This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Upcoming Calendar
All services are being live-streamed on Facebook (you do not need a Facebook account to participate).

Saturday, October 17
9pm - Compline

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, October 18
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and livestreamed)
11:30am - Vestry Meeting (via Zoom)

Tuesday, October 20
5pm - Evening Prayer
5:30pm - Fall Book Group (via Zoom)

Wednesday, October 21
10am - Holy Eucharist (in-person and livestreamed)

Thursday, October 22
5pm - Evening Prayer

Saturday, October 24
6pm to 7:30pm - Fall Festive Cocktails
9pm - Compline
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

On Wednesday, St. Mary’s celebrated our official consecration day. For 132 years, our church has been blessed and set aside for the worship of Almighty God, and for the work of bringing about his kingdom. Through times of prosperity and great adversity the light of Christ has never been extinguished in this place.

Just stop for a minute to think about the history that has been lived and prayed through inside our walls— wars, economic depressions, pandemics. Kings and presidents have come and gone. Nations have risen and fallen. Indeed, our world would seem quite alien to someone from 1888.

The current state of the world has caused us to have to be creative and to reevaluate the way we do things. A page of history has turned, and we will be forever changed by it. But with that forced change comes a renewed sense of vigor and an excitement about what could be. There is a great sense of possibility in the air, and I pray that we will have the eyes to see and ears to hear where the Spirit will lead us in the future.

Our changeless God has set us in the midst of a constantly changing creation. Let us prove ourselves to be faithful and effective stewards by honoring our past, rising to the challenges of our day, and preparing for the next 132 years and beyond.


Father Rick
Limited Number of Tickets Still Available
In order to protect everyone’s health in our community, the Progressive Dinner will not be held this year. Instead, we will have cocktails and hors d’oeuvres under the nearly full “Blue Moon” at the Tuxedo Club (outdoor heated porch, overlooking Tuxedo Lake) and encourage people to have small private dinners afterwards.

Due to coronavirus concerns and restrictions, this event will be strictly limited to the first 50 people who sign up.

All proceeds benefit the many good works of St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo. Tickets are $175 per person. This event is normally the single biggest fundraiser of the year for the church, and we hope you’ll be understanding of the change in format. Please keep an eye out for emails and on our website, as we do hope to have other smaller events as we are able.
Join EpiscoBuild at Habitat for Humanity Breakfast
St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo has been actively involved in Habitat for Humanity Newburgh for many years. Please contact George Thurston to join the EpiscoBuild "table" at this year's Virtual Ask Breakfast on October 20th at 8am. It will be an opportunity to learn more about the great works of this organization and how you can help. You may also make a donation directly online or using this pledge form, just be sure to note Episcobuild on the form or webpage. Finally, for some fun and learning, please watch the video of the Pete Seeger concert that we helped organize a while ago. Enjoy! Dr. George D. Thurston.
Fall Book Group Continues October 20th
Remember that our book group will meet on Tuesdays at 5:30pm (October 13, 20, and 27) for a local discussion (via Zoom) of a very important book that people throughout our diocese will be reading this fall. All are welcome to join the discussion. If you are reading the book and haven't yet received the Zoom link, please email
Attention Amazon Shoppers
Do you shop regularly on Amazon? If so, you can choose St. Mary's as your favorite charity and Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to the church. Just be sure to shop on and choose St. Mary's in Tuxedo as your favorite charity.
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987