August 31, 2022

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This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo

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Upcoming Calendar

The 10am Sunday service is offered in-person and online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).

Saturday, September 3

10am to 2pm - The Emporium is open

Sunday, September 4

Please welcome Fr. Lloyd Prator

8am - Holy Eucharist (spoken, at the St. Mark's altar)

10am - Holy Eucharist (with music and hymns)

11am to 1pm - The Emporium is open

Wednesday, September 7

10am - Morning Prayer

From the Vestry 

It is with great joy that we are able to resurrect the Progressive Dinner this year!  It is a Park favorite and will be a terrific evening!

This year is noteworthy,  we have come out from under Covid and we have been fortunate to be able to feature two of our architecturally magnificent houses. The house that will be the venue for cocktails was the home of the same family for 117. Coster House, designed by William A. Bates in 1899, for Charles H. Coster, is located in a prominent spot on Tower Hill Loop, with lake views.

It was purchased by Charles Myers, about 3 years ago, beautifully renovated by new resident Ryan Lynch, along with Randy Florke, it now will be our first stop on Saturday, October 1st for cocktails.

Alex flew over 30 missions during WW2, most famously commanding “City of St. Louis” and was decorated with numerous medals for distinguished service. He told tales of his flying days, piloting bombers in WW2, surviving a horrible crash in 1942 (he was not at the helm!), or his beloved sailing adventures. He most generously donated the new boathouse to the Tuxedo Club a few years before his death. He happily told me of flying Bob Hope and his band for their USO tours, he was given a gold watch as a thank you from Hope.

 His mother now holds court in the bar at the Tuxedo Club, her portrait hangs over the fireplace, with her beloved dog.

 Alex was a true character and loved his house.  He happily mowed the lawns, tended the plants, had tennis players stay for Gold Racquets, hosted big, fun dinners, and loved sitting on the amazing porch with a drink and his pipe. Someone once asked how he kept his pipe dry when he was sailing in a storm, his answer, with his eyes twinkling, was to grasp his pipe and turn it upside down! 

In later years Alex could be found having lunch at the Orange Top Diner with the town DPW guys, pretty much every day, entertaining young children on his way out, then he would stop at the front gate, and his arm would reach out of his car with a  cup of tea he was delivering to Laurie, the gate guard!

Our cocktail host, Charles Myers, who bought the house from Alex’s estate and has lovingly restored it. It is a wonderful house and still retains so much of the warmth and original details. It holds many happy memories and we are very pleased to make a new one there on October 1st, Alex would be so very happy to look down upon, smile, and light his pipe once again!


While Fr. Robyn is away on a well earned vacation. Fr. Llyod our guest pastor will be here on Sundays. Fr. Cromey will be hosting Holy Eucharist on Wednesday mornings. He will also be available for any pastoral needs that may arise. Office Hours are available from Mon-Thurs 9am - 1pm 

Childcare Service
We are pleased to announce the return of our childcare service.

Parishioners attending our regular 10am service with any age child can avail of childcare, which is available in our newly designed Family Room located next to our offices. The service is available Sundays from 9:45 am till 11am.

Our young attendees are always welcome to join us for the liturgy and coffee hour after service in Bentley Hall. Please call the office at 845-351-5122 for any further information.

Up Coming Events


A heartfelt Thank You to all those who were able to donate to the Toiletry Drive. Quite a large box was collected today by Joyce from the food pantry. She was delighted and expressed on behave of the pantry how beneficial toiletry items are to the clients there. 

Prayers of the Community

Parishioners we are praying for:

Barbara Beauregard

Bert Lucarelli

Bill Steinmann

Webb Turner

Kirby Warren

Friends and family members we are praying for:

Bishop Andrew St. John

Jessica Cromey Buck, niece of Fr. Cromey

Kathy Catini, friend of Sandy McGrady

and longtime Tuxedo resident

John Kordel, friend of Fr Rick and Pete

Rob McQuilkin, longtime Tuxedo Park resident

Bob Myers, husband of Marie-Claude Wrenn

Allan Moli Ochieng, son of Elizabeth Ochieng

Brendan Pascarella, relative of Gillian Ballard

Richard J. Schineller, friend of Inger Grüterich

and former resident of Tuxedo

Nicholas Triantafillou, Grandson of Bill Steinmann

The sanctuary candle is given in loving memory of Abbas Khazaneh father and grandfather, by Manda & Fatima Sanandaji.

Prayer requests may be made at

(845) 351-5122 or

Volunteers are needed for the Sloatsburg Food Pantry located in All Souls Community Church, 81 Washington Ave, Suffern, NY 10901

Help is need for the following dates:

  • Wed, 9/7 distribution 
  • Tues, 9/13 delivery & distribution 
  • Wed, 9/14 distribution
  • Mon, 9/19 delivery
  • Wed, 9/21 distribution
  • Tues, 9/27 distribution
  • wed, 9/28  distribution

Please Contact St. Mary's (845) 351-5122 or The Sloatsburg Food Pantry (201) 394-0627 if you can help on any of the above dates. New volunteers click here to fill out your application form.

If you are someone you know are in need these are the available distribution times for June & July
Community Notices

The last one in the series of the Sloatsburg  Summer Concert Series for 2022

August 31st

from 7-8pm

at the Mill Street Park, Sloatsburg Train Station

Mr. Kurt Gallagher’s Music Program “Songs for Playful Children” keeps audiences busy! Children ages one & up will have a blast moving, giggling & making music as they stomp, slap, clap, & flap along to Kurt’s interactive songs. All the while the children won’t realize they’re learning about music and language, as Kurt sings linguistically playful songs while demonstrating several instruments and various guitars, including a home-made, recycled, Gas Can Guitar. With smaller “Mommy & Me” audiences, Kurt shares drums, maraca, and scarves with all the young musicians.


Mr. Kurt Gallagher has been making music with young people every day for 30 years, performing for schools, libraries, camps & various organizations. His programs are always educational, entertaining & engaging.

Kurt’s on a lifelong journey to show children that music is made by people, not machines. He wants children to make as much music as possible during his performances, as he encourages them to slap, clap, shake, stretch, spin, stomp & sing along. He also hopes to spark their interest in language by showing how much fun stories can be. Time flies as Kurt does songs and gags with guitar, ukulele, jaw harp, slide whistle, limberjack puppets, & other musically silly stuff. A talented and imaginative songwriter, Kurt Gallagher has made six albums of original music for children and a DVD of a concert performance in New York City.

How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987