This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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All services are being live-streamed online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, January 31
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)

Tuesday, February 2
5pm - Evening Prayer (online only)

Wednesday, February 3
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)

Thursday, February 4
5pm - Evening Prayer (online only)
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

When I was a little child, back in the days of rotary dial telephones and tinfoil on the TV’s “rabbit ears,” one of my most prized possessions was my Super Friends record player. I had a number of albums, but my favorite was a set of 45’s with songs from Sesame Street. The hits included “Rubber Duckie,” “C is for Cookie,” and best of all “I Love Trash.”

How I loved singing along with Oscar, “...anything dirty or dingy or dusty, anything ragged or rotten or rusty; O I love trash!” Perhaps it was this ditty that planted within me the seed of a lifelong love of old stuff. I bet I was the only kid in eighth grade English class to give a report on my interesting flea market finds.

It’s not usually the “museum quality” antiques that catch my eye. More likely than not, it is something that has seen better days; slightly broken, a bit bedraggled, missing a part here or there. These things first make me imagine the many hands through which they passed and the history they’ve survived. Most recently it was a pre-Civil War cast iron parlor stove that I discovered in a barn in Lake Placid. It was a bit rusty, and the fire box was completely burned out, but my was it handsome and historic! It is soon to be sent to a stove restoration expert in the Berkshires and will take up residence with us in the rectory in time for next winter.

This is a true saying and worthy of all men to be received: One man’s trash is truly another’s treasure.

I like to think that God looks at us in much the same way. We all come before him with battle scars, with flaws, and with brokenness. Perhaps in the eyes of the world we seem to be of very little worth or even unlovable. But God doesn’t see what the world sees. He sees something made in his own image; something so valuable as to be worth the price of his only Son’s life.

It is my hope and prayer that we can begin to see each other less with the eyes of the world—the eyes which separate and judge based on perceived differences—and more with eyes like God’s—the eyes that in unconditional love see only his beloved child.

Father Rick
Blessed Absalom Jones
Absalom Jones (1746 – 1818) was an African-American abolitionist and clergyman who became prominent in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Disappointed at the racial discrimination he experienced in a local Methodist church, he founded the Free African Society with Richard Allen in 1787, a mutual aid society for African Americans in the city. The Free African Society included many people newly freed from slavery after the American Revolutionary War.

In 1794 Jones founded the first black Episcopal congregation, and in 1802, he was the first African American to be ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Church. He is listed on the Episcopal calendar of holy women and men. Each year, he is remembered liturgically on the date of his death, February 13.

Our diocese will celebrate his life this year with a panel discussion on February 10th, a celebratory service on February 20th, and a mutual aid project from now thru March. Please join in celebrating this remarkable man's life.
Annual Meeting Held
Our Annual Parish Meeting was held on Sunday, January 17, at 11:30am, online via Zoom (here is the link to the video along with meeting materials). At the meeting, we conducted the annual business of the parish and elected Vestry members. We also reviewed progress of our parish over the past year and goals for the future. Thank you to everyone who participated!
The Light of Christ
A sanctuary lamp hangs in the church directly above the tabernacle, where the Blessed Sacrament is kept in reserve. The perpetual light of the lamp reminds us that Jesus is sacramentally present, and calls us to greater reverence for his Body as well as to prayer in his presence.

The glass vigil candles that fit inside the lamp can be given in memory of a loved one, as a petition for some need, or in thanksgiving for answered prayer. Each light burns for an entire week, and the cost is $20. With your donation, please leave a note describing your prayer's intention as well as the week you would like the light to burn. You may donate online or mail a check to St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo, P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987.

The sanctuary lamp was given last week by Harrison Bush in memory of Fr. Frederich H. Nason, and this week by the Bush Family in memory of Gretel Bush and Elizabeth Schmidt.
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987