
This Week at Pines

September 30-October 6, 2024

Sunday School at 9:15am | Worship at 10:45am

Join Us For Sunday Worship!

"Trying to Make Sense of it All"

Rev. Andy Gans

Psalm 26

Job 1:1, 2:1-10

Online Worship and Sunday Bulletin

This Week at a Glance

Monday - Tending to Grief - 7:00pm

Tuesday - Men's Bible Study - 7:00am

Wednesday - Choir Rehearsal - 7:00pm

Friday - Taco and a Prayer - 6:30am

Sunday - Sunday School for All Ages - 9:15am

Sunday - Worship - 10:45am

Sunday - Youth Apartment Ministry - 12:00pm

It is Stewardship Season! 

After weeks of prayerful consideration and reflection during this stewardship season, we will come TOGETHER this Sunday as you embrace GROWTH, as you continue to find WISDOM, and as you bring your Stewardship Commitments JOYFULLY during worship.

If you did not receive your card in the mail, there will be some available in the sanctuary.

Joyfully yours, Mike and Ann.

Look for the Christmas Tree in the Fellowship Hallway after October 6!

Come be part of this rewarding ministry. Be here this Friday at 6:30am to help make tacos, or at 7:15am to distribute tacos and prayers! Contact Margaret Schafer with questions.


Calling all readers! We'll be meeting on Tuesday, October 22, in Room C-3 to discuss The First Ladies by Marie Benedict and V. Murray. This is about the extraordinary partnership between First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and civil rights activist Mary McLeod Bethune. Bring your own lunch and beverage and come ready to share. The book can be found at your local library, Kindle store, Amazon, or used book store. Happy reading!

Can you help?

Sign up to help run a car (decoration provided!), bounce house or table and love on our kids and community! Or bring a bag of candy anytime to the box in narthex or front office. Sign up by clicking the button below or contact Kristin.

I want to help with Trunk or Treat!

Support Our Pines Youth Apartment Ministry!

Apartment Ministry Wishlist

Our Youth have listened to God's call and have started a monthly apartment ministry in a community adjacent to Sherwood Elementary. You can support them by donating items needed as they share Christ's love with the residents. Click the button for more information and a list of donations they need. Thanks!

Opportunities to be the Hands and Feet of Christ

Have you wondered how to be more involved in the ministries here at Pines? Click the button to see a list of ways you can be a part of our outreach in the community!

Mission Opportunities

More Adult Opportunities

More Youth Opportunities

Can You Help with Youth and Children's Ministries?

Youth Group Helpers
Youth Group Meals
Children's Sunday School Leaders

We need Youth Group Helpers, Meals for Youth Group Meetings and Sunday School Leaders for our Children!

Click a button to sign up.

Touch our Children and Youth with God's Love!

View Wishlist | Purchase

Supplies and Resources Needed

Can you help purchase items for the worship area, special crafts, events and the youth area? Click the button to see our Wishlist on Amazon. Contact Kristin with questions.

Tending to Grief is a non-professional support group for any stage of grief.

It is for all people of all faiths

over the age of 18. 

The group meets Mondays 7:00 - 8:00pm in the Parlor

(except holidays). You may come as your schedule allows.

Questions? Contact Ann Guerra or the church office.

Need to Talk?

If you are going through a stressful time, a Stephen Minister will come alongside and be a trustworthy Christian friend.

Reach out to Ann Guerra or Phil Wetz, or call the church office: 713-467-2234


The church now accepts payments via Zelle.  You can add Pines as one of your authorized recipients by entering the following information in your bank's Zelle transfer page:

Name of entity: Pines Presbyterian Church, Inc.

Email address: ptreasurer@pinespc.org

There are no fees to use Zelle and Pines receives the funds instantly. Remember to designate the purpose for your gift (pledge payment, flowers, etc.) on the Reason for Payment line in Zelle.

The church needs volunteers to answer phones in the office. 

If you can help, please contact Cindy at 713-467-2234 x110. Thanks!

The church office is open Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm.

If you need assistance on a Friday, call 832-489-5989.  

Give Online

Visit us at pinespc.org

View the Church Calendar

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