This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Upcoming Calendar
All services are offered in-person and online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).

Saturday, April 30
10am to 2pm - The Emporium is open

Sunday, May 1
10am - Holy Eucharist with Baptism
11am to 1pm - The Emporium is open
11:30am - Vestry Meeting

Wednesday, May 4
10am - Holy Eucharist
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

After the miracle of the Resurrection, scripture tells us of a number of appearances that our Lord made to his disciples. The detail that has always puzzled me is that in almost every case, he is initially unrecognized.

I am notoriously bad with names, but I never forget a face, and so it is difficult for me to put myself in the place of these disciples who had spent so much time in the presence of Jesus and yet failed to recognize him. Was he physically altered in the resurrection? Was there some sort of supernatural aura that was previously not perceptible to his friends? It seems that this will remain one of the great mysteries of this story, at least until we meet him ourselves. Perhaps the greater question we should ask is, Why does the gospel writer make such a point of these cases of mistaken identity? Why is this important for us to hear?

I think that maybe the simple answer lies in our own fickle nature, which is not unlike that of the people of ancient times. We strive to be the best disciples we can be, but like them, abandon, deny, or try to hide from him. Worse, we often fail to recognize him in others and even in ourselves. And yet, as with them, Jesus does not condemn or lose patience with us. He meets us on our road to Emmaus, reveals himself in the breaking of the bread, and calls to us again and again, "Follow me."

Easter Blessings,
Father Rick
Easter at St. Mary's
The joy of Easter Sunday arrived with a large congregation, plus members & friends online from around the world, all eager to hear the good news of the resurrection! Beautiful flowers and music filled the church, thanks to generous donations in memory and thanksgiving of loved ones (see list below). A festive coffee hour and Easter egg hunt followed. Please visit our Facebook page for video of the children flowering the cross and the entire service, as well as photos of the festivities. Many thanks to everyone who helped make the day possible!
In Memoriam
It is with sadness that I announce the death of Jim Cathcart, longtime chorister and member of St. Mary's, who passed away on March 10, in Kiawah Island, South Carolina, at the age of 85. Burial took place in South Carolina, with a memorial service at St. Mary's later this summer. May Jim's soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

Fr. Robÿn
Sunday School is back in full swing
The children are learning songs, reading stories and doing crafts that tie into the Sunday scripture readings.
Children between 5-12 are welcome with a parent or guardian attending Sunday Service. The class begins 9:45.
Contact the office at 8453515122 or with any questions.
Please join us for coffee hour after the service on Sundays to catch up and reconnect with your fellow parishioners.

If you would like to host please contact the office at 845-351-5122 or
Spring Cocktail Party on May 20th
Prayers of the Community

Parishioners we are praying for:
Barbara Beauregard
Bert Lucarelli
Bill Steinmann
Webb Turner
Kirby Warren

Friends and family members we are praying for:
Bishop Andrew St. John
John Kordel, friend of Fr Rick and Pete
Allan Moli Ochieng, son of Elizabeth Ochieng
Maria Powers, sister of Ann Powers Ho
Richard J. Schineller, friend of Inger Grüterich and former resident of Tuxedo
Dawn Triantafillou, daughter of Bill Steinmann
Nicholas Triantafillou, Grandson of Bill Steinmann

The Sanctuary candle is given in memory of
Mary and Gretel Bush, by Harrison Bush

Prayer requests may be made at
(845) 351-5122 or
Volunteers are needed for the following dates the at Sloatsburg Food Pantry located in All Souls Community Church, 81 Washington Ave, Suffern, NY 10901

  • Wed, 5/4 distribution
  • Tues, 5/10 delivery & distribution
  • Wed, 5/11 distribution
  • Wed, 5/18 distribution
  • Mon, 5/23 delivery
  • Tues, 5/24 distribution
  • Wed, 5/25 distribution

Please Contact St. Mary's (845) 351-5122 or The Sloatsburg Food Pantry (201) 394-0627 if you can help on any of the above dates. New volunteers click here to fill out your application form.
Thank you to everyone who donated to provide this year’s beautiful
Easter Flowers and Music

Father Robÿn and Pete Datos in memory of departed loved ones

Ed Cromey in loving memory of Pamela Bock Cromey, Edward Warren Cromey, Helen Louise Cromey, Howard Bock, and Marguerite Bock

Stephen Heater in loving memory of Marilyn and Joseph Heater

John Bowman and Cesar Venegas in loving memory of Julianne Bowman

The Bush Family in loving memory of our loved ones

Ann Ho in loving memory of Chu, Ho and Powers Families

Nancy Hays in loving memory of Richard and Rebecca

James Hays in loving memory of Helen, Douglas and Alexander Hays

G. Allen Fowlkes Jr. in loving memory of Lucy Allen Fowlkes and
George Allen Fowlkes

Dennis Trotter and Peter Bush in loving memory of Dr. Carole Weaver Linsner

Lois Annand in loving memory of John Annand

Fatima Sanandaji in loving memory of Mehrdad V. Sanandaji

Lili Charlie and Schuy Neuhauser in loving memory of Joan and Bill Neuhauser and Liane & Robert Lunny

Billy Mincey and Charlotte Worthy in loving memory of Mary Esther Mincey, William L. Mincey Sr. and Jack Armond Worthy

Inger Grüterich in loving memory of John Rein MD and Rolf Grüterich

JoAnn Hanson in loving memory of Ann & Joseph Hanson and Gladys &
William Barnett

Sally Sonne in loving memory of Chris Sonne

Sue Heywood in loving memory of Ada & Jim Masser and Alan Heywood

Serene Swirbul in memory of L. Philip Swirbul

The Ballard Family in thanksgiving for faith, family and friends

Frank & Wendy Favia in loving memory of  Natalie & Wilmer Thompson, Janet Churchill, Elsie & Alan Churchill, Anthony Favia Frank & Nunziata Favia and Eustachio & Josephine Tralli

Anne Wibiralske in loving memory of Mary & Fred Wibiralske and Ursula &
Gerhard Schiller

The Fuller Family in loving memory of departed family and friends

The De Mond Family in loving memory of Vladimir & Inna Borisov and Martin & Zenobia De Mond

Elizabeth Ochieng in loving memory of Antonia and Lizz Ochieng
Community Notices
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987