December 16, 2021
This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Upcoming Calendar
All services are offered in-person and online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).

Saturday, December 18
10am to 2pm - The Emporium is open
5pm - Evensong

Sunday, December 19
10am - Fourth Sunday of Advent - Holy Eucharist
11am to 1pm - The Emporium is open
11:30am - Vestry meeting

Wednesday, December 22
10am - Holy Eucharist

Christmas Eve: Friday, December 24
4pm - Family service at St. Mary's
6pm - Service at St. John's in Arden
9pm - Traditional concert and "Midnight Mass" at St. Mary's

Christmas Day: Saturday, December 25
10am - Holy Eucharist with carols

Sunday, December 26
10am - First Sunday of Christmas - Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, December 29
10am - Holy Eucharist
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

If you know me, you know that I am a big proponent of pilgrimage. Whether they be large or small, whether they are an epic lifetime event, or simply a private devotion, pilgrimages nurture our souls. Indeed, we Christians are sometimes called "a pilgrim people."

Of course this desire for spiritual motion is not unique to us, but certainly our interpretation of it, the part that is in our DNA, goes back to the ancient Israelites' sojourn in the desert for forty years as they searched for the promised land. They carried with them the ark of the covenant, which was kept secluded in a tent, or tabernacle. It contained within it powerful reminders of God's love and providence in times past, and also a promise to be with his people always. This symbolism carries through to our tradition, as our tabernacles contain within them the promise of the new covenant.

I read an article this week extolling priests to think of their Christmas congregants as pilgrims. Whether they have come from far or near, are regulars or "C&E", something has drawn them to a place they think of as holy.

Every time we gather, at any time of the year, we should always keep that pilgrimage image in our hearts and minds. The opening procession is a formalized way to draw attention to the fact that we are "going unto the altar of God." And it is not just a spectator sport: when you come forward for communion (at the same time a private and public devotion), you, too, are saying, "I am a pilgrim." We walk that holy way up the aisles of our churches, faithfully and joyfully expecting one day to meet our God in the same way.

This Christmas, as we sing "O Come, All Ye Faithful," know that we are indeed going even unto Bethlehem to see this thing which has taken place; to bask in the newborn light of grace; and like Mary, to ponder these things in our hearts now and throughout the year.

Father Rick
Christmas Flowers and Music
Once again, St. Mary’s will be transformed into a breathtakingly beautiful space decorated for Christmas beginning with the greenery during Advent. Poinsettias and red bows will be added for Christmas and then on Christmas Eve, we will enjoy outstanding music offered by our organist, as well as vocal and instrumental soloists. 

All are paid for by YOUR donations. The total cost is over $3000, so we do need a number of generous donors to have this lovely tradition of St. Mary’s continue in 2021. To make this possible, we ask you that you give a special donation for the Christmas decorations and music by check or via the button below.

In the memo line, please be sure to indicate who your gift is given in memory of or thanksgiving for -- you may also email these details to [email protected]. The deadline for inclusion of memorials in our Christmas bulletins is Wednesday, December 22.
Angel Tree & Christmas Outreach
Our traditional Angel Tree gifts for local families on low and uncertain incomes will go this year to 37 families who have a total of 73 children. A festive gift bag will be delivered to each family containing a $50 ShopRite gift card and a $50 Amazon Gift Card for each child. The total cost to St Mary’s Outreach fund is $5,500. Thanks to TPS, the bag will also contain hats, scarves and gloves for all the family.

Many of these families have suffered as a result of sickness or unemployment, so this boost at the start of the winter will provide that little extra, and help to make that longed for ‘Happy Christmas’.

Stirred by the sight of homeless men living under the thruway just off Rte 59 on the way into Suffern, St Mary’s is buying sleeping bags for those and others, who, for various reasons, are afraid to go into the overnight warming shelters. Helping Hands of Rockland is assisting us in delivery and identifying others who are still sleeping rough. We are also funding 50 Macdonald’s gift cards at $15 each to give out at the bagged breakfast/ lunch program in Spring Valley.

We will be very grateful for any donations towards the Angel Tree and other Christmas Outreach. You can donate online or mail a check to St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo PO Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987. Please write "Angel Tree" in the memo.

Funding of St. Mary’s Outreach is separate from pledged monies and donations which fund the running of the church. Outreach has income from an endowment that amounts to around $14,000 a year. Beyond that we depend on grants and donations. Grants amounted to $26,000 in 2020.

In 2020 our outreach to address hunger, homelessness, poverty, sickness, national disasters, and inequality of educational opportunity amounted to $121,000.
Many, many thanks for your generosity.

Sue Heywood, Outreach Chair
Emporium Open House A Great Success
Last Saturday's Emporium open house was a rousing success. All day long, people perused the diverse array of things on offer, all donated by local residents and artfully curated by Lili Neuhauser.

Santa has made another delivery, we understand, and there are some fantastic newly-arrived fashions and antiques. With Christmas just a week away, what better, more convenient way to shop?

The Emporium is open Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm, and Sundays from 11:00am to 1:00pm.
The sanctuary candle for the week of December 19 given in
loving honor of the Knoll Family by the Bush Family.
Pledge Campaign Progress
At this time of year, we give thanks not only for the bountiful harvest, but also for all of the blessings of this life. Everything comes from and returns to God. On November 21st, we ingathered all pledges for 2022 and we are already over 72% of our goal--that's a 10% increase over last week!

Every gift is important and is received with gratitude. It is vitally important for every member of St. Mary's to make his or her pledge as a show of financial support, but also of faith in our mission and witness to the risen Christ.

Your pledge can come in at any time, but practically speaking, before the end of the year helps us greatly with our budget projections for 2022. Thank you!
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987