This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Saturday, March 3, John and Charles Wesley, Priests, 1791
5pm - Vigil Eucharist in the Church
Sunday, March 4, The Third Sunday in Lent
8 am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
9 am - Enquirer's Class in the Chapel
9:50 am - Sunday School starts and infant/childcare provided
10 am - Holy Eucharist in the Church with choir and organ
Coffee Hour follows in Bentley Hall
Wednesday, March 7, Perpetua and her Companions, Martyrs at Carthage, 202
10 am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
11 am - Chapel for Preschool 3’s and 4’s
Thursday, March 8, Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln, 1910
11 am - Chapel for Preschool 2's
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Even though the nor'easter is in full swing at the moment, my thoughts are still of the wonderful preview of spring that we experienced earlier in the week. What a joy it was to get outside and get my hands in the soil--even if it did result in poison ivy. I consider that irritant to be a gardener's battle scar.
During the last big snow storm we lost a large limb in one of the fir trees up at the rectory. On Monday, it was gobbled up by a wood chipper, and the second wave of tree work was completed along the driveway and Fox Hill sides of the yard. Several truckloads of chips and debris were hauled away, opening up the yard to more light and air flow, while preserving the mature trees. One area that was opened up was the large boulder upon which one corner of the house sits. Once cleared of vines and other invasives, it will be a beautiful natural feature, enhanced by strategic plantings of native species.
Friends of ours in Philadelphia who have created a gorgeous landscape in their yard describe the garden as having "moments" instead of spaces or rooms. With the inspiring geographical features of Fox Hill, I can already imagine some beautiful moments here. I believe that beauty plays a vital role in our theology, both inside and outside the church. I am looking forward to sharing the beauty of creation with you this spring, and for many seasons to come.
Fr Rick
Lenten Learning for Youth
Using last Sunday's gospel verse about taking up your cross, Sunday Schoolers Annabelle, Elizabeth and Alexandre began working on stained glasses crosses to decorate our Lenten altar/windowsill. By Easter, we hope to have lots of crosses and a deeper understanding of Lent. All children are welcome to participate in Sunday School -- it starts with class every Sunday at 9am and the kids then join the service around 10:30 for communion.
Lenten Learning for Adults
Lent will feature an Enquirer's class, with everything you always wanted to know about the Episcopal Church but were afraid to ask. Whether you are a cradle Episcopalian, brand new to the faith, or just curious about art and history, please join Fr. Rick in an exploration of all things Anglican. We will cover everything from the creeds to couture!
Two of the delights of Easter at St. Mary's are the lovely Easter lilies and the addition of a brass quartet to our wonderful choir, organ and piano. If you would like to participate in making all this happen and honor/remember someone on this great festive day, please make a donation as soon as possible by using the envelopes provided in the church or sending a check to St. Mary's (memo line: Easter flowers/music). Names of all those remembered/honored received by Monday, March 26, will appear in the Easter bulletins and the following Sunday as we enjoy the lilies for two weeks.
Welcome to the Vestry Class of 2020, and many thanks to member Bill Steinmann for creating custom shirts! The Vestry is an important ministry of our church. Much more than simply paying bills and approving contracts, service on the vestry is a spiritual discipline in which all members prayerfully undertake the stewardship of all of our resources so that God's work can be done here.
Our Vestry:
- Matthew Hlavka, Senior Warden
- William Mincey, Junior Warden
- Class of 2018: Jane Garofano, Sue Heywood, George Thurston
- Class of 2019: John Cassis, Calvin DeMond, Elyse Fuller
- Class of 2020: Frank Favia, Lili Neuhauser, Bill Steinmann
All are truly welcome at St. Mary's, which is located within the historic gates of Tuxedo Park and serves the entire Tuxedo community. Please tell the gatehouse you're going to St. Mary's, proceed thru the gates and we're on the right (plenty of parking available).
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
PreSchool: 845.351.2389
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987