This week at Saint John's
Rev. Paul Escamilla shares the message "All In," based on Micah 6:6-8. The prophet Micah raises a universal question: What does God require of us? Micah's answer is somewhat surprising. Have a look; come and see.
The Chancel Choir leads us in worship at both the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services as we present our pledges to support Saint John's in the coming year.
A Consecration Brunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall from 8:30 to 11 a.m.
Trick or Treat for Hope - Sunday |
On Sunday night, youth from several area churches will gather in the Great Hall 5:30-7:30 p.m. to Trick or Treat around the Allandale neighborhood to collect canned goods for Hope Food Pantry.
If you would like to join in the fun, contact Shelley Walters at You can also drop off canned goods to the Pumpkin Patch anytime it is open before Sunday evening.
Church Conference - November 9
The annual Saint John's Church Conference will be held Sunday, November 9 at 1 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. District Superintendent Teresa Welborn will preside.
Region XIII's Thanksgiving Basket Project collects non-perishable food items and grocery store gift cards to distribute to families who can't cover extra food expenses during the holidays. Pick up a tote bag in the Gallery, fill it with the items on the list attached to the bag, and return to the church by Monday, November 10. For more information, please contact Sheri Jones, Director of Missions, at or 512-452-5737.
Spots open for women's retreat
Registration continues for our annual Women's Retreat November 7-8, 2014 at Summers Mill Retreat Center in Salado.
The retreat begins at 3 p.m. Friday, November 7 and ends at noon on Saturday, November 8. Cost is $65 sharing a bed/$90 for your own bed . Register here. Contact Hilary Marchbanks at or 512-452-5737 if you need assistance registering.
Volunteer for national MFSA meeting
The national leadership of the Methodist Federation for Social Action will be meeting at Saint John's October 30-November 1. A group of 25-35 persons from throughout the country will need lodging, as well as food and transportation during their visit to Austin.
If your Halloween plans are flexible, please help us show hospitality to these visitors. Contact Anne Mund or Rowland Curry to volunteer or for more information.
We invite you to join us on Sunday, November 2 for our Saint John's Remembrance Dinner for 2014.
We will gather at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall to celebrate the lives of all family members and friends who have passed away. Please bring your loved one's favorite dish or dessert; as well as photos or other mementos to display on tables around the room. Also bring your happy memories and fun stories of your loved one to share with those at your table. In this evening, we hope you may find connection with others who have experienced similar losses, and find joy together in celebrating your loved one's life.
Square One Lunch - November 3
 Saint John's is looking for volunteers to serve lunch on Monday, November 3, as part of iACT's monthly gathering for refugees in the Austin area. The lunch consists of vegetarian dishes usually served to between 60 and 80 people. Volunteers meet at the church, load up the food, and caravan to Central Presbyterian Church. Volunteers are encouraged to join in the meetings prior to serving lunch. iACT(Interfaith Action of Central Texas) is the only agency in Austin that exclusively teaches English and essential life skills to newly arrived refugees. iACT helps all of these individuals establish roots in their new hometown and provides essential language and "cultural orientation" skills. To sign up, please contact Brad Howe at |
Games Day: A group gathers in room 201 every first Thursday of the month, at 9:30 a.m. to noon, to enjoy table games, refreshments and socializing.
Movie Day: A free movie is shown every third or fourth Thursday, at 10 a.m. The group brings sack lunches to eat while discussing the movie afterwards.
Cokesbury Choir: The Cokesbury Choir is another activity enjoyed weekly by those who like to sing, on every Wednesday morning at 10:30 in the music room. It is another opportunity for socializing, since some of the group usually go out for lunch after rehearsals. It is also an opportunity for ministry, since the choir goes to different retirement facilities for sing along's each month. Everyone is welcome.
Museum trip: Mark your calendars for our trip to see the free exhibit of "The Making of Gone with the Wind" at the Harry Ransom Center on Tuesday, November 18.
A message from the Green Faith Team:
Going green with my grandsons
When I visited the information table after church on a recent Sunday to sign the "Green Pledge", it occurred to me that my grandsons would be effective spokespersons for the cause.
On a 100 degree day, I picked up my 4 and 5 year old grandsons, Drew & David from school. As we approached the car, which had been sitting in the sun for 30 minutes, I said, "You guys get buckled in while I start the car and get the AC going". Four year old Drew said, "Granjan, that's wasting gas."
When we got to the house, I gave each of them an individual cup of their favorite ice cream. Five year old David said, as he finished, "Does this container go to the recycling center or to the landfill?"
On a road trip one night, Diego (then 8), got carsick. After Diego erupted, his dad stopped the car on the side of the road grabbed whatever was handy, cleaned up the mess as much as possible, and left the trash on the roadside. Diego, lying weakened in the back seat, raised his head and said, "Dad, don't litter!"
My grown children, raised as little tree huggers, have thoroughly indoctrinated their own kids, who have turned the tables, and now make sure their parents (and grandparents) toe the line.
- Jan Dawes
To learn more about the Green Faith Team, click here.
Reading together at Saint John's
The Intentional Faith Development (IFD) Committee recommends In the Sanctuary of Women, a devotional resource from Jan L. Richardson. With pages of thought-provoking devotionals and daily blessings, this book provides opportunities for reflection and prayer. If you are a woman looking for a spiritual recharge, pick up this book and also consider registering for Saint John's Women's Retreat.
Each week, the IFD Committee recommends a theological or spiritual book through this column. To submit an idea, contact Hilary Marchbanks, Associate Pastor, at 512-452-5737 or Have you been looking into these books in our column? Let Hilary know that too!
The Lamar Middle School band has partnerred with a mattress supplier to raise funds for its trip to Indiana. The same mattresses can be found at large retail stores, but can be purchased at the fundraiser at a much lower cost. A preview of the beds will be set up in the Lamar gym on November 16. All mattresses have warranties, with delivery and haul off available, just like the mattress stores. Each sale will benefit the band booster club which helps offset the costs of trips and makes scholarships available based on need.
Questions? Contact Kerri Rowland at
Angela Crisara joined Saint John's on September 28. She has sung with the Trinity Singers and the Chancel Choir for 12 years. She enjoys the choirs, sewing, painting and crafty activities.
Cina Crisara joined Saint John's on September 28. Cina is the Director of Music at Saint John's. She enjoys singing, conducting, jigsaw puzzles and loves to wrangle singers. She also sings and has recorded with Austin's choral ensemble Conspirare. We welcome Angela and Cina officially into the Saint John's family that has claimed them for years!
The famous Saint John's Pumpkin Patch is now open for business!
Click here to sign up.
Hope Food Pantry
Monetary donations are now being collected to buy turkeys for Thanksgiving distribution. Make checks payable to Saint John's with "Hope Food Pantry" written on the memo line.
October 24: Brian Dickson, Sylvia Honeycutt, Kathy Scherer October 25: Vaughn Burger, Gene Jarman, Donna Meadows October 26: Jean Manlove October 27: Cameron Johnson, Debbie Surasky, Cy Zaleski October 28: Chris Jones, Charlie Munson October 29: Margaret McKinion October 30: John German, Kara Hartzell, Trey Walters, Steve Young
Saint John's UMC
2140 Allandale Road
Austin, TX 78756