This Week's Newsletter
July 29, 2020
Dear Saxe Gotha Church Family,

What has become of civility, respectful dialogue, and the rule of law? How long will the American experiment in democracy last? These are questions that you may have pondered after watching the evening news.

The disrespect and violence increasingly common in our society points to our failure to truly value others as human beings. The Bible begins, not with humans as evolved animals, but rather special creations of a loving Creator who made humans in his image. In contrast to secular worldviews, the Christian worldview has always insisted that human beings have value. Value not from what they can produce or the views they express, but because they are created and redeemed by God. We possess intrinsic worth because we are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-17) and God has declared human life to be “very good” (Genesis 1:31). The incarnation of Christ uplifts the value of human life as God himself becomes flesh and dwells among us in the person of Jesus (John 1:14). The life, death and resurrection of Jesus all point to the truth that life is good and worth redeeming.

The future success of our democracy will require us to embrace the value of human life afresh. Racism, abuse, bullying, disrespectful behavior and even poor manners have no place in such a society – and certainly no place in the church! Indeed, our country needs the church to authentically live out being the church – a people who truly love God and love others. God calls his people to serve as salt and light and go the extra mile to show others love, grace and respect.

While we may not be able to control what others do, we can control what we do. So, let us recommit ourselves to valuing others as bearers of the image of God through our words and deeds. Let us represent Christ faithfully in those places in which he has placed us knowing that the midst of the chaos and unrest God is on the throne and is with us.
In Christ's Love,
Pastor Jim
Prayer Focus for July:
Missions and Missionaries.
Rescheduled Upcoming New Members:
Danny & Debbie Raines will be joining on Sunday, August 9 at the 11:00 am AWE Service.

Christian Love is extended to Linda Pierallini on the death of her mother.

New Member: John Mackenzie will be joining on August 9 at the 8:30 am Traditional service. 

Funeral Arrangements:
Mary Claire Fitts, Wednesday, August 5 at 4:00 pm in the Sanctuary (Mary Claire died 4/23/20)

Virtual Communion Service: Save-the-Date for this special virtual service: Wednesday, August 5. You will be able to view it when it premieres on the SaxeGothaPres YouTube page.

Encounters with God Books Available: We have the current booklets available. Please email Pansy Floyd to let her know that you would like to receive one via the mail:
Church Safety Plans for In-Person Worship:
There are 2 services: 8:30 am Traditional in the Sanctuary and 11:00 am AWE (Contemporary) in the Light House. This arrangement allows us to use the facility once a week, since it would be impossible to sanitize the Sanctuary and AWE Auditorium for a subsequent service.

To keep participants safe, social distancing, masks, and use of hand sanitizer are required. The pews and chairs are staggered and set-up for social distancing, and family units are asked to sit together. To keep everyone safe, we will not be doing any congregational singing at any of the services. Also, we are not offering nursery or children’s church. In addition, please note that during services to help make sure that the speakers can be heard, masks will not be worn by those speaking or singing on stage, but 3 times the recommended spacing is utilized as a precaution. 
Lexington School District One Backpack Program:

Saxe Gotha will be partnering with Lexington School District One to support the Backpack Program. As a partner, we will help fill backpacks and send them to schools for weekly distribution to children who have great need.

Each child identified as having need will receive a backpack filled with child-friendly, nutritious, easy-to-open food to last over the weekend. 

Items Needed for Backpacks:
  juice boxes
cereal/granola bars
snack crackers
single serving cereal boxes / bowls
mac and cheese / Chef Boyardee
peanut butter
fruit cups/pouches, raisins ( please no applesauce cups )
pudding cups
oatmeal packets

Please contact Holly Waldrip for a donation pick-up: 803-931-6218 or
American Red Cross Blood Drive
With a goal of 40 units, we are pleased to announce that we collected an unbelievable 55 units! There were two Power Red donors who contributed four units alone, and we had 13 first time donors. 

Thank you to the volunteers and all who generously donated!
First Impressions Team - Call for Volunteers!
The First Impressions Team is in need of Ushers and CREW members. Please call or email Carl Hammond at 803-767-0864 or if you are interested. All volunteers assist once every 6 weeks.
Current Sermon Series - Stories that Matter
Everybody loves a good story and Jesus was a fantastic storyteller! This summer we will be studying the parables of Jesus. We, of course, will not be covering all of the 40+ parables that Jesus told, but we will be studying 12 of them. A simple definition of a parable is that it is an earthly story about spiritual things. Consequentially, these stories matter -- they have eternal significance! So, please plan to join us as we listen to our Master Storyteller tell us stories that can transform our lives.  
"Amazing Grace" Movie Night
The Adult Ministry Team will host a movie night showing "Amazing Grace" (rated PG) on Tuesday, August 4 at 7:00 pm in the Light House. Please bring a snack and a comfortable chair. We look forward to seeing you there!
NEW - Moms in Ministry Facebook Page
Saxe Gotha has a new group just for Moms (with kids under the age of 21)... Through weekly small groups and quarterly get-togethers, we will connect you with other moms who are going through the same challenges you face. This is a place to share your concerns, be encouraged by God's Word, and enjoy fellowship with moms.

Please like and follow this group on Facebook at SG Moms in Ministry .

NextGen is partnering with Adult ministry to begin small groups of moms to encourage each other and grow spiritually together.
Upcoming Events:
Rising 6th Grade - 12th Grade

Tigerball: TODAY, July 29 - It's time to get out and play! We'll meet at Gibson fields from 6:00-7:30 pm for some Tigerball and other games. Come out and let's have some fun!

Saxe Gotha Parking Lot Prom: August 5 - Who said prom wasn't happening this year? Join us from 7:30-8:30 pm for the Saxe Gotha Parking Lot Prom. We'll bring the speakers, you bring the moves, but leave room for Jesus! Please register here:

Please contact Justin Hall with questions: .
Upcoming Events:
Rising 1st - 5th Grade (family friendly)

Cowboy Water Day - Several of our Saxe Gotha kids came out today and enjoyed Cowboy Water Day...proving it really is best to stay wet on these hot summer days!
Sermons Available Online:  To listen to past sermons, please go to . To watch past sermons, please go to our Saxe Gotha YouTube Channel and make sure to subscribe.
Prayerwalking in your Community
During our Friday devotion, HH will be discussing the practice of prayerwalking.  Prayerwalking involves taking our prayers out into our community where we desire to see God’s presence manifested and our prayers answered. We welcome you and your family to join us in praying for our community during this difficult time. Download the brochure below to get ready for this exciting message and to join with us across the midlands. To get your own copy of the Prayerwalking guide, please visit:
Are COVID-19 and Quarantine Affecting Your Marriage?
Are money worries, conflicts over chores or children, boredom or a lack of exercise and personal time causing understandable stress? Could your marriage use prayer and an encouraging focus? If so, request a copy of “30 Days of Marriage Prayers” by Dr. Tony Evans by sending an email to Renee Starnes at This booklet can bring God’s presence back into your relationship and offer you strength.
Reconnecting as a Couple during Coronavirus
Would you like more grace in your family life as you are dealing with the many changes brought on during the Coronavirus? Focus on the Family has an excellent video that gives a Christian perspective on choosing grace with not only a spouse, but with one’s entire family. The video involves Jim Daly and Dr. Greg & Erin Smalley.
Sistercare Donations Needed!
We are collecting non-perishable food items to be used for the Sistercare Ministry. There are 3 boxes for donations: 1 outside the main office during the week, 1 in the Narthex and 1 in the Auditorium on Sundays. Also, stay tuned - there will be a food drive for Sistercare by Missions in August.

The Sistercare Ministry provides dinner for 20-25 women and their children to the West Columbia shelter. Contact: Stacey Rowlette, 803-312-5570, .
The Monday morning Men’s Bible study is online!
They will be connecting at 8:30 am next Monday for a brief lesson and to pray for each other and for other people. Contact Scott Welborn at  for meeting information. This Bible study is open to men of all ages.
Daily Devotionals:
Welcome to our daily devotionals that your church staff will be offering. Our prayer is that you and your family will use these devotionals to enrich your family's spiritual life.  Perhaps these devotionals can be used as a conversation starter for your mealtimes together.
Our prayer is that you will look back on this crisis years from now and see that it was a turning point in your being the family God intended you to be - a family built on the foundation of Jesus Christ to love each other as Christ loves you.  
In case you have missed one of our daily devotionals, you can go to the Saxe Gotha Devotional Playlist. .
Did you know that Saxe Gotha has its own customized library on Right Now Media?
Here is the specific link to it if you already have your account set up: . Right Now is like the Netflix of Christian media and Bible studies. And if you're already tired of watching TV and scrolling the internet, then feed your mind and heart with good stuff! We have several different channels within Saxe Gotha's custom library: Adults, Youth, Children, Worship and the Arts, Missions and Outreach, Marriage, and Parenting. 

If you need help setting up your Right Now account, you can contact one of the following:
Patrick Cherry:
Justin Hall:
Melinda Boyle:
Hal McIntosh:

The studies and videos inside Saxe Gotha's library on Right Now are just suggestions from our staff. Please feel free to explore and enjoy the many wonderful videos on Right Now while you are at home!
Nailbenders: Saturday, August 8
Meet at 8:00 am (the 2nd Saturday of the month) at the church outdoor patio in front of the Light House and bring a sack breakfast to eat, then leave from there to assist individuals in need. Contact Keith Hall with questions: .
Giving Update:
5503 Sunset Boulevard
Lexington, SC 29072
Office Hours
M – Th  8:30 – 5:00pm
Sunday Worship
Traditional       8:30am
Contemporary 11:00am