October 16, 2024

Drop-In Reception for Pastor Morgan


To celebrate Morgan and express our appreciation for his dedicated service, we invite you to a special reception in his honor this Sunday. The event will take place in the Atrium of the Light House, following the 11am and modern services.

Covenant Partnership Class is this Sunday!

2-6pm | Fellowship Hall | Dinner and Childcare Provided


Begin your journey with us by registering for Connection Point, our new partner class. Here, you'll discover more about Saxe Gotha, explore our beliefs, understand the essence of our Covenant Partnership, and determine if we're the right fit for you.

Sign up for Connection Point before October 16

Celebration Sunday is November 10 

Celebration Sunday marks an important milestone in our guests' journey as we warmly welcome the new partners who have chosen to join our community after participating in the covenant partnership class.

More than Sunday School

One of the standout features of Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church is its vibrant Sunday school program. Having served as a pastor on the East Coast, West Coast, and Gulf Coast, I can confidently say that the Sunday school experience at SGPC is unlike anything I’ve encountered elsewhere! Recently, Kristin and I had the pleasure of attending a Fish Fry and Fellowship event, and we were truly touched by the warmth and community we experienced.

While I cherish the love and care we share within our church, I often wonder: Do our neighbors see the love that binds us together? This Sunday, we’ll conclude our sermon series on Covenants, culminating in a powerful revelation of the New Covenant through Jesus Christ. In John 13:34-35, Jesus emphasizes the importance of our love for one another:

34 A new commandment I give to you: love one another; just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

Notice Jesus’ words: “All people” will recognize us as His disciples through our love for each other. So, I ask you: How many individuals outside of Saxe Gotha witness the way we care for, spend time with, and encourage one another? The love displayed on the cross continues to shine through our interactions. I believe that if we could connect those outside the church with the incredible people within Saxe Gotha, the love of Jesus would be unmistakably evident.

I have an idea to put this to the test. Would you join me in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday school on November 3rd? Go!MallardLakes is an initiative that allows our Sunday schools to extend Christ’s love to our neighbors, just as Kristin and I felt it at the recent event. I invite you to set aside your regular Sunday school plans and join me in the Fellowship Hall that day. I’m excited to share what Go!MallardLakes is all about, and I hope to see you there!

New! HeBrews Coffee in Fellowship Hall

Do you attend a traditional service and wish you could enjoy some coffee? Good news! Coffee is now available in Fellowship Hall 30 minutes before both the 8:30 and 11am services. Come join us for coffee and community!

Register to Receive 2025 Giving Envelopes

Do you prefer to give with cash or drop a check in the offering plate? We have giving envelopes available for you. If you would like to start receiving giving envelopes for 2025 or if you have received giving envelopes before and would like to no longer receive giving envelopes in 2025, please contact our Business Administrator, Annie Cherry.

Drive Thru Prayer

The Tuesday morning and Thursday evening Drive Thru Prayer teams are making a profound impact in our community! They’re continually creating new opportunities to pray together, with the next event scheduled for the day before election day. If you’re looking for a meaningful way to serve, consider joining this dynamic team. Also, don’t forget to send people to the blue Drive-Thru Prayer tent, where our team is eager to connect and support them. Together, we can touch even more lives!

LaVie Diaper Drive

Please bring disposable diapers for LaVie Pregnancy Care Center this Sunday, October 20. Boxes will be in the Narthex, Atrium, and Church Office. All sizes needed, but especially larger sizes.

Poinsettia Sale

October 20 - November 5


Our Presbyterian Women's group is selling poinsettias again this year. Order a poinsettia in someone's memory or honor. Order online or use the envelopes in pews. Sale starts October 20 and deadline to order is November 5.

Checks payable to SGPCPW and note "poinsettia" in the memo.

Mail them in or drop them in the offering plate.

Contact Sandy Walker for more info.

Order Poinsettias

Gifts for our Guests

Have you seen our book table? It’s the perfect spot for us to connect with new guests!

We have books and gift cards for newcomers as a way to say thank you for visiting—we hope you come back!

If you’d like to help us welcome our new friends, consider contributing to our gift card tree. Just purchase $5 Chick-fil-A gift cards and bring them to the book table on your next visit and clip them to our tree!



Nailbenders spent their last workday cutting up a large pine tree and rolling it to the curb. They plan on returning to fix the home's trim once the roof is repaired.

Thank you so much to this team!!

Calling All Singers and Bell Ringers


We are looking for singers to join our choir and ringers to join our Jerry Spires Handbell Ensemble. If you are interested, please reach out to Miki Keisler or Cindy Threatt.

We have a lot of exciting events planned!

Make sure to Save the Date on your calendar.

Sunday, October 20:

Drop-in Reception for Pastor Morgan

Connection Point

November 3:


Daylight Savings Time Ends - Fall Back

November 10:

Celebration Sunday

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

Love a Family Trees Up

December 24:

Christmas Eve Services: 3pm (family), 5pm (modern), and 7pm (traditional)


The Flowers that grace our Sanctuary this Sunday are given to the glory of God and in honor of Grace Ann and Blake Taylor's Wedding Anniversary.

Christian Sympathy is extended to Ed Alexander on the loss of his brother.

We believe prayer is an essential discipline in our practice as believers. If you have a prayer request for your health or an immediate family member, please call the Church Office at 803-359-7770 or email prayer@saxegotha.org. If you would like your request to go to our Confidential Intercessory Prayer Team, please include that in your email.

View Prayer List

This Sunday, 10/20: Team 2

Following Sunday, 10/27: Team 3

We would love to hear from you!

Have a story about the great work the Lord is doing at Saxe Gotha? Is your ministry hosting an event? Want to be featured in future communications? Contact the Communications Team.

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