January 8, 2025

Winter Weather this Weekend

Due to the expected winter weather this weekend, please make sure to check the website for any updates regarding services this Sunday. We will post any changes or important information there. Stay safe and keep an eye on the website for the latest details!

Happy New Year from the Congregational Care Team

Happy New Year wishes from Renee' Starnes & our Congregational Care Team!

May this year bring you peace, joy, and countless opportunities to grow in faith and love. Know that we are here to support, encourage, and pray with you every step of the way.

2024 Gratitude Report

A big thank you to Sheila Werner for contributing to the Minute for Mission Gratitude Report! The report was created this past summer by Sheila’s granddaughter, Katie Koon, who interned with Michelle Miller in the communications department. Katie, a senior at Anderson University majoring in communications, did an outstanding job, and we are proud to share her work with you.

Click for Report

Recess Buddies Mentor Program

Sunday, January 12 | After 11AM Svc | Light House

Join us for an informational meeting about the Recess Buddies mentor program with Saxe Gotha Elementary School, starting Tuesdays on January 21.

Women In Ministry Pancakes & Pajamas

Sunday, January 12, 5PM

The Presbyterian Women in Ministry Council warmly invites you to join us for our Pancakes & PJ’s Gathering on Sunday, January 12 at 5:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Feel free to wear your favorite PJs or comfy clothes, and if you can, bring a breakfast side dish or snack to share.

This is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship, as we come together to connect and learn more about the Women in Ministry (WIM) at SGPC. We’ll share information about how you can get involved in our Circles, committees, and small groups, or even help mentor new groups that may be a better fit for you. Your participation and input are invaluable as we seek to grow in fellowship, support one another, and encourage each other on our spiritual journeys. It’s our hope that women in Circles and small groups will create meaningful opportunities to deepen our relationship with Christ and His Church.

As part of WIM, we are committed to honoring God and serving others in everything we do. At this gathering, we invite you to bring items for donation to support The Presbyterian Home in our community. Below is a list of items they are in need of:

Toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion, soap/body wash, shampoo/conditioner, warm fuzzy socks/footies, deodorant, and notecards.

We look forward to seeing you there and sharing in this special time of fellowship and giving!

LaVie Baby Bottle Drive 2025

Dear Friends, our Annual LaVie Pregnancy Center Baby Bottle Drive will start February 2, 2025. Please look for the Baby Bottle Pick Up Stations in the Narthex and in the Lighthouse to pick up your baby bottle. You may fill your bottle with change, bills, or checks! Please return them on February 9 to the Drop Off Stations in those same spots. If you miss the return date, you can drop your bottle off at the church office. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer with us, please contact Loretta Gobbel at 803-319-4608.

Cabins 4 Christ

We recently worked on a home for Mr. Whiteside in Black Mountain, NC. The conditions were tough, but Mr. Whiteside's spirit remained positive and thankful. His main wish is simply to be home again.

The goal for 2025 is to focus on repairing homes within the community. The need is immense and overwhelming. With your help, we can be part of the rebuilding.

If you are interested in helping or have questions about, please email Bill Seymour.

Giving Envelopes

If you requested personalized giving envelopes, they are now available for pickup at the designated table in the Narthex.

Garden Club of Lexington

Wednesday, January 8 | 6-8PM | Fellowship Hall

Have you noticed the beautiful flowers and greenery around campus? They are the wonderful work of the Garden Club of Lexington.

The Club is open to all interested in participating.

Drive Thru Prayer

Evening Crew:

January 9 (4-5pm)


Join together as we love and support community members in need of prayer. We will need prayer warriors, enthusiastic sign holders and traffic directors.

To Volunteer, sign up here.

Drive Thru Prayer

Morning Crew:

January 21 (7:30-8:30am)


Join together as we love and support community members in need of prayer. We will need prayer warriors, enthusiastic sign holders and traffic directors.

To Volunteer, sign up here.


Saturday, January 11 | 8AM | Light House Patio

Join us at 8AM on Saturday, January 11 (the 2nd Saturday of the month) at the church’s outdoor patio in front of the Light House. Bring a sack breakfast to enjoy before we head out to assist individuals in need.


Our group needs YOU! Looking for a younger crew, including youth, to help continue this ministry. Can you help?

Let us know you'll be there!


Saturday, January 11 | 11:15AM | Bellacinos

The WinGS group will hold this month's luncheon on Saturday, January 11 at 11:15AM at Bellacinos at 5339 Sunset Blvd.

This group of women meets monthly to support one another and share their experiences as widows. Every second Saturday, they gather for a meal at a local restaurant, enjoying valuable fellowship, friendship, and plenty of fun. All widows are welcome, regardless of age.

Please contact Carol Harden by 3PM Wednesday, January 9 as to whether you can attend.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Thursday, January 16 | 10-11:30AM | Room 154

We knit AND Crochet! We provide the needles and yarn. No experience needed. We welcome all ages. We meet on the first and third Thursday of each month.

To get involved in this ministry,

please contact Polly Askew.

Keep Connected with One Church

Download the My One Church App to your phone to keep current on all things Saxe Gotha. Here you can find and register for events, read the newsletter, follow along with our Order of Worship Sunday mornings, tithe, and so much more!

We have a lot of exciting events planned!

Make sure to Save the Date on your calendar.

January 26:

Sunday Afternoon Activities start

February 2:

LaVie Baby Bottle Drive

February 7:



We believe prayer is an essential discipline in our practice as believers. If you have a prayer request for your health or an immediate family member, please call the Church Office at 803-359-7770 or email prayer@saxegotha.org. If you would like your request to go to our Confidential Intercessory Prayer Team, please include that in your email.

View Prayer List

This Sunday, 1/12 Team 4

Following Sunday, 1/19: Team 5

We would love to hear from you!

Have a story about the great work the Lord is doing at Saxe Gotha? Is your ministry hosting an event? Want to be featured in future communications? Contact the Communications Team.

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