VOLUME 3 ISSUE 4: October 6, 2023

San Diego Promise at Mesa College

Year 1

Promise Newsletter

In this week's newsletter...

  • Reminder: Complete your Progress Report by October 20
  • Bus or Bike for Bucks Walk, bus or bike to Mesa this month for a chance to earn $100!
  • Organics Recycling: What's up with that green bin? October 9 at 11:30am
  • Reflect, Restore & Unite Week October 9 - October 13
  • Black Leadership Fellows Presents: Ice Cream Chilin' October 11 at 11am
  • Transfer Day College Fair October 12 at 10am
  • LGBTQIA+ History Month Events

[Note: All events listed below count toward your Promise Campus Engagement Requirement.]

Promise Questions?

Visit Promise

Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm & Friday 8am-1pm

On the second floor of Student Services (I4-201)

Email us at [email protected]

Include your full name, student ID number, and inquiry

Call us at (619) 388-2230

Mon-Thurs 8am-6pm & Fri 8am-1pm

Join our Promise Canvas Page

Follow @sdpromisemesa on Instagram
