Weekly Happenings

November 18, 2022

St. John's would like to welcome guest speaker,

Pastor Justin Swingholm.

This Week's

Worship Service

Susie Moyer, Greeter

Tom Baal, Scripture

Wendy Lingle, Usher

Larry Miller, Website & Video

Julie Sherrick, Facebook

Ron Royer, Projections & Sound

The members of St. John's have always generously supported this ministry in the past. Thank you for helping these children have a wonderful Christmas!

Linda Wood

Please review the updated

Joy Pantry Wish List

Julie Sherrick, secretary, will now be the Facebook contact person. To post on St. John's Facebook page, email or text photos and messages to Julie at [email protected]


Nursing Home:

Beatrice Warlow

Florence Rhan

Shirley Haldeman

Betty Hower

Dennis Wood

Rochelle Stickler


Jason Galloway

(Deployed in Egypt)

Kevin White, Lt. Col.

Lee Moyer, Navy

Paul, Air Force, deployed

Those We've Lost:

Fay Krumbine


Mary Young

Barbara Stahl

Tyler Haag

Earlene Baal

Joan Cousins

Deb Snavely

Michael Gerhart

Mike Bell, Cowboy

John Snavely

Family & Friends:

Josh and Anna Hertzog

Colin Tobin

Bob D., Cancer

John B., Cancer

Glenn L., Lung Transplant

Gloria B., Linda's Friend Cancer

Christine Heagy, missionary

Sue, Sally Bachman's sister-in-law, cancer

Logan and his parents

Jenny Brown, Mary Lou's sister, stroke

Ken, home

Bill Miller and family, a friend of Neil's, passed suddenly

Adam Diebus, Melanie's brother-in-law, passed

Ed Geib, Peggy's brother, hospice

Jake Long, Donna B.'s friend, stroke

The Solie Family

Scott Shelley, Tim's coworker, underwent surgery for cancer

Dear God,
Thank you for your love and presence in my life and in the life of the church. St. John’s is your church. We place it in your hands and seek your will to be done. Give us courage, humility, and wisdom as we listen to you and to one another.  Give us the spirit of your love in all that we do. Guide our decisions as we live out our faith and the St. John’s Mission Statement:
"We serve all of God's people by sharing the love of Christ and ministering to our community."
St. John's UCC (717) 865-4453