This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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All services are offered in-person and online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).
Saturday, March 19
10am to 2pm - Emporium Open
5pm - Evening Prayer
Sunday, March 20
10am - Second Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist
11am to 1pm - Emporium open
Wednesday, March 23
10am - Holy Eucharist
Saturday, March 26
5pm - Evening Prayer
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
One of the things we learned over the course of the last two years is that we need to be open to new and different ways of thinking about how we are the Church. For one thing, live-streaming has come to be normative and, for the most part, a good thing.
Another thing we learned, though, was the importance of some tried and true staples of parish life that simply cannot be experienced virtually. Children all over the country had to adapt to virtual school, and even when in-person resumed, there were often days and weeks when they had to go back to virtual due to covid outbreaks.
Thanks to a decline in infections, children’s vaccines, and more importantly eager volunteers, St. Mary’s Sunday School is back! Our children can once again gather to learn about Holy Scripture, sing songs of praise, and just enjoy each other’s company. This is a vital part of Christian formation, whose return is a more than welcome development.
If you would like to volunteer, or if your child would like to attend, please contact Aoife in the church office.
Father Rick
Helping the Children of Ukraine
St Mary's Outreach Committee is sending financial support to assist in the direct relief of children who are suffering as a result of the war taking place in Ukraine. Our donations from undesignated Outreach Funds and individual donations have been sent to the organization, 'Save the Children.' So far, a sum of $5,400 has been donated.
We realize many people will have made donations individually, but our intention is to continue to donate, playing a small part in supporting the children and their caregivers. Donations of any size can be sent to St Mary's with checks made out to St Mary's Outreach, memo Ukraine, or online similarly. Any amount will be welcome, and as we accumulate funds the donations will be forwarded to 'Save the Children.'
We are honoring, particularly, the families connected to St Mary's, and in this community, who came from Ukraine and its neighboring countries, several of whom have family members still in that area.
Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one Father; to whom be dominion and glory, now and for ever. Amen. BCP 815
We had a wonderful turnout for our return of Sunday School.
The children learned songs, heard stories and did crafts that paralleled the Sunday Service.
Children between 5-12 are welcome with a parent or guardian attending Sunday Service. The class begins 9:45.
Our beloved coffee hour has returned. Please join us after service on Sundays to catch up and reconnect with your fellow parishioners.
If you would like to host please contact the office at 845-351-5122 or
Prayers of the Community
Parishioners we are praying for:
Barbara Beauregard
Bert Lucarelli
Bill Steinmann
Webb Turner
Kirby Warren
Friends and family members we are praying for:
Bishop Rodney Michel
Bishop Andrew St. John
John Kordel, friend of Fr Rick and Pete
Dawn Triantafillou, daughter of Bill Steinmann
Nicholas Triantafillou, Grandson of Bill Steinmann
Allan Moli Ochieng, Son of Elizabeth Ochieng
The Sanctuary candle is given in memory of Jane MacIntosh
by the Bush Family
Prayer requests may be made at
With spring just around the corner and spring fever sure to follow did you know that TPFYI has a complied list of local contactors vendors and services for our area.
TPFYI provides a great deal of information on all things Tuxedo related. It is independently funded by local donors and is run by long time residents Mary Gretzer and Meg Vaught.
An Invitation from the
Committee to Elect a Bishop
to Share Your Thoughts
The Committee to Elect a Bishop warmly invites and encourages lay and ordained members of the Diocese of New York to share their thoughts on
- the characteristics and qualities they want to see in the next Bishop Diocesan
- the major priorities of the Diocese of New York.
All responses will ONLY be shared with members of the Committee to Elect a Bishop.
Parish leaders: Please be sure to add this announcement to your parish newsletters! The committee would like to hear from anyone and everyone in the diocese.
Please click on the button below
and complete our simple online form
Monday, 3/21 delivery
Tuesday, 3/22 distribution
Wednesday, 3/23 distribution
Wednesday, 3/30 distribution
Tuxedo Park Library Terracycle Program
Memorial Day
The 17th Annual Memorial Day Community Picnic and Fundraiser will return this May! The Memorial Day committee has begun preparing for the 17th annual picnic, and we are looking for committee members to help plan this much-loved and well-attended event that raises money to support library programs.
If you are interested in joining the committee or volunteering on Memorial Day, please reach out to Cathy Sandak at or come into the library and fill out a volunteer form.
The event- scheduled from 12-2pm on Monday, May 30 on the Tuxedo Park Library grounds – will include music, entertainers, raffles, and family friendly activities.
Silver Dollars Social Group
The Tuxedo Silver Dollars is a social organization committed to providing a social gathering and valuable information for Tuxedo’s senior population. The group meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 1:00 PM in the Community Room at the Tuxedo Town Hall, 1 Temple Drive in Tuxedo NY. Refreshments are shared and prizes are won.
Switch up your daily routine and come to a meeting, visit a local attraction, go to a show or casino, or out to lunch with us. Membership is $15 a year to be part of Tuxedo’s most long-lived population of 50+. Any questions can be sent to:
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987