Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Mother's day is upon us, and I know that many are making plans for the special day, whether it be a lovely brunch, a family get-together, or a long-distance telephone call. My mom's card and gift were in the mail to Arizona last Friday, and I hope that they will make it on time.
As we prepare to celebrate and remember our own mothers, the Church also remembers a special mother in its calendar this week. She is part of a rare mother-son saintly duo: St. Monnica, mother of St. Augustine of Hippo.
Monnica was born about 331 to Berber parents in North Africa, and was married to a pagan of Tagaste named Patricius. Together they had three children. Though not without personal ambition and worldly tastes, she nevertheless grew to a state of Christian maturity and spiritual insight through her deep life of prayer.
She longed for her gifted son to be converted to Christ, and in 387 he was baptized by St. Ambrose of Milan. While they were awaiting a ship bound for home, she became ill and died in Ostia near Rome.
St. Augustine would go on to be regarded as one of the greatest theologians the Church ever produced, and indeed, theology students to this day examine his writings closely. Monnica's influence over him was great, and continued even after her death.
Recent excavations at Ostia have uncovered her original tomb, though her mortal remains were translated in 1430 to the Church of St. Augustine in Rome.
Easter Blessings,
Father Rick