Sunday, December 22 - Advent IV
8am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit
9:50am - Infant/childcare and Sunday School
10am - Holy Eucharist with choir and organ
Food and fellowship follows
11am - Pageant Rehearsal
Monday December 23
Preschool closed
Tuesday, December 24 - Christmas Eve
Preschool closed and Church office closes at noon
3:30 pm - All children who wish to participate in the pageant come for costumes and rehearsal
4pm - Christmas Pageant and Family Service in the Nave;
Milk & Cookies Reception follows
5:45pm - Carol Sing at St. John’s Church, Arden
6pm - Holy Eucharist at St. John’s in Arden
10:30pm - Christmas Concert at St. Mary’s
11pm - Traditional Midnight Mass with Strings & Choir;
Champagne reception to follow
Wednesday, December 25 - Christmas Day
Preschool and church office closed
10am - Holy Eucharist in the Nave with organ and carols
Thursday December 26
Preschool and church office closed
Friday December 27
Preschool and church office closed
Saturday, December 28
3pm to 7pm - Christmas Open House at the Rectory