
This Week at Pines

January 13-19, 2025

Sunday School at 9:15am | Worship at 10:45am

Join Us For Sunday Worship!


Rev. Andy Gans

1 Corinthians 12:1-11

John 2:1-11

Online Worship and Sunday Bulletin

This Week at a Glance

Monday - Tending to Grief - 7:00pm

Tuesday - Men's Bible Study - 7:00am

Tuesday - Clara Gay Circle - 11:30am

Tuesday - Miriam Circle - 6:30pm

Wednesday - Choir Rehearsal - 7:00pm

Thursday - BINGO! - 6:30pm

Thursday - Stephen Ministers - 7:00pm

Sunday - Sunday School for All Ages - 9:15am

Sunday - Worship - 10:45am

Sunday - Bring Your Own Lunch Sunday Social - After Worship

Registration is Open!

Our 2025 Feed My Starving Children MOBILEPACK is coming up on

February 21 & 22.

Volunteer for FMSC 2025 MOBILEPACK

Support our Summer Youth Mission Trip to Puerto Rico! Get Sweet Treats in Return! Want to donate goodies for the sale? Contact Kristin or click the button.

I Want to Donate Goodies for the Bake Sale!

Bring Your Own Lunch Sunday Social

Bring your own lunch and meet in Fellowship Hall Sunday after worship. Socialize while you eat and maybe play cards or a board game! Kids welcome! Drop in as your schedule permits.


Questions? Contact Ann Guerra

Fellowship Hall restroom renovations are underway. During construction, please use the West Fellowship Hall entrance. The South entrance (under the drive through) will be for construction workers only. Just follow the signs. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Questions? Contact Walt Penberthy.

(Formerly "Date for Eight)

Friends Night Out!

Beginning in February

Sign Up Outside Fellowship Hall


Contact Linda Aldred, Patsy Jackson,

Chris Wolfe

Opportunities to be the Hands and Feet of Christ

Have you wondered how to be more involved in the ministries here at Pines? Click the button to see a list of ways you can be a part of our outreach in the community!

Mission Opportunities

More Adult Opportunities

More Youth Opportunities

Can You Help with Youth and Children's Ministries?

Youth Group Helpers
Youth Group Meals
Children's Sunday School Leaders

We need Youth Group Helpers, Meals for Youth Group Meetings and Sunday School Leaders for our Children!

Click a button to sign up.

Touch our Children and Youth with God's Love!

View Wishlist | Purchase

Supplies and Resources Needed

Can you help purchase items for the worship area, special crafts, events and the youth area? Click the button to see our Wishlist on Amazon. Contact Kristin with questions.

Tending to Grief is a non-professional support group for any stage of grief.

It is for all people of all faiths

over the age of 18. 

The group meets Mondays 7:00 - 8:00pm in the Parlor

(except holidays). You may come as your schedule allows.

Questions? Contact Ann Guerra or the church office.

Need to Talk?

If you are going through a stressful time, a Stephen Minister will come alongside and be a trustworthy Christian friend.

Reach out to Ann Guerra or Phil Wetz, or call the church office: 713-467-2234


The church now accepts payments via Zelle.  You can add Pines as one of your authorized recipients by entering the following information in your bank's Zelle transfer page:

Name of entity: Pines Presbyterian Church, Inc.

Email address: ptreasurer@pinespc.org

There are no fees to use Zelle and Pines receives the funds instantly. Remember to designate the purpose for your gift (pledge payment, flowers, etc.) on the Reason for Payment line in Zelle.

The church needs volunteers to answer phones in the office. 

If you can help, please contact Cindy at 713-467-2234 x110. Thanks!

The church office is open Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm.

If you need assistance on a Friday, call 832-489-5989.  

Give Online

Visit us at pinespc.org

View the Church Calendar