This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Upcoming Calendar
Services are being live-streamed online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).

Day of Pentecost, Whitsunday, May 23
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)

Tuesday, May 25
5pm - Evening Prayer (online only)

Wednesday, May 26
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)
2pm to 6pm - Sloatsburg Food Pantry is open (in Suffern)

Thursday, May 27
5pm - Evening Prayer (online only)
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Back at the beginning of the pandemic, I had the naive notion that it would last about six to eight weeks, and then we could all rejoice and return to our regularly scheduled lives. How wrong I was. Throughout the following months, many of us stepped up to help our neighbors safely obtain the things necessary for life, like food and medicines. We drove neighbors to doctors appointments, and rolled up our sleeves to volunteer in many different ways. In recent months, we have helped one another navigate tricky websites to obtain vaccination appointments, as well as driving people to them.

While the pandemic still rages in other parts of the world, I give thanks to God (as well as our scientists, doctors, nurses, and front-line workers) that here in New York things have improved drastically. In fact, Tuxedo is the most vaccinated community in Orange County, at over 80%.

These marked improvements, along with new guidance from the CDC, have led to our governor relaxing mask-wearing requirements throughout the state. At St. Mary's, we have been scrupulous about following state and diocesan guidelines for safe worship, and I applaud everyone's cooperation; it was truly a display of love for our neighbors.

In light of the new state guidelines, starting Sunday, May 23, people who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus for two weeks or more may attend services and other indoor activities without wearing a mask. I understand that many vaccinated people will still want to wear their masks for some time, and we certainly respect that choice. The transition to "normal" is going to be challenging for us all.

Until I hear otherwise from the Bishop, we will still refrain from congregational singing, and our communion practices will remain unchanged.

We have come a long way together, and it seems that there is light at the end of this tunnel. I pray that we enjoy our new freedoms responsibly and respectfully, and that we continue to hold one another in love.

Father Rick
Reimagining our Ministries - Altar Guild
There are many ways to get involved, deepen your faith and help make a difference in the life of your neighbor, our community and the broader world. Our ministries have naturally changed over time, depending on the needs and interests of our community. Many of them were scaled back and/or moved online during the pandemic. As more people are vaccinated and covid infections decrease, we hope people will feel more comfortable attending in-person events — what a great opportunity to restart and reimagine those ministries that enrich and enlighten our community!

When in-person worship resumed last July, we deliberately limited the number of people involved in the services for safety reasons. Initially, Father Rick took on Altar Guild responsibilities himself. Eventually Wendy Favia, our Altar Guild chair, returned to service, later assisted by Serene Swirbul. We are now ready to welcome everyone who is interested in joining (or rejoining) the guild. Wendy will be holding training sessions for those interested.

The Altar Guild prepares and cares for the vessels & vestments used in the sacred liturgies with reverence, devotion and attention to detail. Duties are to prepare the altars for all regular services, as well as special services as needed (e.g. weddings, baptisms, funerals). A check is kept on vestments for cleaning, laundering, and small repairs. Some linen is laundered by members as well. Supplies of candles, wine, and wafers need to be purchased on a regular basis. Periodically, silver and brass needs polishing. The guild also manages the V. Davis Flower Fund and the beautiful flowers, plants, and greens that adorn the church throughout the year.

If you are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please talk with Wendy or visit to sign up. Schedules will be made out several months in advance so you can plan your calendar accordingly. Please visit to learn more about all of our ministries.
Communications Update
Over the past few years, we've worked hard to improve communications within the parish and across our community. Specifically, we have:
  • Launched a beautiful new website using Squarespace
  • Made our weekly newsletter mobile-friendly
  • Implemented Google for Non-Profits (free software with robust office tools & collaboration)
  • Installed a new sound system and WiFi in the church
  • Began live-streaming all services and events

One of our remaining challenges was that our most important church records, the core data about our parishioners and friends, were scattered across several obsolete systems and multiple (sometimes hand-written) lists. So we decided to take on the challenge! After more than a year of data cleansing and migration, we are excited to launch a new, integrated Church Management System called Realm. It provides all the features we need, plus it's secure and easy-to-use. There's even an app!

Realm is an online ministry tool designed for real-time connection. The rector, staff and volunteers will stay organized, and parishioners will stay informed about all of the opportunities for fellowship and ministry. As a user, you'll be able to edit your own profile, manage your privacy, view the online directory, control your giving, and connect with groups and ministries. Please let me know if you'd like to be part of the pilot group testing our new system.

Pete Datos-Robÿn, Communications Chair
Mother's Day at St. Mary's
On May 9th, seven new trees forming an allée of native dogwoods along Tuxedo Road were dedicated and blessed. Please visit our Facebook page for photos and video of the event. Thank you to everyone who helped make this beautiful addition to our campus possible, especially Sue Heywood, who coordinated the whole project. Several more trees will be planted in the near future!

The trees are given in loving memory by:
  • Jane and Neil Garofano for their son-in-law, Michael McColgan (1973-2019)
  • Inger Grüterich for her husband, Rolf Grüterich (1929-2016)
  • Nancy and Jim Hays for their son, Alexander M. Hays (1977-2018)
  • Sue Heywood for her husband, Alan Heywood (1939-2015)
  • Sally Sonne for her husband, Christian R. Sonne (1936-2019)
  • Serene Swirbul for her husband, L. Philip Swirbul (1931- 2016)
  • Sandy Taylor for her sister, Anne Louise McFarland Heigho (1935-2020)
Welcome to the Emporium!
Is your closet a little Covid tired? We can help! We have a huge number of pairs of Manolo Blanhnik shoes, sized mostly 9.5. They are fabulous AND we have a rack full of ladies designer clothes. There is a really lovely armoire, it has housed a TV in the past or it can be used for a bar.

The Emporium space looks fantastic! We now have a shop that will stand us in good stead for years to come, thank you Aivars! We hope to be fully functional by June 12 at 10 a.m. in conjunction with the first day of the Farmer’s Market.

Please remember we cannot accept drop offs, just shoot us an email and we can arrange a time to meet you!

Lili Neuhauser, Emporium Curator
Antiracism Summit May 22nd
Several congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of New York have groups focusing on racial justice and/or antiracism. Other congregations have members who would like to start such a group. They are looking for help and resources to do so.

With the help of the diocesan Antiracism Committee, a group of congregants from around the diocese are planning an online "summit meeting" on May 22nd for representatives from congregations who have existing groups or congregations which want to start one.

Please click on the link below to sign up for the summit and let Father Rick know if you'd be interested in starting such a group at St. Mary's.
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987