
This Week at Pines

November 27 - December 3, 2023

Sunday School at 9:15am | Worship at 10:45am

Join Us For Sunday Worship!

"Hope is Alive"

Children's Christmas Pageant

Mark 13:24-37

Online Worship and Sunday Bulletin

Advent Devotional

Devotional books are available at the church, or you can download your copy by clicking the button below.

Join your Pines Family as we contemplate Joy during Advent.

Advent Devotional

Click the button to download a schedule for all services and events at Pines during Advent.

Advent Schedule

PinesYouth meet Wednesday @ 6:00pm in the Youth Rooms!

Meet Friday @ 4:30pm to leave for the Youth Retreat!

Study begins Thursday, November 30

and Sunday, December 3.

Our final Taco and a Prayer for 2023 is this Friday. Join us at 6:30am to help prepare delicious breakfast tacos or come at 7:15am to help distribute tacos and prayers. See you there!

Preparing for the Christ Child

(Hanging of the Greens)

All are invited to help decorate the church for Christmas. Join us Saturday, December 2 at 9:30am. We will be decorating the church and putting up the tall Christmas Tree in the Fellowship Hall.

Volunteer for Raise Up Families Christmas Party

Click the Button to Volunteer

Help at the Raise Up Families Christmas Party

December 10 @ 6:30pm

Create a Christmas Celebration to remember! Opportunities for Volunteers of all ages!

Have You Presented Your Giving Goal?

Online Giving Goal Card

Thank you to all who turned in a Giving Goal commitment for 2024. Giving commitments can still be turned in by returning your card to the church office, emailing our accounting manager at [email protected]

or by completing the online Giving Goal card. 

Your commitment makes it possible for Pines to be

the church God is calling us to be,

Looking Upward, Growing Inward and Serving Outward.

More Adult Opportunities

More Youth Opportunities

Meals for Youth!

Bring a meal for our youth group meetings.

Click the button for more info and to sign up.

Questions? Contact Kristin.

Take Them a Meal
View Wishlist | Purchase

Supplies and Resources Needed

Can you help purchase items for the worship area, special crafts, events and the youth area? Click the button to see our Wishlist on Amazon. Contact Kristin with questions.

Tending to Grief is a non-professional support group for any stage of grief.

It is for all people of all faiths

over the age of 18. 

The group meets Mondays 7:00 - 8:00pm in the Parlor

(except holidays). You may come as your schedule allows.

Questions? Contact Ann Guerra or the church office.

Need to Talk?

If you are going through a stressful time, a Stephen Minister will come alongside and be a trustworthy Christian friend.

Reach out to Ann Guerra or Phil Wetz, or call the church office: 713-467-2234


The church needs volunteers to answer phones in the office. 

If you can help, please contact Cindy at 713-467-2234 x110. Thanks!

The church office is open Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm.

If you need assistance on a Friday, call 832-489-5989.  

Give Online

Visit us at pinespc.org

View the Church Calendar

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