We are the Church that serves
and spreads God’s love to everyone
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News for the Week
of December 10, 2022
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Third Sunday of Advent
With Holy Eucharist
8:00 AM, Sunday, Rite I (Spoken) In Person
10:00 AM, Sunday, Rite I (Sung) In Person and Online
Chancel Choir
The Rev. Marty Conner, Presider
The Rev. Timothy J. Yanni, Preacher
The Rev. Cn. Chuck Milhoan, Deacon
9:45 AM—11:15 AM Nursery Sunday School Room 1
Weekday Service with Holy Eucharist
Wednesday December 14, 6:30 PM
Online and In-Person
Celebrating St. Thomas the Apostle
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Home Visits
With Holy Eucharist
In addition to our on-line services, we also have Eucharistic Visitors who will joyfully bring Communion to those unable to come to our in-person services. Please contact our office at 623-582-5449 or click below.
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Aloha Fridays with Fr. Tim
About a week ago, I awoke with a tickle in the back of my throat. It didn’t feel like much and I suspected it was seasonal allergies or something like that. Because I was planning to come to the church to help with the veterans’ luncheon, I decided I might take one of the COVID tests I had stockpiled, just to be safe. I knew many of the veterans are elderly and some have compromised immune systems. I doubted the test would show a positive result, but I wanted the peace of mind for me and for them. I stuck the swab up my left and right nostrils, seemingly brushing the top of the inside of my skull at the same time, and then inserted it into the test card. Then what to my wondering eyes should appear, but two lines telling me I had finally become infected by the virus that causes COVID-19. Immediately, my plans for the week disappeared in front of my eyes.
Click the green button below to read all of Fr. Tim's Aloha Friday message.
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Community News and Events
@ St. John the Baptist
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Bishop Reddall’s Visit
Sunday, December 11, St. Johns was honored to have Bishop Jennifer Reddall as presider and preacher for her Biannual visit. While she was here she met with the candidates prior to the service, she confirmed 4 adults and 2 teenagers, did 1 reaffirmation and 1 person was received into the Episcopal Church and baptized 6 year old Jameson. She also met with the Vestry. Thank you Bishop Jennifer for a wonderful morning of love and prayer and for technically being the supply priest in Fr. Tim's abscence.
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If you haven’t already done so, please turn in your 2023 Estimate of Giving (Pledge) Form. You can put them in the offertory, or put them in the office in-box. It is important to receive a signed form from everyone! Your responses are critical to the preparation of the 2023 budget.
Mae Sinclair, Stewardship Chair, Suzy Mortenson, Treasurer
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Blue Christmas Service Wednesday December 14th, along with Healing Service.
Have you ever had one of those Holiday Seasons when you just didn’t find yourself feeling terribly joyful? Maybe you’ve experienced difficulties and losses during the year, and you just aren’t finding the “Christmas spirit.” This is a very normal human experience! It is important to allow yourself the space you need to be “not ok”, even when everywhere you look, people are telling you to be happy. If you are having a particularly difficult time this year, or if you want to support your fellow parishioners who are, we invite you to the Blue Christmas service on Wednesday, December 7 at 6:30 p.m. Together we will hold the space to allow us to feel whatever it is that we need to feel. It’s great to be happy, but we are humans. The truth is, sometimes we struggle. During this contemplative service, we will dedicate time and space to remember our loved ones we have lost, to raise up our difficulties and struggles to God, and to hold up each other in prayer. Everyone is warmly invited. -Fr. Tim
This service will include the Healing Service which is held every second Wednesday of the month. The healing service with laying on of hands if so desired.
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Poinsettia Donations Sign Up Sheets in the Parish Hall
Sign up sheets are on the south wall shelf. Donation of $20.00 for Poinsettia can be made online, click other and then when asked type in Poinsettia, by check or cash please write Poinsettia in the memo line or on the blue envelopes found in the pews. For more information contact the office.
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Christmas Angel Update
Thank you so much to those of you that got a Christmas Angel tag from the tree. We have just until Mon. Dec. 12th to get them back to church due to an earlier than usual vacation start for the school. The families will need to be called by the school to pick up the gifts BEFORE it closes for break on that Thursday the 15th. There will be no more Angels this year (sorry) our Scout Troop 365 will be shopping for the last 3 families! Please remember to: wrap gifts, include the tag or at least the name, and get everything back to church by Monday, Dec. 12th or Tuesday the 13th at the very latest. Please put them under the tree on Sunday or deliver to the office during open hours from 9:00 to 3:00. Thank you for serving God and our local needy with joy! If you have any questions, please contact Dan Basche.
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CANCELLED- Events Ministry Christmas Caroling on the Patio, Saturday, December 10th.
Due to illness this event has been cancelled. But keep your vocal chords warmed up because Christmas Eve is just 14 days away and we will be caroling before the Children's Christmas Pagent at 6:00 p.m., the service starts at 6:30 p.m. and before the Festive Holy Eucharist at 8:30 p.m., the service starts at 9:00 p.m.
Ministry Contact Shelli Romero
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Our Christmas Services Schedule
This year, Christmas Day is on a Sunday. Our services for Christmas are as follows:
Christmas Eve: Carols at 6:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve: Holy Eucharist Rite II with children’s pageant at 6:30 p.m.
Christmas Eve: Carols at 8:30 p.m.
Christmas Eve: Festive Holy Eucharist Rite II (Midnight Mass)
with incense at 9:00 p.m.
Christmas Day: Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:00 a.m.
New Year’s Day (the Feast of the Holy Name): Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:00 a.m.
Note there will be no 8:00 a.m. services on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day and there will be no service on Wednesday, December 28.
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Ryan and Miss Jennifer moving the Liturgical Clock while Bishop Reddall looks on. | |
Sunday School and Youth Group
Sunday, December 11, 9:45 AM Chilton Hall Rm 8 and Rm 6
This Sunday, Godly Play will meet at our regular time to continue our journey to Bethlehem with the Advent story. Our Youth Group will meet at 6 pm to share food, discuss what the Bible has to say about the birth of Jesus, and play games. Casey Goslin from PhLY will be here to get to know us. If any parents or guardians of our High School students have any questions about PhLY activities, stop by and ask. Our next PhLY event for High School Youth will be a Retreat MLK Weekend (January 14-16) in Prescott. As we enjoy the season of Advent, I invite families to follow my Instagram account of MissJennifer.StJtheB for devotions each day featuring the Lego City Advent figure of the day.
Ministry Contact Jennifer Roland, Director of Christian Formation
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Chris Becker Dining Hall BIG Thank You
Thank you all, to the max! You've been so generous donating to our less fortunate friends at the soup kitchen: clothes, blankets, winter warm clothing, jackets, gloves caps, sweaters, sweatshirts.... Their eyes got huge when they saw the 4 or 5 sleeping bags. Also the chocolate milk, and toiletries. We collect all those things year around. Jimmy, Craig, and Les as usual made the trip successful, efficient, and lots of fun- thanks a million guys- really. Thanks also to our newcomer, Denise. Thanks for taking the time to help out. Dan Basche
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The Borderlands' P.O.W. W.O.W. Team Thank You!
WOW! Many thanks to all of our 35 Volunteers who turned out to help with our first of the new season's Farmers Market. It went very smoothly considering our many key helpers out with Covid. It was also a delight to see our ROTC youth step up and fill positions without being asked. It seems they have been watching and learning!Supporters: 241. Our portion from Borderlands' $180.75 divided equally between SJB's Food Pantry and Feeding the Veterans (the first Friday of each month). Donations from Supporters to help feed the Veterans $381. Please mark your calendars for the first Saturday in January - January 7th, 2023.
Blessings and Merry Christmas! The Borderlands' P.O.W.W.O.W. Team
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Habitat for Humanity - Help our Neighbors and Receive a Tax Credit
Reduce your tax liability dollar for dollar and help build homes, community and hope. Arizona Charitable Tax Credit forms are available on the St. John’s website www.stjohnsaz.org. Donate at https://habitatcaz.org/donate, or mail to: Habitat for Humanity CAZ, PO Box 39730 Phoenix, AZ 85069.
Ministry Contact Sandy Basche
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December Stewardship Message
“The only investment I ever made which has paid consistently increasing dividends is the money I have given to the Lord.”—J. L. Kraft (head of Kraft Cheese Corporation)
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Pastoral Care
Fr. Tim and Deacon Chuck are pleased to make themselves available for pastoral care at all times of the day and night. At the same time, they want you to know that they are very mindful about respecting the value of your privacy. If you would like a pastoral visit or telephone call, please let the office know. This way the clergy will know that it is safe and appropriate to contact you and they can be certain that their communication does not come at an unwelcome time.
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Announcements and Newsletter Submission Deadline
Please submit all announcements and pictures for the Sunday bulletin (green flyer) and for the Weekly Email Newsletter (Constant Contact)
by noon on Wednesday. Submit by email to info@stjohnsaz.org. For questions contact Renee’ Taylor, Parish Administrator in the office.
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Altar Flower Dedications
Please sign up for December flower dedications in the notebook that is now on the Ministry Shelf on the south side of the parish hall. Suggested donation is $40.00. We can have more than one dedication on a Sunday if you want to split the cost. Contact the office for more information.
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Ministry Events This Week
@ St. John the Baptist
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For more information about a ministry, please send an email to the ministry contact by clicking on their name. Schedule of events is always available - please click button below to view the SJB electronic calendar.
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Bible Study Between Services Led by Dan Basche,
Sunday's between services, Chilton Hall, Rm 5
Bring your Bibles, coffee and treats. See you there!
Ministry Contact Dan Basche
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Harry Potter Book Club
Monday, December 12, 6:00 dinner and 6:30 PM study, Chilton Hall, Rm 6 “Order of the Phoenix: A Spiritual Journey with Harry Potter”. We discuss the spiritual themes in the books one chapter at a time. Ages 11 and up. It’s never too late to join us! Our discussion of Chapter 15 "The Chamber of Secrets" will be through the theme of Revelation in the second book, The Chamber of Secrets.
Ministry Contact Jennifer Roland and Fr Harry Way
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Vestry Meeting
Wednesday, December 14, 7:15 PM, Parish Hall
The meeting follows the Wednesday evening service. Vestry meetings are open to all parishioners and everyone is welcome to attend.
Ministry Contact Tracy Hare
Communion and Healing Service
Wednesday, December 14, 6:30 PM, Church
Every second Wednesday of the month, healing service with laying on of hands if so desired. This month we will also have the Blue Christmas service at this time.
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Advent Calendar Food Drive
Follow the directions on the Calendar and on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day bring the contents to Church. We will make sure the Food Pantry puts it all to good use for the less fortunate in our community. Editor's Note: I know this is starting late, but every little bit helps. Thank you all for your support over the whole year!
Click the button below to see the Food Drive Advent Calendar.
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Food Pantry Ministry News
Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 AM-1:00 PM, Office
In November the Food Pantry served 177 adults and 66 Children. That does not include the more that 30 families that received Thanksgiving dinners thanks to your generous donations. Right now, it is costing nearly $600 a week to keep the Food Pantry stocked and ready to serve the increase in need we have been experiencing. Please prayerfully consider how you can help to support this important Ministry. Food donations are gratefully accepted at the Food Pantry during the hours they are open, come to the office door. There is a list of items needed on the shelf on the south wall in the parish hall. Volunteers to shop for food are always needed! Thank you to everyone who have been helping and supporting the Food Pantry, this last year.
Ministry Contact Tony Martin
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Joyful Noise Choir Practice Cancelled
Tuesday, December 13, 7:00 PM, Church
Cancelled due to illness.
Ministry Contact Jimmy Diaz
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Chancel Choir Practice Cancelled
Wednesday, December 14, 7:15- 8:30 PM, East Annex
Cancelled due to Illness
Ministry Contact Hyeri Choi and Michelle Weaver
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Men’s Fellowship Breakfast = and Bible Study
Saturday, December 17, 7:30 AM, Parish Hall
Ministry Contact Colin Smith
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Coming Up @
St. John the Baptist & the Diocese of Arizona
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An Interfaith Winter Night
Monday, December 12, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
100 W Roosevelt St, Phoenix AZ, 85003
Join faith leaders throughout Arizona for this casual Interfaith Winter Night. We will gather to share hymns, songs, chants, meditations, and reflections on love, unity, and peace. We will close with a time of community and refreshments. Part of the program will be outside, so dress accordingly. All are welcome, so please share this event with your friends and communities of faith.
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@ St. John the Baptist
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St. John the Baptist Website
More information on our website may be accessed by clicking below.
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Is God Calling?
Maybe our Creator is calling you to be a vital volunteer! Here are some ways to serve God & neighbor @ SJB:
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Chancel Choir is Looking for New Members
Our choir is looking for new members. No auditions or sight reading required; just bring that beautiful voice God created in you! The choir rehearses the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays between services at 9:20AM. In particular, male voices are needed at this time.
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Altar Guild
Are you a Martha or a Mark looking for a way to serve your clergy? Are you called to be a servant of the servant (our clergy)? No experience necessary, training will be provided. An eye for detail is helpful.
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Third Place Ministry for Food and Fellowship
Are you someone who loves to make guest feel welcome in your home? Does everyone always end up in your kitchen during a party? Then Third Place Ministry may be just the ministry for you! We are looking to add more members to the weekly schedule. Remember many hands make light work!
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Prison Ministry
Birthday Cards needed (no glitter please). Thank you for your generosity but we have plenty of first class stamps for now. The holiday and birthday cards and words of encouragement that are sent to the women incarcerated at Perryville Prison are always greatly appreciated.
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The Daughters of the King
Prayer Ministry
St. John the Baptist's chapter of the DOK prays with you
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Please click the button to send a confidential request to the Daughters of the King. All requests are kept private within the DOK intercessory prayer group. If you’d like a first name added to the prayers said aloud during Sunday services, please indicate this on your email to the Daughters. Names are read aloud at every service for a period of 4 weeks from request.
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