This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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All services are offered in-person and online on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).
Christmas Eve: Friday, December 24
4pm - Family service at St. Mary's
6pm - Service at St. John's in Arden
9pm - Traditional concert and "Midnight Mass" at St. Mary's
Christmas Day: Saturday, December 25
10am - Holy Eucharist with carols
Sunday, December 26
10am - First Sunday after Christmas - Holy Eucharist
Wednesday, December 29
10am - Holy Eucharist
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Today I was sitting at my desk and working on getting all of the end of year things taken care of. In doing so, I filled out the rest of the year’s services in the register book. It is my practice to write at the end of the year, “Finem Ano …” Last year I wrote, “Finem Ano MMXX, Deo gracias.” I clearly had a rosy outlook for the new year, as did many of you, no doubt. This year, I wrote, “Finem Ano MMXXI, kyrie eleison.” Lord, have mercy… certainly a different frame of mind this Christmas.
We have much to be thankful for, and yet it would be disingenuous to ignore the fact that this Christmas season is marked by exhaustion and disappointment. We take two steps forward, and one step back. I know a number of people whose holiday plans were upended by covid. And while I was initially sad that my mother wasn’t coming to visit, I am now grateful that she won’t be traveling this year.
Christmas is one of the Church’s great festivals of light. So in spite of the darkness, Christians everywhere take hope in the birth of the light of the nations, Jesus Christ. Over the past 2000+ years, Christmas has always come. Perhaps it is celebrated in a simpler or different way, but it comes nonetheless.
We will celebrate the birth of our savior with beauty and dignity this year. We will also be following the New York State guidelines of requiring face coverings for everyone. I am sorry to have to say this at this time, but it seems the prudent thing to do. Please know that the Lay leadership and I have been doing our best over the last two years to keep our brothers and sisters safe, while allowing the most physical access to worship possible. And to those of you who continue to worship online, we love you and long to be together again. We will not discontinue our livestream anytime soon.
So while this Christmas might not be what we had hoped for, let us focus on its true meaning: the coming of God’s love into the world. I pray that this year, we internalize that message, and have the strength to soldier on together until we come to the other side.
Father Rick
Angel Tree & Christmas Outreach
Our traditional Angel Tree gifts for local families on low and uncertain incomes will go this year to 37 families who have a total of 73 children. A festive gift bag will be delivered to each family containing a $50 ShopRite gift card and a $50 Amazon Gift Card for each child. The total cost to St Mary’s Outreach fund is $5,500. Thanks to TPS, the bag will also contain hats, scarves and gloves for all the family.
Many of these families have suffered as a result of sickness or unemployment, so this boost at the start of the winter will provide that little extra, and help to make that longed for ‘Happy Christmas’.
Stirred by the sight of homeless men living under the thruway just off Rte 59 on the way into Suffern, St Mary’s is buying sleeping bags for those and others, who, for various reasons, are afraid to go into the overnight warming shelters. Helping Hands of Rockland is assisting us in delivery and identifying others who are still sleeping rough. We are also funding 50 Macdonald’s gift cards at $15 each to give out at the bagged breakfast/ lunch program in Spring Valley.
We will be very grateful for any donations towards the Angel Tree and other Christmas Outreach. You can donate online or mail a check to St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo PO Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987. Please write "Angel Tree" in the memo.
Funding of St. Mary’s Outreach is separate from pledged monies and donations which fund the running of the church. Outreach has income from an endowment that amounts to around $14,000 a year. Beyond that we depend on grants and donations. Grants amounted to $26,000 in 2020.
In 2020 our outreach to address hunger, homelessness, poverty, sickness, national disasters, and inequality of educational opportunity amounted to $121,000.
Many, many thanks for your generosity.
Sue Heywood, Outreach Chair
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987