This Week at Saint Andrew's | |
Welcome to our newsletter.
We hope this information keeps you connected to our church family.
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Thursday, February 6, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
Evening Prayer
- Join us for Evening Prayer. The service will be available through Facebook Live at the St. Andrew's Facebook page at 6:00 p.m. Daily Evening Prayer, Rite Two, may be accessed here. The readings for this evening may be accessed here.
Sunday, February 9, 2025, 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.: The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
- Join us for Holy Eucharist. The service will be available at 10:00 a.m. through Facebook Live at the St. Andrew's Facebook page and Now streaming on YouTube. To get to the YouTube livestream, click here. Once there, you’ll want to click on subscribe, so that you’re always set to go. You can also get there by going to the St. Andrew's website by clicking here and clicking on the YouTube icon at the top right hand side of the page (the red rectangle with a white arrow inside). The service bulletin may be accessed here or by clicking the image of the cover.
- Sunday School for children ages 4-12 meets during the 10:00 a.m. service. Infant and toddler care are also provided.
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Climate Connections: As a way to reduce paper consumption, please consider downloading the bulletin and reading it on your device during the service. | | | |
We will be printing fewer bulletins in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint. We realize that using a device to read the bulletin may be a daunting task, but we have several congregants who are ready to help if you need it. If we are able to purchase less paper over time, we will donate the savings to our outreach efforts. If you don’t have a device to use, but are willing to share a bulletin with your neighbor, that helps us reach our goal too.
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Sick or in the Hospital
If you know of someone in our church family who is sick, in the hospital or in need of pastoral care please notify the office or clergy.
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Prayer List
Please remember those who need your daily prayers. Prayer requests may be sent to the office. The prayer list can be accessed here.
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Sunday School Information | |
Sunday School News
Day care for infants and children 3 yrs old and younger during the 10 am service will be provided by Samira Sameni, a preschool teacher at our Saint Andrew’s Children’s Center. Sunday School for children 4 yrs and up will be taught by Tammy Smecker-Hane during the 10 a.m. service. Both will happen together in the Kangaroo Room of the Children’s Center, whose entrance is located in the far left-hand corner of the courtyard (just follow the sign). Please drop your children off there before church begins.
This week in Sunday School children will be making Valentine’s Day cards for family and friends. In addition, the children will be in the Children’s Center kitchen making chicken noodle soup for our Souper Bowl lunch following the 10 am service and modeling Jesus’ example of serving others. Please email Tammy Smecker-Hane, if you have any questions about Sunday School.
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Prayer Shawl - February 11 | |
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets this coming Tuesday, February 11 at 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Court. Contact Donna Catalano for more information.
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The Virtual Book Group meets weekly on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. followed by noonday prayer. Scroll down to Events and Activities on our website homepage for the new reading. To be added to the Zoom invitation please contact the office.
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On February 9 after the 10:00 a.m. service, we will have an “all-you-can-eat” soup and bread luncheon for $5.00 in the Fellowship Court. All monetary donations as well as the cans of soup we have collected will be donated to Families Forward. So, come and grab some soup, share your picks for the game with your fellow football fans, and enjoy a delicious lunch.
One of the fastest growing segments of the homeless population is working families with children struggling to make ends meet.
Located out of Irvine, their mission is to prevent and end family homelessness by providing access to housing and resources that create lasting stability.
Thank you for your generosity in helping families in crisis.
Please call Grace with any questions.
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The Outreach Ministry is looking for volunteers for this year, 2025. Our goal is to continue to cook and serve dinner to the residents at the Friendship Shelter in Laguna Beach every other month; have a yearly soup can drive in February, and Baby Shower in May for Families Forward; have a toiletries and socks drive twice a year, as well as a Backpack drive in July for Orangewood. This rewarding ministry serves those who are struggling in our community and brings basic necessities to our local neighbors and friends.
If you are interested in becoming a part of the Outreach Ministry, please contact Grace.
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“Light in the Darkness” Quilt Project | |
Many parishioners were inspired by the words of the Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, the Episcopal Bishop of Washington, DC, in her sermon at the National Prayer Service the morning after the Presidential inauguration at Washington National Cathedral, click here to view, when she prayed for unity in our country and asked President Trump to show mercy to vulnerable immigrants and LGBTQ+ people. Her words were prophetic and, similar to biblical prophets in the past, not everyone was pleased with her message. She received some very negative feedback and even death threats. Therefore we would like counter that message and show our support and deep appreciation to her by creating a quilted wall hanging (as pictured here) as a gift. Its intended reminder is that Christ, his church and his people can be the light in the darkness. If there is enough interest we will create one wall hanging to send to Bishop Budde and one to keep at our own church.
There are numerous ways you can help. If you would like to be a part of the group cutting the fabric and/or sewing the quilt, please let Tammy Smecker-Hane know ASAP, and we’ll set up a days/times to work on it. If you would like to donate cotton fabric – shades of blue from the very darkest to the lightest as well as whites are needed, and useful pieces can be as small as 15” x 5” – simply bring the fabric in and give it to Tammy on Sunday. If you wish to donate to defray the cost of materials and postage, please give it to Tammy or leave a check in the plate with “Quilt Project” in the memo line.
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Help for the victims of the Southern California fires | |
We are all shaken by the devastating destruction the fires have wrought in Los Angeles County. Many of you have asked how you can help. St. Andrew’s will collect donations in a “Fire Relief” fund. Please make checks out to St. Andrew’s with “fire relief” in the memo line. You can also donate via Zelle with the same notation of “fire relief”. We’ll donate the funds received to the diocesan One Body One Appeal fund or Episcopal Relief and Development. If you’d like to donate directly to the One Body One Appeal fund, click here.
The diocese also has some great resources that may be helpful to any friends or relatives affected by the fires. Click here to view.
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- 2/9 – Souper Bowl – after 10 a.m. service
MARCH 2025
APRIL 2025
- 4/13 – Palm Sunday
- 4/17 – Maundy Thursday
- 4/18 – Good Friday
- 4/19 – Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil
4/20 – Easter
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Pray for Peace in the Holy Land | |
The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor asks us to pray for peace and keep in our hearts the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and its archbishop, the Rt. Rev. Hosam Naoum. Bishop Taylor has written to him on our diocese’s behalf and invites us to make a gift to the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, which supports the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City. Archbishop Naoum calls on all to unite in prayer for reconciliation. | |
Stay Connected with St. Andrew's | |
Please visit our website to learn more about our nurturing community of faith, both the ways we interact with each other and the ways we reach out to the community.
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Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church | 949-559-4699
The Very Rev. Peter Browning, Rector |
Office Administration Hours:
In-office: Monday and Thursday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Remote: Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
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