February 19, 2014

Congregational Input for Music Associate Search 

Members of the Music Associate Search Committee are seeking your input. Please provide an answer to this one question between now and Sunday, Feb. 23rd.


Looking to the future, what is the one aspect of music at St. Mark's that you feel would be most valuable or meaningful?


Answers can be provided by clicking this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KWZYRY5


OR by using the form that will be in the Sunday bulletin on Sunday, Feb. 16 and 23


OR by contact a member of the search committee:

Lisa Montgomery         847-491-9492

Chris Schultze              773-628-7214

Doug Sondgeroth          312-802-9289

Dan Whitmore              847-859-6302

Pastor Debra                 847-732-9564


Children will be invited to provide their input in their Sunday School classrooms on Sunday, Feb. 23. We want to hear from everyone! Thanks so much.

Where are you today? Lonely and afraid? Joyful and confident? Somewhere in between? Wherever you are in your journey of faith, know that there is a place for you here, companionship for the journey in this community gathered.
St. Mark's 150 Anniversary Ladies Tea

Saturday February 22, 2014 from 2:00-4:00pm at Trish Barr's House, 1144 Asbury Avenue, Evanston 60202. Please come and join us for some wonderful conversation, delicious tea, sandwiches and sweets! Please RSVP to Joanna Greene at 847-274-7223 or [email protected] by February 17, 2014 - this will help us determine quantities of tea treats. We look forward to having tea and celebrating the ladies of St. Marks!


A Celebration of the Life & Ministry of Deacon Joan Barr Smith

Dear Family and Friends of Joan,


Please join us for a reception to honor Joan Barr Smith for her many years of service and devotion to St. Mark's church as an Episcopal Deacon and longtime parishioner. We will thank Joan in a celebration with light refreshments on Friday, February 28th at St. Marks from 7:00-9:00pm in Cunningham Hall. We would love to have everyone attend and kindly request your RSVP by going to http://bit.ly/1iskwRN so that we can prepare accordingly. If you have questions, feel free to contact Joanna Greene at [email protected] or 847-275-7223. Deacon Joan has done so much for St. Marks and the Evanston community we hope you can attend to thank her!

- The St. Marks Vestry

In the baptismal covenant, we are asked, "Will you continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?" and we respond, "I will, with God's help."

Handbell Choir - The Ringing Continues!

St. Mark's handbell choir resumes rehearsals under the direction of David Plank on Sundays from noon until 12:30 (i.e., after coffee hour). Pack a lunch - or fill up in coffee hour - and join us in the balcony. New ringers are welcome to join us! For more information or questions, contact David at  [email protected] 

Worship Life Ministry Team

All are welcome to take part in this month's meeting on Wednesday, February 19 at 7:30 p.m. in Bethlehem Chapel. We'll be talking about our Lenten worship and your input and ideas are most welcome. For more information, feel free to speak with Bruce Gaede or Pastor Debra.

This Sunday's Lay Ministers

Thank you for sharing your gifts with the congregation. If you would like to become involved, please contact Pastor Debra at 847-732-9564 or [email protected].

  • Altar Guild: Louise Behrends, Dorothy Laudati, Char Wiss
  • Flower Guild: Dorothy Laudati
  • Ushers: John Fitts, Tacia Johnson
  • Lectors: Suvari Family, Byron Scott
  • Acolytes: Tyler Maegawa-Goeser, Abigail Seifert, Betsy Johnson
  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Lynette Murphy, Judi Mueller
  • Vestry Person of the Day: Aina Gutierrez, Ted Loda
  • Snacks for Coffee Hour: Last Names beginning with O - Z
  • Welcoming First-Time Worshipers: All the people of St. Mark's
Wednesday Eucharist -
Join us on most Wednesdays throughout the year for this 30-minute break in our busy weeks to be reminded of the refreshment and strength God offers. Those who want to stay for conversation bring a lunch and gather after worship for fellowship in the Parlor.

Ash Wednesday Services

The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5. Services will be held at 7 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. in the Lady Chapel and again at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

This Week at Saint Mark's
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
Sunday, February 23
Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18
1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23
Matthew 5:38-48

Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes, and I shall keep it to the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep your law; I shall keep it with all my heart.
- Psalm 119:33-34

Wednesday, Feb. 19  

      12:15 p.m.        

Holy Eucharist and BYO Lunch, Lady Chapel and Parlor

       7:30 p.m.          

Worship Life Ministry Team Meeting, Parlor 


Thursday, Feb. 20

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Presbyterian Homes 

           7:30 p.m.          

Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room


Saturday, Feb. 22 

  2:00 p.m.

Sesquicentennial Ladies' Tea, Home of Trish and Bob Barr


Sunday, Feb. 23  

       8:00 a.m.          

Holy Eucharist Traditional, Lady Chapel

        9:30 a.m.         Children's Formation, Classrooms

      10:30 a.m.        

Holy Eucharist with Music, Sanctuary

12 noon

Handbell Choir Rehearsal, Balcony


Monday, Feb. 24   

      7:00 p.m.        

Vestry Meeting (Rescheduled from Feb. 17), Bethlehem Chapel


Wednesday, Feb. 26   

      12:15 p.m.        

Holy Eucharist and BYO Lunch, Lady Chapel and Parlor

       6:00 p.m.          

Music Associate Search Committee, Library 

 8:00 p.m.  

Evanston English Country Dancers, Cunningham Hall 

1  Helena JeanBaptiste
3  Mary Hair
8  Astley Bent
10  Helen Kelly
11  Louise Behrends
11  Neena Gaede
14  Emily Furlong
14  James Staples
16  Manel Valdes-Cruz
16  Judith Mueller
16  Luke Urbanowski
18  Carly Ho
20  Alexander Rocca
20  Tyler Maegawa-Goeser
20  Evelyn Skelton
21  Abigail Seifert
22  Carolyn Brooks
23  Nonie Morris
23  Calvin Yanaga
23  Eleanor Lucadamo
24  The Rev Dr William Mueller
25  Robert Lockwood
25  Charlie Lettner
26  Seth Himrod
26  Anne Sagan
27  Thomas Bergman
26  Nancye Kirk & John Lucadamo
Social Justice & Outreach Opportunities

St. Mark's continues its commitment to young people through its many social justice and outreach opportunities. Each Sunday we pray, "Bring newness and change to our streets, O God, that we might commit ourselves to our young people and address the epidemic of gun violence which plagues our communities, our country, and the world. Awake, O Streets, rise from death!" Following are a list of ways in which you can get involved with the St. Mark's community in helping to create a better world.

Social Justice and Outreach Ministry Team Meeting

On Saturday, March 8 from 10 - 11:30 a.m. the Social Justice and Outreach Ministry Team will gather in Bethlehem Chapel to discuss our 3rd Sunday Food Drives, Blessings in a Backpack, Interfaith Action of Evanston, non-profits use of the building, the Diocese of Renk in South Sudan, and whatever social justice and outreach concerns you bring to the table. This is everyone's ministry and we hope you'll join the conversation. For more information or questions, contact Dave Himrod at 847-864-7815 or Deacon Joan Barr Smith at 847-334-1848.

Curt's Caf�

Everyone in the St. Mark's community is encouraged to enjoy coffee, sandwiches and more at Curt's Caf�, 2922 Central Street, Evanston. Curt's Caf� is a non-profit organization that provides training in food service and life skills for at-risk youth in Evanston.

Christian Formation
Lifelong Christian faith formation is important for lifelong growth in the knowledge, service and love of God as followers of Christ. Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, no matter what season of life you are in, you are invited to enter into a prayerful of continuous learning.

Keeping God's People Safe - Level One Training

To foster a secure environment, the Diocese of Chicago has developed Keeping God's People Safe, a two-level workshop training program that sensitizes all of those who work with children in our church to the dangers of child sexual abuse and teaches them to recognize and prevent situations in which abuse or exploitation might occur. On Sunday, March 9 Pastor Debra will be offering Level One training at St. Luke's, 939 Hinman Avenue, Evanston from 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Lunch will be served beginning at noon. This training is required every five (5) years of all staff members and all ministry volunteers in the church - vestry members, Sunday School teachers, lay Eucharistic ministers, etc. To see if it is required for your ministry area, you can check this list http://bit.ly/1cql5r9or contact Pastor Debra. Once you have completed Level One training, Level Two training can be completed online. To register or for more information, please contact The Rev. Jeannette DeFriest at [email protected] so that enough lunch is available and adequate photocopies can be provided.

Children's Formation

On Sunday our children will be exploring Jesus' teaching about what it means to care for both neighbors and those considered enemies (based on Matthew 5:38-48). Thank you to this week's teachers and classroom assistants: Jenni Suvari / Jack and Austin Suvari (ages 3- 5), Anne Heinz / Holly Benz (ages 6 - 8), Lori Goede / John Lucadamo (ages 9 - 11).

Adult Formation: Lenten Soup & Salad Series Returns

Beginning on Tuesday, March 11 and continuing for four weeks during Lent, St. Mark's and St. Matthew's will once again be teaming up for a Lenten Soup and Salad Series. This year's program is called Animate Faith and will include a video-speaker, table conversation and more. After a light supper from 6:30 - 7 p.m., our session will offer a guided tour through some of the basics of Christian theology. The sessions aren't meant to be lessons and they aren't meant to provide answers. . . . in fact, the sessions are designed to raise questions, to flip established answers and assumptions upside down. We hope you will come and take part. More details will come in the weeks ahead. For now, just mark your calendars for March 11, 18, 25, and April 1 from 6:30 - 8 p.m.  


Volunteers Needed: Soup and Salad Preparers, Children's Formation Volunteers - both will be needed on March 11 and March 25. Please contact Pastor Debra if you think you'll be able to help out.

This Bread & This Cup Lenten Children's Retreat

Everyone who has been baptized into the Christian family is invited to share Holy Communion with one another and with Jesus. Baptism makes you part of this extended family and makes you welcome at the Eucharist, the special, sacred family meal. Children ages 5 - 12 are invited to join Pastor Debra at St. Mark's for a mini-retreat during Spring Break to learn more about this meal that we share together each week. We will gather on Tuesday and Thursday, April 8 and April 10 from 1 - 3 p.m. Please RSVP to [email protected] no later than April 1 so we have adequate supplies (and volunteers) on hand. Cost is $5 / child (includes a book to take home at the end of the retreat). If you need a scholarship to help with the cost, please let Pastor Debra know as we would like everyone who is interested to take part. On Maundy Thursday, April 17 at 7:30 p.m., all children who have been a part of this mini-retreat will be invited to participate in the service.


Bringing our Best to God - We Have Reached More than 75% of Our Goal!

If you have not yet returned your pledge card to St. Mark's, please consider doing so as every dollar pledged helps us to reach our goal of $247,000 - a goal that helps us bring our best worship and music, outreach and social justice, pastoral care, Christian formation, fellowship and hospitality - our best selves - to God. Please consider joining the 56 individuals and households - including 100% of the Vestry Leadership - who have already pledged their best to God through St. Mark's in 2014. No one is too young or too old to pledge (a separate child's pledge card is available).


I didn't receive a pledge card. If you did not receive a pledge card (and, while the mailing went out in early January, several have indicated that they never received one), please DO contact the church office at [email protected] or 847-864-4806 to have another sent OR pick up a pledge card from the back of the church on Sunday morning OR download one from our website at http://www.stmarksevanston.org/stewardship/.


While we have been diligent in shoveling and salting the walkways to and around St. Mark's, please do remember that with fluctuations in temperature, icy patches can appear despite our best efforts. Please use great care when driving and walking. And, if you notice a particularly icy area, please notify an usher on Sunday or, during the week, let a staff member know.

Social Media and St. Mark's

If you have your mobile device it would be good if you put it on silent when in worship. But if anything in Sunday's service - a prayer, reading, hymn or the sermon-moves you, please feel free to tweet it or post it to Facebook #StMarkEvanston. While you're at it, "check-in" with us on Foursquare!


St. Mark's website has up-to-date information on all that's new at St. Mark's - including a current calendar of events - check it out at http://www.stmarksevanston.org. Also, we are on Facebook and Twitter! Find us at http://www.facebook.com/StMarkEvanston and follow us @StMarkEvanston. 


Creative Learning Opportunity: The M. Milner Seifert Tribute Fund

In 2012, the Vestry of St. Augustine's Church, Wilmette, created the M. Milner Seifert Tribute Fund. This Fund honors Milner's legacy of musical leadership and service at St. Augustine's and also acknowledges his contributions to other congregations in our diocese and the wider church. This Fund offers an exciting opportunity for musicians and other parishioners at St. Augustine's, St. Andrew's, St. Luke's, St. Mark's, and St. Matthew's to expand their knowledge of liturgy and liturgical music. Please refer to the guidelines and flyer posted on the bulletin board for details or go to http://www.staschurch.org/worship/music/m-milner-seifert-music-fund/.

The goal of the fund is to enrich the lives of members of our congregations interested in expanding their knowledge of liturgy through attendance at a conference, registering for a course of study or some other opportunity known to the applicant. Because we have an application deadline date of March 15, it's time to surf the web for upcoming opportunities. Completed applications may be sent to Sue Carlson, c/o St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, 1140 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091.

Camp Chicago!

It may not feel like summer outside, but it is time to start thinking about summer camp! The Episcopal Diocese of Chicago is once again offering three camp sessions for children and youth ages 7 to 17 from June 22 to July 11, 2014. Camp sessions are held at Camp Stronghold in Oregon, Illinois. Online registration is now open and can be accessed through the diocesan website, www.episcopalchicago.org. Pastor Debra has copies of required camp registration forms. If you'd like to learn more about Camp Chicago! come talk to Pastor Debra. And, you don't have to be an Episcopalian to attend - so feel free to invite your friends from school!

In the Community
God calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Loving finds all of its meaning in relationship. The following are opportunities to be in relationship with one another and with the community of Evanston.

Run Your Water, Please

Following an increase in reports of frozen water services, Evanston residents are advised to run water at a trickle to prevent their service from freezing. The City of Evanston's Utilities Department has received 12 calls regarding frozen water services so far this winter, with six of those calls occurring since Friday. Frozen service occurs when the water line between the street and the home freezes. To prevent service from freezing, residents should run water from the faucet closest to the meter at a trickle, in between a drip and a steady stream. As temperatures remain below freezing, the frost line-or the depth of frozen ground-continues to deepen.  Water services are generally located 54 to 60 inches underground; City utility crews measured Evanston's frost line depth at 51 inches on Saturday.  

"Head Games" Film & Discussion

On Wednesday, February 26, at 7PM,  the Evanston Public Library will screen Steve James' Head Games, a revealing documentary about the "concussion crisis" in American sports. This powerful film combines eye-opening medical evidence, emerging head trauma science from the nation's leading medical experts, and first-hand accounts from professional and youth athletes about the long-term effects of sports concussions. Gail Rosseau, M.D., a highly-accomplished neurosurgeon at NorthShore University Health System will lead a discussion and Q&A session after the film including the topics of emerging head trauma prevention strategies, the importance of team sports, as well as the latest science behind the causes and effects of concussions. Dr. Rosseau is the daughter, wife, and mother of football players. She is on the board of directors of USA Football and of Think First, the international head and spine injury prevention program. Open to all ages. Middle school, high school and college athletes are encouraged to attend. Free. 

Spring Into Action

Many adults need help with basic English reading, writing, or speaking skills. Spring into action by becoming a volunteer tutor with Oakton Community College. The next 4-part required training will be held on March 25, 27, April 12, 26. For more information or to sign-up call 847-635-1426.

Parish Prayer List
If you would like your friends or family members to be removed from or added to the prayer list at any, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Thank you.
We bid your prayers for: Jan and Jeri Offutt, Bob Behrends, Veronica Braithwaite, John Burnham, Karen Cornelius, Kendric Das, Bob Easton, Rachel Easton, Lynn Erickson, Caroline Frowe, Desmond Francis, Lee Gaede, Lori Goede, Mary Hair, Charlie and Judy Kopp, Grace Lettner, Kathy Lettner, Sally Lufkin, Edie Molumby, Ayden Montgomery, Mary O'Dowd, Donna Richardson, Joan Barr Smith, Alison Walsh and her family, Carol Albertson, Betty Augustinos, Einy Andersson, Dorothy Clarke, Sam Cotten, Terry Diamant, Holly Dinkel, Roger Ferlo, Hal, Reed Hagee, William Henderson, Jennifer Holmgren, Darrell Huddleston, Jen,Yvonne Johns, Teresa Johnson, Fredericka Kaider, Marc King, Audrey and Howard Kittelberger, Alain Lecurieux, OJ Mabwa, Mark and Fran Mann, Anne McDaniel, Sandra Merrill, Jack Mundy, Bert and Anne Ott and their children, Tom Poulakidas, Ruth, Sam, Louise Samas, Sara, Carolyn and Dick Seaberg, Bruce Seaton, Tom Sheasby, Ean and Neale Smith, Marcia Summers, Tim and his family, Carlo Trovato, Jill Vannatta, Richard Walsh, Claudette Woodard Williams, Dick Zielinski.


We pray for the repose of the souls of Trip Healey, friend of Jeremy and Briscila Greene and Aileen Harrison. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace and rise again in glory.

We pray for the people in the Diocese of Southeast Mexico. We pray for the people in the Diocese of Renk.

St. Mark's Episcopal Church | 847-864-4806 | [email protected] | http://www.stmarksevanston.org
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
1509 Ridge Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201