This Week's Newsletter
October 14, 2020
Dear Fellow Servants of Jesus Christ,

This Sunday, we will be celebrating what the Lord has done through this year's confirmation class as it's students enter into adult membership at Saxe Gotha. Jacob Koon, who completed the confirmation process in 2013, will be preaching. He is a junior at North Greenville University majoring in Christian Studies. Members of the class will be presented at both the 8:30 traditional and 11am AWE services.  

As we receive this year’s confirmation class into adult membership, we will enjoy the privilege of seeing the promises made during a child’s baptism come to fruition as our confirmation class joins our church! The commitment that we made to raise our children to know and love Jesus will be realized as they profess their faith in our Lord. Be prepared for a moving service as we hear parents bless their children and encourage them to follow the Lord in the years ahead.     

Saxe Gotha is blessed with an excellent confirmation program led by outstanding leaders – Dawn Merck, Madonna Moore and Robert Ziegler. The class includes four hours of service, weekly homework and reflections on our worship services. Memorizing the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles’ Creed, the Ten Commandments and select verses of Scripture are also part of this rich experience. Our elders were impressed with the students as they examined them this past Sunday and are pleased to present them to you as adult members of Saxe Gotha. 

What a blessing to “tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done!” (Psalm 78:4). 
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Jim
Prayer Focus for October:
The lost and unchurched.
Christian Love is extended to the family of Roy Cromer on his passing.

2021 Stewardship Campaign: We ask that you prayerfully consider making a pledge for what you estimate you can give to the church in 2021. We will be sending out pledge cards during mid-October with the 3rd Quarter Report of Giving, so please be on the lookout for that. We will be asking for the pledge cards to be returned in person or via mail on or before Commitment Sunday, November 8.

Encounters with God Books Available: We have the current booklets available. Please email Pansy Floyd to let her know that you would like to receive one via the mail: [email protected].
Operation Christmas Child
This year, Samaritan’s Purse has requested that we hold off on holding packing parties, but that doesn’t mean that OCC will be forgotten! This year, we are approaching things a little differently, but with the same excitement and enthusiasm. We are asking that you begin putting together your OCC Shoe Boxes now. You and your family can go ahead and start gathering supplies for your boxes. If you need help figuring out what to purchase, just visit and select the gender and age range you prefer. We will begin collecting boxes on October 18. Shoeboxes are available for pick up in the Narthex, Atrium and Main Office. is where the fun comes in. We would like to make this a friendly little competition. The Next Generation Ministry is going to match every box collected up until November 11. You heard that correctly. If you donate two boxes, then that just became four. If you bring eight, then that just became sixteen. Think of all the boxes we can load into that truck! 

Since we will not be able to have our packing party, we would like to have a Drive Thru - Drop Off Parking Lot celebration in its place, on November 11. It is going to be fun for the whole family! 
This Year's Fall Festival is a Drive Thru
Trunk or Treat CAR-nival!
We NEED your TRUNK and lots of CANDY!
  • We want bags of candy to hand out. Please place candy donations in the collection points in the Narthex, Atrium and by the Main Office by Sunday Morning, October 18. Please contact Melinda Boyle with questions.
  • We need lots of decorated trunks for the trunk or treat. Please contact Patrick Cherry if you have questions. If you are willing to decorate your trunk, please sign-up below. We will not be handing out candy at the trunks.

For up to date information on CAR-nival, please go to:
These Poinsettias will be used to decorate the Sanctuary during Christmas. Make checks payable to: Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Women. Please contact Sandy Walker with questions: [email protected].
Church Safety Plans for In-Person Worship:
There are 2 services: 8:30 am Traditional in the Sanctuary and 11:00 am AWE (Contemporary) in the Light House. This arrangement allows us to use the facility once a week, since it would be impossible to sanitize the Sanctuary and AWE Auditorium for a subsequent service.

To keep participants safe, social distancing, masks, and use of hand sanitizer are required. The pews and chairs are staggered and set-up for social distancing, and family units are asked to sit together. In addition, please note that during services to help make sure that the speakers can be heard, masks will not be worn by those speaking or singing on stage, but 3 times the recommended spacing is utilized as a precaution. Congregational singing is a part of our worship service again. Outdoors social distancing is required, but masks are optional.  Nursery is available for infants through 3 year olds. Temperatures will be taken for each child.
Sunday School Class Locations:
Please know that the chairs in your classroom will be spread 6 feet apart and everyone will be required to wear a mask indoors. Outdoors social distancing is required, but masks are optional.  Please also remember that the coffee machines and the water fountains will not be available. Finally, because we are still livestreaming both the 8:30 am and 11:00 am services, Lonnie and his AV team are unavailable to help any Sunday school classes with technical issues. Again, I appreciate your patience and flexibility with this new configuration of our Sunday school classes. I am sure it will continue to change as the fall progresses. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at [email protected].

Grace and peace, Helen Harrison Ham
Wednesday Nights - WorshipLife
Wednesday Nights at 6:30 pm,
September 9 – October 14
(Tonight is the last Wednesday Night for this Semester.)

(Also available via livestream at the Saxe Gotha YouTube page - there are two videos streaming, one for adults and one for students.)

We gather in the gym from 5:30 – 6:30 pm to eat a picnic-style supper that attendees bring their own meals, drinks, utensils, etc.). Adults move to the Sanctuary for their study, which is live-streamed on our YouTube channel for those who cannot join us.  The Students are in the Light House Auditorium for the Worship Service/Lesson at 6:30 pm followed by small group break out time. The Kids will meet in the gym.

WorshipLife: This 6-week campaign is designed to lead you on an exciting journey of discovering how to honor God in the everyday!

The goals of the WorshipLife campaign are:
  • To disciple believers about true, biblical praise.
  • To encourage believers to praise God in their private devotional times and lives.
  • To challenge believers to fall more in love with God, the object of true worship.
  • To foster common respect and appreciation for the various tastes in worship styles and songs.
  • To develop sensitivity in believers to God’s leadership both in their private worship and within a corporate worship gathering.

Please let us know that you plan to attend by emailing Helen Harrison Ham at [email protected].
First Impressions Team - Call for Volunteers!
The First Impressions Team is in need of Ushers and CREW members. Please call or email Carl Hammond at 803-767-0864 or [email protected] if you are interested. All volunteers assist once every 6 weeks.

Wednesday Nights:
Worship Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm in the gym. Bring your own dinner and join us in the gym at 5:30 pm for time of togetherness and fellowship.

(Tonight is the last Wednesday Night for this Semester.)
Sunday School:
Sundays from 9:45 - 10:30 am. Kids will be outside (in case of rain, we will move to the gym). Grade schoolers will spread out under canopies in the space between the Light House (kitchen side) and parking lot. Preschoolers and Kindergartners will meet on the playground. Babies and toddlers will be loved on in their usual nursery location.
Sunday School Online:
Dawn Merck is offering a Sunday morning Bible study time on Zoom for any kids who cannot attend our in-person Sunday School, for any reason, at any time. We are coordinating SS efforts, so she will also be using God's Story Cards and following along with Pastor Jim's sermon series. Please stay tuned for details in Melinda's weekly kids' newsletter.
Club 45:
Calling all 4th-5th graders!!! Club 45 is held on Sunday evenings from 4:00 - 5:30 pm outside the Light House (weather permitting). We have a great time of fellowship and fun. Bring your Bible, a mask and most importantly a friend! Contact Patricia Zeigler with questions: [email protected].
Sunday School:
Middle School: 146/145
High School: 144/143

If you arrive before 9:55, you'll find us all hanging out in the Atrium for some fellowship before Justin sends you back to your classroom.
The Oasis:
Calling all 6th-8th graders!!!
The Oasis is a place of refreshment for Middle School students. We'll be in the Light House Atrium every Sunday afternoon from 4:00-5:30 pm, so come out and join in!
Girl's Small Groups:
6th-8th Girls Bible Study: This group will be going through the book of 1 John. We will study what it means to love one another and the love of God. As we dig into the Word together, we will also have some time to deepen our friendships and fellowship with one another. We will meet on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 7:00 pm at Stephanie McGee’s home starting September 8. This group is led by Kalie Wehunt, Livvy McGee and Stephanie McGee. For more information contact Kalie Wehunt.

9th-11th Girls Bible Study: This group will go through the timeline of the Bible, exploring how God is not in a hurry, but He grows things. We will study how the Old Testament points toward Jesus and how the Lord used His people to bring redemption to all mankind. We will also learn how to grow deeper fellowship with one another as we study the Word together. We will meet on Tuesdays from 6:15 to 7:15 pm at Gaby Hackett’s house. For more information contact Gaby Hackett

12th Grade Girls Small Group: This group will be going through a semester of apologetics. We will learn how to defend our faith and how to handle the Word of Truth to do so. We will meet on Mondays 6:00-7:00 pm at Gaby Hackett’s house. For more information contact Gaby Hackett.
Boy's Small Groups:
High School Boys Small Group: We know that iron sharpens iron, so why not pump some iron, too? We're going to get together twice a week to study the Word, work out and get better. Barry Morgan and Justin Hall are going to be leading this small group as we dig into the Word and then hit the gym. We'll meet twice a week in the church gym. Monday afternoons at 5:00-6:00 pm and Thursday mornings at 6:00-7:00 am. You can join in for one or both meetings each week, but make sure you have rides worked out beforehand because we won't be doing school runs since we'll be done around 7:00 am on Thursdays. Wear clothes you can work out in and close-toed shoes. And bring a Bible!

Middle School Boys Bible Study: Join Mr. Nick and Mr. Cliff for a Bible Study that's just for the guys. This group will meet every other Tuesday from 6:00-7:00 pm in the Light House Cafe.

Please contact Justin with questions: [email protected].
Girls' Night and Guys' Night:
November 6 (6:30 pm - 12:00 midnight) is going to be a very special night with two very special events! We're going to be hosting a girls night and a guys night that both have time to hang out and fellowship, but also take a little time to talk about what it means to live as a man or woman of God in today's world. Each event is only $5, and you can find out all of the details at the links below.
Lexington School District One Backpack Program:

Saxe Gotha will be partnering with Lexington School District One to support the Backpack Program. As a partner, we will help fill backpacks and send them to schools for weekly distribution to children who have great need.

Each child identified as having need will receive a backpack filled with child-friendly, nutritious, easy-to-open food to last over the weekend. 

Items Needed for Backpacks:
juice boxes
cereal/granola bars
snack crackers
single serving cereal boxes / bowls
mac and cheese / Chef Boyardee
peanut butter
fruit cups/pouches, raisins (please no applesauce cups)
pudding cups
oatmeal packets

Please contact Holly Waldrip for a donation pick-up: 803-931-6218 or [email protected].

Food items should be left in the Narthex, Atrium or outside of the main office in the box labeled "backpack ministry." Monetary donations can be made to SGPC with “backpack ministry” in the memo line.
Upcoming Sermon Series: Characters
Characters gives us a glimpse into the lives of people of faith. During the next year, we will be challenged as we dig deeper into the context and setting of each person’s life – gaining new insights into the world in which they lived and connecting their world with ours. Along the way, truths that impact our lives today will be discovered as we see the challenges, struggles and opportunities faced by people seeking to follow God. In many of these stories, we will find ourselves and our need for a Savior. We pray that through these studies, we will be transformed and better equipped to fulfill God’s purposes in our world today.
Moms in Ministry
Saxe Gotha has a new group just for Moms...we will connect you with other moms (with kids under the age of 21) who are going through the same challenges you face. This is a place to share your concerns, be encouraged by God's Word, and enjoy fellowship with moms.

Please like and follow this group on Facebook at SG Moms in Ministry or on Instagram.
Sermons Available Online: To listen to past sermons, please go to To watch past sermons, please go to our Saxe Gotha YouTube Channel and make sure to subscribe.
GriefShare Meetings Near You:
Are you or someone you know dealing with the loss of a loved one? If so, GriefShare is available both online and in person. If you are looking for a group, you can go to their website at and search for a current meeting list. Below are some nearby places that are offering the group weekly meetings to help deal with a loss.
Monday Morning Women's Bible Studies:
Debbie Knight’s Monday morning study has resumed. They will finish Chasing Vines by Beth Moore for 3 more weeks and then begin a new study Take Courage: A Study of Haggai by Jennifer Rothschild. They’ll be located in Light House Room 112/113. To contact Debbie Knight: [email protected]

The Young Mother's Bible Study will resume after the trial period of school. More details will be provided at a later date. They will be studying Its Not Supposed To Be This Way by Lysa TerkHeurst. Please contact Meredith Cully with questions: [email protected].
The Monday Morning Men’s Bible study is online!
Meets virtually on Mondays at 8:30 am for a brief lesson and to pray for each other and for other people. Contact Scott Welborn at [email protected] for meeting information. This Bible study is open to men of all ages.
Daily Devotionals:
Welcome to our daily devotionals that your church staff will be offering. Our prayer is that you and your family will use these devotionals to enrich your family's spiritual life.  Perhaps these devotionals can be used as a conversation starter for your mealtimes together.
Our prayer is that you will look back on this crisis years from now and see that it was a turning point in your being the family God intended you to be - a family built on the foundation of Jesus Christ to love each other as Christ loves you.  
In case you have missed one of our daily devotionals, you can go to the Saxe Gotha Devotional Playlist.
Did you know that Saxe Gotha has its own customized library on Right Now Media?
Here is the specific link to it if you already have your account set up: Right Now is like the Netflix of Christian media and Bible studies. And if you're already tired of watching TV and scrolling the internet, then feed your mind and heart with good stuff! We have several different channels within Saxe Gotha's custom library: Adults, Youth, Children, Worship and the Arts, Missions and Outreach, Marriage, and Parenting. 

If you need help setting up your Right Now account, you can contact one of the following:
Helen Harrison Ham: [email protected]
Patrick Cherry: [email protected]
Justin Hall: [email protected]
Melinda Boyle: [email protected]
Hal McIntosh: [email protected]

The studies and videos inside Saxe Gotha's library on Right Now are just suggestions from our staff. Please feel free to explore and enjoy the many wonderful videos on Right Now while you are at home!
Giving Update:
5503 Sunset Boulevard
Lexington, SC 29072
Office Hours
M – Th  8:30 – 5:00pm
Sunday Worship
Traditional       8:30am
Contemporary 11:00am