This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Services are being live-streamed online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).
Saturday, July 10
3pm - Funeral for Fred Wibiralske
Sunday, July 11
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)
Wednesday, July 14
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and online)
2pm to 6pm - Sloatsburg Food Pantry is open (in Suffern)
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July holiday. Despite the rain delay, our fireworks display on Tuxedo Lake was magnificent, as always.
The summer fun continues, as we have planned a number of fun-for-the-whole-family events, including several more movie nights on the lawn, and a hymn-sing on the lake in August (details below).
For the next few Sundays, our Organist, Sheldon, will be away on his summer holiday. I am looking forward to welcoming back our former organ scholar Bruce Xu, who is home from college for the summer.
Throughout the rest of the summer, our worship schedule will continue with services at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays and Wednesdays. Be sure to check out the goodies on offer in our new Emporium after church on Sundays.
As you can see, there are still many ways for you to connect with St. Mary’s during the summer months. I hope to see you soon!
Father Rick
Funeral for Fred Wibiralske
Please join us in-person at St. Mary's on Saturday, July 10th, at 3pm for the funeral of parishioner Fred Wibiralske, who died on May 24th at the age of 94. Fred led a life of service to his community as well as his beloved Episcopal Church, and was surrounded by his loving family when he died peacefully at home. You may read his full obituary here. May Fred's soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.
Emporium Grand Opening July 24th
Hymn Sing on the Lake August 8th
We carry on featuring prominent people who rest in Saint Mary’s churchyard, this week we feature Count Henry Alexander Salm-Hoogstraeten, better known to all as simply Alex Salm. He was born in 1919 in New York City, attended Le Rosey School in Switzerland, the Kent School and Dartmouth College. He joined the Air Force where he served with great distinction, flying Boeing’s B-29s bombers in over 30 missions during WW2 and then flew Bob Hope for his USO tours.
He was an avid sailor and faced with a very tricky situation during a heavy rain squall while racing, the jib needed to be taken down before shredding, no on on the boat wanted to go forward to rescue the sail. Alex was the man for the job. One of the crew asked “What will you do?” Alex, with his ever present pipe firmly clenched, looked at the man and turned his pipe upside down, to spare it from the rain and proceeded to save the jib! A man of great practicality!
He ate most weekday lunches at the now defunct Orange Top Diner in town with the men from the town DPW, among others. He then would bring tea and a donut to Laurie who was the gate TP guard at the time. His arm would hold out his offering from his car to her grateful grasp from inside in the booth and home he would go.
Alex was a lovely gentle man, who loved to putt around in his house here, mowing, trimming, fixing broken things. He enjoyed having folks over, tell stories and loved having people come to stay and be entertained. The house was a time capsule and there is a wonderful article about it by John Foreman, with many pictures, his series “Big Old Houses” did it justice. The house was sold about 1 year ago, the first time outside of the family.
His mother Maud Coster, represents the family in a lovely portrait that hangs in the bar at the Tuxedo Club, where she was painted with a beloved companion, her dog.
Open to youth ages 12-18.
Youth Conference is a week-long event for the young people of the Episcopal Diocese of New York. It is a combination of many things; part retreat, part camp, and part convention. A chance for the youth of the Diocese to escape the pressures of the outside world, meet people their own age, discuss topics relevant to their lives, define their own personal spirituality, and have fun all at the same time. Please join us for the week, and make friendships that can last a lifetime!
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987