This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Upcoming Calendar
Sunday, January 12
8am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit 
9:50am - Infant/childcare and Sunday School
10am - Holy Eucharist with choir and organ
Food and fellowship follows
11:30am - Outreach Meeting

Tuesday, January 14
2pm to 6pm - Sloatsburg Food Pantry is open
Wednesday, January 15
10am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Last Sunday, St. Mary’s participated in the 13th annual Twelfth Night celebration, this year at Grace Church in Middletown. With that, our Christmas celebrations came to a melodious end. At the rectory, I have spent the last two evenings taking down our tree, which is no small feat given the level of ornament organization. People, places, plants & animals, and shapes all have their respective containers.

With all of the festivities behind us, I am tempted to want to hit fast-forward to Easter and springtime, but even in the dead of winter there is plenty to do here. For example, our annual meeting is coming up on January 19. It is an important time to gather as a body and conduct important business for the life of our church such as the election of vestry members and this year a senior warden.

Members will also soon be receiving letters about our 2020 annual appeal, and I hope that everyone will be as generous as possible. Many thanks to those who have already pledged online or by stopping in to the office.

As you can see, the life of the church never takes a break. The scriptures remind us that, “There are many gifts but the same Spirit.” Thank you to everyone for sharing your gifts so generously.

Father Rick
Make Your Pledge for 2020
In the coming weeks, you will hear from Father Rick  and parishioners about the importance of financial giving as a spiritual practice, but also as a practical need. The reality of ministry in a large, historic building with a robust program is that doing these things takes money, and expenses almost never decrease. St. Mary's relies heavily on the generosity of her parishioners and friends to meet our budget. Your pledge is not only a significant part of your spiritual and civic life, but also a valuable tool for helping the parish leadership get an accurate picture of the financial year ahead.

There are many worthy causes out there, and we understand that as engaged citizens you may contribute to multiple organizations. When you do, please bear in mind that the donor base for some high-profile entities dwarfs that of a parish church like us, and that we receive absolutely no outside funding. Your gift to St. Mary's will ensure that the God of Abraham is glorified not only through our worship, but in our deeds. God's word will be preached and heard, and faithful people will be inspired to go out to do his will. The hungry will be fed, the naked clothed, the sick comforted. The sheer amount of good that flows forth from this place is astonishing, and it is all because of you.

Please make your pledge or one-time donation to the mission and ministry of this integral part of our community. May God bless you in your generosity.
Winter Saturday Service Resumes January 18th
On Saturday, January 18th at 5pm, we will resume our seasonal evening service. Please join us at the St. Mark's altar in the nave of the main church. Come as you are for this vigil service, at which you will hear the scripture readings for the following Sunday morning. You may be interested to learn that the Church reckons time in the manner of Judaism, in that when the sun sets, we consider it to be the next day. Thus vigil masses (such as Christmas Eve midnight Mass) have been a part of our tradition for many centuries.
Annual Meeting January 19th
Our Annual Parish Meeting is coming up on Sunday, January 19, immediately following the 10am service. At the meeting, we will conduct the yearly business of the parish and elect Vestry members. We will also review progress of our parish over the past year and goals for the future. Brunch will be served! Please plan on joining us for this important meeting.
All are truly welcome at St. Mary's, which is located within the historic gates of Tuxedo Park and serves the entire Tuxedo community. Please tell the gatehouse you're going to St. Mary's, proceed thru the gates and we're on the right (plenty of parking available).
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
PreSchool: 845.351.2389
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987