May 24, 2023


In this issue:

(scroll down for more)

Bible Study Begins Soon

Memorial Day Remembrances

Updating the Prayer List

Clean-up Day on Saturday

Wear Red on Pentecost!

"We are Risen!" Nave Exhibit Ending

Qigong this Sunday

Spring Social ~ June 1

Vacation Bible School 2023

Prayer List

Quick Links:

(click on button to

navigate to link)

Volunteer to Serve in May 28 Worship
Link to NEW Website!
 Directory Update Form
Recording of May 17 Bible Study 
 Vacation Bible School Registration

Bible Study Begins Soon

Wednesday, May 24

The Gospel of Matthew

10:30 a.m. on Zoom

No preparation or previous Bible Study experience is necessary; we all learn from each other.

Come and see!

Bible Study Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 326 468 549

Memorial Day Remembrances

We will observe Memorial Day at St. Dunstan’s this Sunday, May 28 by reading aloud the names of members of the military who have died. Please share names of those you'd like remembered at the Altar by filling out this Google form. 

The deadline for submissions is 4 p.m. on

Saturday, May 27.

Updating the Prayer List

Please take a moment to review the Parish Prayer List (see below) and let me know if there is anyone who is ready to "graduate" - which would be joyous news! We want to keep the list as current and accurate as possible. Thank you for your help! ~ Patty+

Clean-up Day on Saturday

Saturday, May 27

12 Noon

Please come help out for as long as you're able! Bring your gardening tools and yard bags if you have some, and maybe gloves in case of poison ivy.

Many hands make light work!

SSL hours available.

Wear Red on Pentecost!

Please worship with St. Dunstan's on the Feast of Pentecost this Sunday, May 28! We will celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit (the "Birthday of the Church") by hearing the Acts of the Apostles lesson in multiple languages, and we will be treated to special music by Organist Hexin Qiao, Guest Cantor Hilary Park, and Trumpeter Len Morse. Come join the festivities!


Remember to wear RED this week, if possible. (Orange or yellow work, too: The idea is to suggest "tongues, as of fire.")

"We Are Risen!" Nave Exhibit Ending

Many thanks to everyone who contributed photos (or allowed themselves to be cornered by Ray Donnelly during coffee hour!) for the “We Are Risen!” installation in the Nave. After Pentecost this Sunday, May 28, it will be time to take the installation down. If you would like to claim your family’s framed “garden,” feel free to take it home after the service — and if you can’t be there to take it on Sunday, just let me know and we’ll set it aside for you in the church office.

With love,

Sue Carroll

Qigong this Sunday

Formation Hour

Sunday at 12 noon

in the Nave

Led by Elisabeth Saidi

ALL are welcome to join Elisabeth Saidi for Qigong, a Chinese practice that uses posture, movement, breath, and mental focus to promote a deep sense of relaxation and well-being.

This is an easy to follow and very relaxing practice that is accessible to all ages, and you have the option to stand or sit throughout the session.

For more information, please contact Elisabeth at [email protected].

Spring Social ~ June 1

Spring Social

Presented by the Anvil Society

Thursday, June 1

6:30-8 p.m.

St. Dunstan’s Parish Hall

Join us for a fun evening with old and new friends!

Children's activities

Jazz piano by Joey Arkfeld

Please click below to sign up to bring food and drink:

Help with June 1 Spring Social

Blood Drive June 27

Vacation Bible School 2023

July 17-21, 2023

9 a.m.-12 noon

Held at St. Dunstan's

Fee: $40 per child

Once again this year St. Dunstan's is delighted to offer a five-day Community Vacation Bible School! 

 VBS is open to children entering Kindergarten through Grade 5; preschoolers may attend accompanied by a parent or caregiver.  

To register, just click the "Quick Link" button above or visit this link: VBS 2023 Registration.

Please invite friends and neighbors to join the fun!

For Your Prayers

For healing, strength, and protection:

Loris Adams, Michael Alford, Howard and Paige Bluth,

Phil and Patti Carroll, Barbara Churchill, the Dawoud Family, Ann Edgar, Marietta Falzgraf, Kenny Farnsworth, 

Louisa Greene, Michael Hackley, Doug Holy, Ben Hull,

Thea Patricia Mackenzie, Juanita Rilling, Theresa Russo,

Lou and Barbara Sander, Ann Shelly, Curt Shively, Katie Spero, Michael Webb, Bishop Carl Wright, Claire, Jennifer, Katherine, Matt, Michael, Mike, Nancy, Ross, Rosy, Todd, and Yafatou

For the men and women of our Armed Forces

and Foreign Service

For peace in Sudan, Ukraine, and all parts of the world torn apart by war and strife

For all those impacted by earthquakes, tornadoes,

and other natural disasters

For the Vivanco Family

missionaries in Quito, Ecuador

For refugees and displaced persons,

especially Syed, Elyas, and Erfan

The St. Dunstan's Vestry 2023

The Reverend Patricia Phaneuf Alexander, Rector

Karen Edwards, Senior Warden

Vince Leonard, Junior Warden

 Cliff White, Treasurer

Nils Overdahl, Assistant Treasurer

Janet Repka, Registrar

Donna Alvarez

Marsha Barnes

Leo Bouma

Walter Douglas

Janet Repka

Bill Sander

Louise Smoak

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church | Website

Parish Office Hours

M-Th, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

(Closed Fridays and on Federal holidays)

Seeking God • Building Community •

Growing Faith • Reaching Out

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