Living in Hope, Growing in Faith
Celebrating God's Love

January 31, 2025

Supper Group

The February Supper Group will meet Saturday, February 1 at 5:30 p.m. in the parish hall.

There is an Italian theme this month. Let Gloria Wylie ( know if you are planning to come and bring an appetizer, salad or desert to share.

First Sunday Program

The February First Sunday program will take place in the parish hall on Sunday, February 2 at 9:30 a.m.

We will be learning about therapy dogs and how people can get involved. Come and find out more about this way to impact our neighbors and community.

Youth Group

February Youth Group meeting is Sunday, February 2nd after the 10:30 a.m. service.

Our program is Mystery Lunch. The food is not a mystery. We will be having BBQ from City Barbeque. However, there is a huge mystery around the lunch. Come and find out. 

On Sunday, March 2 we will be going to Get Air for some bouncing around. We need two parents to help drive and chaperone this event. Let Pastor Vicki know if you are able to help.

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Saint Mark’s will be Sunday February 9 after the 10:30 service.

The meeting will be hybrid. You may join in person or you will be able to zoom in. Here is the zoom link.

The annual meeting will feature reports on what happened in 2023, some previews of things coming up in 2025, discussion of the budget and elections for leadership. 

We will be electing:

4 vestry members for 3-year terms

1 vestry member for a 1-year term

1 Senior Warden for a 1-year term

1 Junior Warden for a 1-year term

1 Youth warden for a 1-year term.

2 Delegates to Diocesan Convention (the Senior & Junior Wardens also serve as Convention Delegates).

You can read about the candidates in the February Epistle.

The Annual Meeting is always interesting and occasionally funny. We will be providing Canterbury Choir subs to nibble on during the meeting and promise to get you home in plenty of time for your Super Bowl party.  

Canterbury Choir Subs

The Canterbury Choir will be selling submarine sandwiches for Super Bowl Sunday again this year.

The subs are great and will be ready for pick up on Sunday, February 9. The cost of the subs is $8 per sandwich.

George Reed will be taking orders in the parish hall or you can email him to place your orders. We are also looking for help assembling the subs on Saturday February 8 in the afternoon. Email George if you are able to help.

Organ Concert at St. Joseph Cathedral

On Sunday, February 9 at 3 p.m., our organist, Michael Schreffler, will perform a recital at St. Joseph Cathedral in downtown Columbus. 

His program will consist of works ranging from late 17th century German baroque to 20th century American, featuring compositions by Josef Rheinberger and William Bolcom among others. The cathedral is home to a landmark pipe organ of 100 ranks built by the Paul Fritts firm of Seattle, and is the ideal vehicle to showcase literature from across the centuries. 

The concert is free and open to the public with an opportunity to make a freewill donation at the door.

Dale Hartney Fountain

Dale Hartney was a long time member of Saint Mark's and a long time coach of track and cross country in Upper Arlington.

A group of Upper Arlington alumni, who ran on teams that Dale coached, have secured the permission of the City to install a water fountain at the Miller Park Library, where Dale often had his runners turn around on their runs, in Dale's honor. They are looking to raise $7,500 to complete the project.

The Upper Arlington Community Foundation has agreed to be the keeper of the funds raised. If you would like to learn more or make a donation, you can find the link here.

California Wildfires

The best way that you can help the people impacted by the wildfires in California is to send money to a trusted agency working in the area. Episcopal Relief and Development is on the ground in California and will be there through the rebuilding process.

You can donate to Episcopal Relief and Development at

Winter Weather Closings

For morning programs and office hours, Saint Mark's follows the Upper Arlington Public Schools. If the Upper Arlington Public Schools are closed, so is Saint Mark's office and Saint Mark's morning programs are cancelled. 

For afternoon, evening and weekend activities, including Sunday services, and when the public schools are not in session, Saint Mark's cancels programs, activities and services when the Franklin County Sheriff declares a level 2 or 3 snow emergency. Check the snow emergency level before heading out for an afternoon or evening activity.

Note that program leaders may choose to cancel individual activities even in level 1 snow emergencies as seems prudent.

Should Sunday services be cancelled for weather, a recorded Morning Prayer service will be posted on the Saint Mark’s webpage as close to 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning as circumstances permit.

Bishop White's Letter

Bishop White sent out this letter last week.

CRIS Needs Help

CRIS (Community Refugee and Immigration Services) is our partner in our Culture and Artisans Fair and one of the major refugee resettlement groups in the Columbus region.

They have been hugely impacted by the recent executive orders and are in need of immediate financial help to be able to continue to provide services to refugees already here.

If you are able, please donate today.

Baby Shower for Appalachia

The Annual Baby Shower honoring the moms and babies of Vinton County will be held Sunday March 2 following the 10:30 a.m. service.

There will be fun food, guessing games and the opportunity to help moms and babies in need.

You can purchase a gift from our Amazon gift list or from the list in the parish hall.

Starting next week there will also be the opportunity to help provide larger gifts by taking a piece from a puzzle on the glass block wall in the parish hall and making a contribution for the amount on the piece.

Sunday Service Times

8 a.m.

Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10:30 a.m.

Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Sunday Worship Assistants

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Holy Eucharist: Rite I

8 a.m.


The Rev. Vicki Zust


Jim Keyes

Chalice Bearer

Bonnie Thomson


Mark Lesser

The Holy Eucharist: Rite II

10:30 a.m.


The Rev. Vicki Zust


Bill Silliman


Hudson B.

Anna M.

Connor M.


Ellen Berndt

Norman Jones

Chalice Bearers

Bill Karl

Barb Keyes

Director of Music

Matthew Bester


Michael Schreffler

Canterbury Choir


David Markwardt

Dee Vaigl

Bruce Warthman

Dot Yeager



Megan Bowman

Charlotte D.


Altar Guild

Brenda Hammersley

Barbara Hyre

Elaine Spayde

Gloria Wylie

Dot Yeager

Flower Guild



Cindy Anderson

Diane Hartney

Roberta Morton

Do you have comments, questions, announcements or ideas to feature? We'd love to hear from you!
Please contact Melanie at