September 25, 2024

Covenant Partnership Class

Oct 20 | 2-6pm | Fellowship Hall | Dinner and Childcare Provided

Begin your journey with us by registering for Connection Point, our new partner class. Here, you'll discover more about Saxe Gotha, explore our beliefs, understand the essence of our covenant partnership, and determine if we're the right fit for you.

Sign up for Connection Point Before October 16

New Covenant Partner ACE Ministry

September 29 | 4pm | Light House

Our good friend and sister in Christ, Marla Fitzwater from the American Caribbean Experience (ACE) Mission Agency in St. Mary’s Parish Jamaica is coming to Saxe Gotha! She is excited to share, with our congregation, the story of ACE and how God is working in Jamaica.

It has been made clear to many of us that God is now asking us to take the next step by becoming Covenant Partners with the American Caribbean Experience and follow the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. 


Please join us in showing Marla and Allen our support in this partnership by joining us on Sept. 29 in the Light House Auditorium at 4pm for a presentation from Marla.

Register to Receive 2025 Giving Envelopes

Do you prefer to give with cash or drop a check in the offering plate? We have giving envelopes available for you. If you would like to start receiving giving envelopes for 2025 or if you have received giving envelopes before and would like to no longer receive giving envelopes in 2025, please contact our Business Administrator, Annie Cherry.

LaVie Diaper Drive

September 29 and October 6

Please bring disposable diapers for LaVie Pregnancy Care Center this Sunday, September 29 and October 6. Boxes will be in the Narthex, Atrium, and Church Office. All sizes needed, but especially larger sizes.

Kirkin' o' the Tartan

October 6 at 10am | Followed by a Potluck Lunch

This is a wonderful celebration of our heritage as Presbyterians and the history of Saxe Gotha. Wear your tartan or bring an item that represents your heritage!

Register for our Potluck Lunch
Potluck Lunch Volunteer

Fun Facts:

Our Presbyterian church celebrates the Kirkin' of the Tartan to honor Scotland’s rich history and our own traditions. The term "kirk" means church in Scottish, and tartans symbolize the different Scottish clans.

The Presbyterian Church has its roots in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, led by John Knox, a key figure who helped shape the church’s distinctive form of governance and belief. Knox’s work laid the foundation for Presbyterianism in Scotland, giving us our “Scottish” heritage.

During the 18th century, tartans were banned as part of efforts to suppress the Highland clans following political uprisings aimed at replacing the British monarchy with a Scottish king. This was an attempt to weaken the influence of the clans.

The Kirkin' of the Tartan service is a wonderful way for us to celebrate and reconnect with our unique history. It’s a joyful occasion that combines our Scottish roots, the legacy of John Knox, and our faith in a meaningful and festive way.

Officer Nomination Deadline is October 6

Please Submit Your Recommendations

Please prayerfully consider nominating church members that you feel will serve our congregation well. Thank you in advance for participating in this valuable part of Saxe Gotha's church life.

Details & Form

Prayer Shawl Ministry

October 3 and October 17 | 10-11:30am | Room 154

Just bring needles and learn to knit. The shawls made are blessed and given to members in need. Everyone is welcome to serve in this ministry, no experience required.

To get involved in this ministry,

please contact Polly Askew.

Lexington County Garden Club

October 2 | 6-8pm | Fellowship Hall

The Lexington County Garden Club meets the first Wednesday of every month. Our next meeting is October 2, 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall. All interested in participating are welcome to join us!

Check out our recent news story on WLTX.

We have a lot of exciting events planned!

Make sure to Save the Date on your calendar.

Sunday, October 6:

Kirkin' o' the Tartan


Sunday, October 20:

Connection Point


Christian Sympathy is extended to Elain Crewdson and Jeff Ashcraft on the loss of her brother-in-law and his uncle, Evan McCauley. Correction and our sincere apologies for the error in last week's newsletter: The deceased is Even McCauley, not Bob Crewdson.

We believe prayer is an essential discipline in our practice as believers. If you have a prayer request for your health or an immediate family member, please call the Church Office at 803-359-7770 or email If you would like your request to go to our Confidential Intercessory Prayer Team, please include that in your email.

View Prayer List

This Sunday, 9/29: Team 4

Following Sunday, 10/6: Team 5

We would love to hear from you!

Have a story about the great work the Lord is doing at Saxe Gotha? Is your ministry hosting an event? Want to be featured in future communications? Contact the Communications Team.

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