The Annual Meeting of Saint Mark’s will be Sunday February 9 after the 10:30 service.
The meeting will be hybrid. You may join in person or you will be able to zoom in. Here is the zoom link.
The annual meeting will feature reports on what happened in 2023, some previews of things coming up in 2025, discussion of the budget and elections for leadership.
We will be electing:
4 vestry members for 3-year terms
1 vestry member for a 1-year term
1 Senior Warden for a 1-year term
1 Junior Warden for a 1-year term
1 Youth warden for a 1-year term.
2 Delegates to Diocesan Convention (the Senior & Junior Wardens also serve as Convention Delegates).
You can read about the candidates in the February Epistle.
The Annual Meeting is always interesting and occasionally funny. We will be providing Canterbury Choir subs to nibble on during the meeting and promise to get you home in plenty of time for your Super Bowl party.