This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Sunday, September 15
8am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit
9:50am - Infant/childcare and Sunday School
10am - Holy Eucharist in the Nave with choir and organ
Food and fellowship follows in Bentley Hall
11:30am - Vestry Meeting
Wednesday, September 18
10am - Holy Eucharist in Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Saturday, September 21
8:30am to 2pm - Yard Sale at the Tuxedo Train Station
Sunday, September 22
8am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit
9:50am - Infant/childcare and Sunday School
10am - Holy Eucharist in the Nave with choir and organ
Food and fellowship follows in Bentley Hall
8:30am to 2pm - Yard Sale at the Tuxedo Train Station
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons
But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
St. Mary’s has always been a community church. We are the spiritual home to those who are regular Sunday attendees as well as those who only come for weddings and funerals. The impact we have on our home and the world is tremendous. Often, though, the work goes on quietly and without a lot of fanfare. I think this is the way our Lord would want it. But with that quietness, the need can be overlooked. As Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”
What gifts do you have through the Spirit of God? Nothing offered in his name is small. Whether you are called to serve on the Vestry, or the Altar Guild, or as an Usher, or Lector, or Acolyte, all work together for the building up of God’s kingdom.
Right now, we are in especial need of lectors, acolytes, and ushers. These roles are vital to our hospitality and worship, yet require minimal commitment and training. Please
let me know
if you feel called to one of these important ministries.
Blessings, Father Rick
Yard Sale September 21-22
St Mary’s Yard Sale aims to provide quality items that your family may have outgrown or grown tired of and can be recycled for others’ use. The funds raised go to outreach locally, and to support the orphans we provide for in South Africa. Your donations are tax deductible.
Donations for our upcoming Yard Sale can be dropped off at St Mary’s until Sept 20th during office hours (M-F, 9-1) or left on the Chapel Porch at other times. We will be selling household items, clothing and shoes for all ages, sports equipment, toys, jewelry, handbags, bric a brac, bikes, antiques,small electric appliances, pictures, etc.
NO BOOKS OR TVs or DVD PLAYERS PLEASE. If you have furniture please bring to the Train Station direct and be prepared to take it away if it does not sell. Everything must be clean and in working order. Thank you for your support!
If you can volunteer any time to help transport goods to the Train Station, serve at the sale, or sort donations prior to the sale days please call St Mary’s Office at 351-5122, or Sue Heywood at 351-3473.
Please join us for a bi-annual tradition, Dinner in the Nave! Note the date for the dinner has been changed -- it will now be held on November 23, 2019.
The pews are removed from the historic nave of the church and a splendid candlelit dinner is served, accompanied by music and an auction of fabulous items!
We are currently seeking donations for the auction, which can include, but are not limited to: art, antiques & jewelry; fine wines & spirits; gift baskets; experiences such as vacation homes, hotel stays, tours, shows or dinners; and services.
Please contact Jane Garofano or email
in the church office (phone is 845.351.5122) if you have any questions or would like to donate an item for the auction.
Hurricane Dorian slammed into the northern Bahamas as a Category 5 storm, devastating Grand Bahama and the Abaco Islands with torrential winds, rains and a storm surge of up to 25 feet. More than 70,000 were affected and the full extent of the destruction is yet to be determined.
Working through the Anglican Alliance, Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) is providing support as the Anglican Diocese of the Bahamas & the Turks and Caicos conducts needs assessments of the island communities. Led by the Rt. Rev. Laish Z. Boyd, diocesan staff and clergy, many of whom themselves have been impacted by the storm, are working to identify unmet needs of the most vulnerable communities. It is in these gaps that the Church can play a unique role, both in immediate relief and in long-term recovery.
The Outreach Committee will be making a donation to ERD and will forward your donations as well. Please consider
making an outreach donation
and designate the Hurricane Relief fund.
Walk to End Alzheimer's October 20th
Join our team "Chris’ Crew" with Captain Sally Sonne. Participate in a 2-mile (not very difficult) Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Sunday, October 20, in Rockland County. We hope that you will join the team by walking or donating.
A cure is on the horizon, and, hopefully, will be discovered before we or our children are stricken. Alzheimer’s is truly a sad and devastating condition for the patient and for family and friends. Sally knows that Chris would want to do anything he could to end Alzheimer’s. For her, this walk is to honor him and give hope and help for a cure.
Registration begins at 9am, with a ceremony at 10am and the walk at 10:20am. Location is Palisades Credit Union Park Stadium (Rockland Boulders), Rockland/Pomona, NY.
All are truly welcome at St. Mary's, which is located within the historic gates of Tuxedo Park and serves the entire Tuxedo community. Please tell the gatehouse you're going to St. Mary's, proceed thru the gates and we're on the right (plenty of parking available).
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
PreSchool: 845.351.2389
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987