Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Happy New Year to one and all! After much work and preparation, our Christmas celebrations at St. Mary's, attended by people far and near, were a beautiful expression of our faith. Each service has its own personality and appeal to a broad range of people. At each, the old story which never gets old was told once again. The light of love was illuminated in the stable once more.
Now that we are firmly into 2022, our attention turns to the annual meeting and the preparations it requires. With all that is happening, I am very pleased to announce to you that I have hired a new administrative assistant for St. Mary's.
Aoife Geoghegan (pronounced EE-fa) started work in our offices on Monday, and has already begun mastering all of the systems and technology that power our work. She will be in the office Mondays - Thursdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Aoife lives in the East Village with her husband, Will, and their three children, all of whom were baptized at St. Mary's. She brings a wealth of talent and professionalism, as well as a friendly greeting. Please stop by when you can to introduce yourself and say hello.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Pete Datos-Robÿn, who has worked tirelessly as our volunteer administrator (as well as webmaster, newsletter editor, and livestream camera man) for over a year. As part of the move from the undercroft to French House, he was integral to getting things organized as well as transitioning us to a totally cloud-based office using Google for nonprofits and our new church management system, Realm.
I am really looking forward to working with Aoife, and wish her all the best.
Father Rick