Traditionally St Mary’s puts together Thanksgiving Baskets to give to low income families in our community and families who, because of sickness or any other adversity, would benefit and enjoy some extra help in creating their Thanksgiving meal.
The Sloatsburg Food Pantry, at its new location in All Souls Community Church in Suffern [corner of Oliver Street and Washington avenue] will be giving out around 400 special boxes of non-perishables and fresh vegetables and fruit on Wednesday November 17th. As the new refrigeration equipment will not be in place until the second week of December, the turkeys will be replaced by ShopRite Gift Cards. St Mary’s is contributing 125 of these gift cards, each valued at $25.
In Tuxedo we have been asked to provide 36 baskets which will be distributed on the morning of Tuesday 23rd November using a school bus and driver. This year, because of the refrigeration problem, a ShopRite gift card will replace the meat, and according to the size of the family the value of the gift card will be $25 or $50.
We will be accepting donations of non-perishables at any time and fresh vegetables and fruit the weekend of 20th and 21st November. These should be dropped off in the Chapel (up the steps to the right of the church building). We will pack the baskets on Monday, November 22nd.
Cash donations by check [made out to St Mary’s, with memo Thanksgiving Baskets] or online here will also be very gratefully accepted.
Items for Hispanic basket:
Long grain rice
Cans of red, black and pink beans
Corn tortillas
Garlic, green, sweet and red peppers, green olives
Yucca, potatoes, sweet potatoes
Canned pumpkins and yams Apples, bananas, pineapples, oranges
Packets or Maseca and gandules
Items for traditional American Thanksgiving meal:
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, carrots
Cranberry Sauce
Cans or jars of green beans, yams, gravy
Packets of stuffing
Apples, bananas, oranges Cookies and sweet treats Pumpkin pies