August 14 – World Service Fund (General Commission on Religion and Race).” ResourceUMC, United Methodist Church, 20 July 2022,
The ROMEOS (Retired Old Men Eating Out) meet every Thursday at 11:45 at Bob Evans in Chantilly, VA
Mary Martha Circle will go peach picking at Marker Miller Orchards in Winchester.

Carpool from church parking lot at 8AM and we'll stop for lunch on the way back.

Plan to return to church about 2pm.

All women are invited.

POC is Maya Berry
Pender Book Lovers Group will be meeting on August 14 at 4 PM.

 Everyone is reading a book by J. A. Jance. Pick one of the many books she has written and join us in a lively discussion about the books. 

Please contact Iris Salcewicz for Zoom meeting information.
Women's Bible Study Wednesdays mid-September to the end of October

Points of Contact are Becky Bryan and Maya Berry.

The study will be led by Dr. Christine Hanak, Focus on the Heart Bible Series
Backpack Collection

Pender is partnering with WFCM to supply backpacks for Greenbriar East and Greenbriar West Elementary Schools for next Fall.  

The schools have requested 30 backpacks in a variety of sizes and colors for boys and girls in Kindergarten through 6th grade.  Donations can be placed in the Narthex.

If you prefer to shop online, please ship backpacks to the Pender church office. The deadline for donations is Sunday, August 7

Please contact Ann Hines with questions. 
The Pender Nursery is available on Sundays during services and Sunday School classes.

Please let us know the ages of your children so we can best prepare for them at

Note that all children must wear masks and have their temperature taken.

Children's Sunday School resumed in person and on Zoom

Welcome to Sunday School!

Get your Bibles ready as our Children's Sunday School classes participate in 7 video lessons about the Bible! 

Our regular Sunday School classes will be taking a break while Miss Jane teaches you a short lesson about the Bible, shares a Bible story, and creates a fun craft with you online!

The fifth video lesson is below and will go live on Sunday at 10 am.

Watch as we learn more about our Bible, read the story of Jonah and the Whale, and make a quick craft!

Any questions? Please speak with Miss Jane!
Calling all Shepherds!  If you like working with children (ages PreK - grade 6) and are willing to help distribute materials, and assist children in the classroom, we'd love to have you join our Children's Sunday School team!

Help our children to feel God's love and the support/encouragement of our Pender family!  

(Sundays, 10:15 - 11am. Sign up for 1 week or 40!)  

Please contact Jane McKee or Joyce Munt. 
Bring a friend!

July 30:  4 - 5:30pm Movie Night #1 
Join us as we spend time with our friends Sully and Mike as we watch "Monsters Inc."!

August 7: 4 - 5:30pm Ice Cream Social!
Enjoy a scoop (or two!) of yummy ice cream with some fun mix-ins as we share in a great summertime treat! 

August 27: 6 - 7:30pm Movie Night #2
Wear your jammies, bring a blanket and curl up to watch everyone's favorite ogre in "Shrek"!

September 10: 6 - 7:30pm Movie Night #3
Bring your blanket and comfy jammies to watch the cutest chef in town as we join Remy and his friends in "Ratatouille"!

Note: All activities will be at Pender UMC, 12401 Alder Woods Drive, Fairfax, VA 

More information at
Turning Point Youth
Sunday School
Topic: Youth Sunday School
Time: Sundays @ 10:oo am-11am
At Pender

Youth Group Sunday - 4:00-5:30
Preparing for the Harvest 

Donald & Carol Paige and their two children are serving the Lord in Madrid, Spain. Carol is the coordinator of curriculum and instruction at LIFE International School in Madrid. This is one of the only 3 Christian schools in the country. There are now 75 students enrolled for the 2022-2023 school year. They are adding both 8th and 9th grades in the Fall. Larger enrollment means a need for more space. The school rented another floor of the building and renovations are being done during the summer. Also Carol is working with the administrative team in planning for the next school year.  

Spain is a country that is less than 1% Christian, however, forming relationships and sharing the gospel has been a slow process. On Saturday, their church had its first Evangelism Workshop, and afterward, they headed downtown to share the Gospel message in Plaza Cervantes. They shared through music, brief messages, and talking with those around them. Many were not interested, but just as many were open to conversations and prayer. It is a blessing to see young and old sharing Jesus without fear and extending a message of relationship over religion to the community. It was a special joy for Donald and Carol to share this experience with their children, Cora and Daniel.  

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
All Pender Meetings, Classes and Events on the Church Calendar for the 2021-2022 school year expired at the end of June 2022.

If you are the leader of a meeting, Sunday School Teacher or event leader, please add your events for the 2022/2023 school year to the Event Calendar.

This applies to events at Pender, Zoom Meetings, groups at people's homes, enjoying a meal at a restaurant. All Pender events must be accounted for as they are reported to the District Office.

Pender Members can add your own events to the calendar through MyPenderPage
Log onto MyPenderPage, find "Events" on the menu bar, then "Calendar". On the right top, click on "Add Event" to add it to the Pending Calendar.

You will get an email when your event is approved. Note that you cannot add an event to a room that is already reserved for another meeting. 

If you need a paper form, you can download it here.
Western Fairfax Christian Ministries
The WFCM blue cart is outside the church.

All donations of food and toiletries are welcomed and needed.

Item of the Week: Rice

Please no:
* Expired food
* Glass jars

Thank you for your continuing generous support of WFCM.

Western Fairfax Christian Ministries ("WFCM") Current Request for Donations

The WFCM Food Pantry is accepting outside donations at their address below. There is a greater need for food but fewer donations.

You can also help by ordering from Amazon for delivery to WFCM. Rice, beans, canned fruit, diapers (Sizes 4, 5, 6), pasta, pasta sauce, etc.

                   4511 Daly Drive, Suite J
                   Chantilly, VA 20151

Financial contributions are also accepted (cash, check or through our website). Please mark your tax deductible donation "WFCM Food Pantry." This will be recorded on your giving statement.

Thank you for your continuing support of WFCM. In 2021, Pender donated 6,128.74 pounds of food and personal care items to help the needy in the community. Thank you for your ongoing and generous support of WFCM.
Pender is an open and welcoming church. We accept and embrace all persons, period. All people are blessed children of God. Pender is a caring and praying church community; we believe as Christians that we are called to follow and practice the ways of Jesus Christ, who is our ever present and living God.

Our mission is to practice and embrace, providing unconditional love and acceptance of all of God's children as He loves and accepts all of us.

We do not discriminate based on age, mental, physical, or intellectual ability, culture, gender, race, religious belief or unbelief, or sexual orientation.
Save the Date

  • July 30, Movie Night
  • August 1, Church Council
  • August 4, Romeos
  • August 7, Coffee With the Pastor
  • August 7, Deadline for Backpack Collections
  • August 7, Ice Cream Social event at 4pm
  • August 10, Mary Martha Peach Picking
  • August 14, Book Lovers Group
  • August 21, United Methodists Stand Against Racism. After the study, join us for informal discussions over a light boxed supper!
  • August 22, Boy Scouts resume
  • August 27, Movie Night
  • August 28, Juvenile Detention Center (JDC). Learn More
  • August 31, Serve God Cluster meeting
  • September 10, Movie Night
  • September 14, Women's Bible Study begins
  • September 18, Fall Kick Off
  • September 24, You Are Loved: A Panel Discussion on Suicide Prevention
  • October 1, Walk to Fight Suicide
  • October 2, Spiritual Gifts Discovery/Ministry Fair
  • October 29, Trunk or Treat, 4:30

Weekly Events

  • Sunday
  • Children's Sunday School Class at 10:00 am. Currently video lessons.
  • Youth Sunday School Class meets at 10:00 am.
  • The Seeker Sunday School Class meets at 10:15 am.
  • The Turning Point Youth Group at 4:00 pm
  • Monday
  • Mary Martha Circle, in person and online
  • Tuesday
  • Staff Meeting at 11:00 am.
  • Wednesday
  • Ruth Circle meets on Zoom at 10 am
  • Thursday
  • Romeos at 11:45
  • Lectio Divina Prayer Group begins at 1:30. Learn more here
  • AV and Worship Team Rehearsals in-person at 6:00 pm